The following is all the options you have available for dealing with max IP's, the description shows what each is used for, some in conjuction with others.
World:AddMaxClientsPerIP -1 Maximum number of clients allowed to connect per IP address if account status is < ExemptMaxClientsStatus. Default value: -1 (feature disabled)
World:AddMaxClientsStatus -1 Accounts with status >= this rule will be allowed to use the amount of accounts defined in the AddMaxClientsPerIP. Default value: -1 (feature disabled)
World:ExemptMaxClientsStatus -1 Exempt accounts from the MaxClientsPerIP and AddMaxClientsStatus rules, if their status is >= this value. Default value: -1 (feature disabled)
World:MaxClientsPerIP -1 Maximum number of clients allowed to connect per IP address if account status is < AddMaxClientsStatus. Default value: -1 (feature disabled)
World:MaxClientsSetByStatus false If true, IP Limiting will be set to the status on the account as long as the status is > MaxClientsPerIP
World:MaxClientsSimplifiedLogic false New logic that only uses ExemptMaxClientsStatus and MaxClientsPerIP. Done on the loginserver. This mimics the P99-style special IP rules