Originally Posted by somedude01
I keep getting a database error (could not connect to database) every time I try to load the item database, have it set up like this:
Database name: Dumpeditems
Database user: eqemu
database password: eqemu
database location: address used for server)
Everquest Directory: C:\Program Files\Everquest
anyone know the right way to set this up(also tried extracting, putting in .sql with unzipped and zipped versions)
BTW, also using updated DB(I think, the one Mangoo posted)
First off, I am hoping that is not your real info in there, else someone reading this will most likely try and get in there. The first thing you might want to try to do is connect to the server with MySQL-Front. If you don't already have this, you can find a link of it somewhere on these boards, do a search for it in 3rd Party Tools. By doing this you can double check that you have given access to outside computers to the MySQL server. If there isn't, you'll want to create a new MySQL account with the host address of '%'. Hopefully that will help you out a bit becuase I can't think of anything else :P .