Sorry for the nostalgic moments i am having, but I run into a couple things from back in 2010, when i first joined up with this hobby of headaches.
First pic is an old post 2010 server list, which you can view the thread here:
The thread was started, because (are you ready for this one ?), they were having problems with the public login server.
It was kind of kewl to compare that list with the current one, which some of those servers, even 2 on the white list are still here. AXCLASSIC being one of them. Much respect for that one holding on for all these years, without getting caught up in the drama of "population" obssession.
This second pic is my first support post, back in Oct/2010, a total newb going through the trials and tribulations of learning how to compile the source code, etc. Ironicly, I still have my first (complete) server on my windows box here, which still runs good, except the quests won't work unless I install some older perl and junk to go with those old binaries. I've used some of the data from that server to incorporate into my Ever Luclin project. Almost 11 years now, but there's some old dinosaurs that have been around, years before I came along.