Im teaching myself based off a few test scripts a friend sent me. This was working fine I added something to do it and now for 3 hours idk why it wont overlooking something im sure. Any help please?
my $=info = quest::saylink("info", 1);
my $=gate = quest::saylink("gate", 1);
if ($text =~/hail/i) {
plugin::Whisper("Hey $name. Welcome to Carnage. I can give you some $info about the server. Make sure you get a $gate item too!");
if ($text =~/gate/i) {
plugin::Whisper("summon it emwtf!");
if ($text =~/info/i) {
plugin::DiaWind("The slaughter awaits! {gold}Carnage Reborn!~ <br> {bullet} {lb} Some cool custom stuff im trying to add!~ <br> {bullet} {lb} Max level 70~ <br> {bullet} {lb} Fully Custom end game content!~ <br> {bullet} {lb} 2-3 Box Minimum not sure yet~ <br> {bullet} {lb} End Game Storyline!~ ");
Tia <3