Im new to eqemu, so please excuse any newbieness..
anyways, I just found out about eqemu like 3 days ago, so I have the newest client patches. And of course, I find out that all kinds of stuff is broken. So I have been hacking on it a little...
I have gotten a login server emulator up so that I can coerce the EQ client to connect to my local eqemu server... I can then create a new character without problems... And so I ran into the inability to connect to a zone, like many seem to be experiencing... So i did some research and looking at code, to little avail..
i ended up getting bored, and wondering what ever happened to showEQ... I used to use it when I played like 2 years+ ago, so I went to check out their project, and found a relavent post:
so anyways, the moral of my story is that I got it working. The only change was:
/*0344*/ AA_Array aa_array[122]; // Length may not be right but i assume no class has more than this
uint8 unknown0524[720]; //7-14-04 patch... maybe pet data...
/*not 0588 anymore*/ char servername[64]; // length probably not right
I can now connect to my local zone servers, get logged in, and do stuff. I have never played another eqemu server, so I dont know what is broken or just different.. I can walk around, zone, talk to shop keepers, kill shit, gain a level, cast spells... stuff seems to be pretty functional.
One major problem I had was when I made an elf that started in kelthin (sp?), I was in a black room with a couple faintly lit walls, and I couldent move... so I just made another character
I just thought I would share this with you guys, maybe it will help something somewhere... I am now happy as I can log in to my local server. Hopefully it is actually playable for a while, until a more complete update to eqemu comes out.
I dont know if any of you guys keep an active eye on the showeq project, and since they are in a very similar market, why not take advantage of their knowledge. (and im sure code is sharing anyways, their packet header is very similar to eqemu's)