I thought I would let everybody know about a detail that I identified recently about items.
They have a field which was called 'Skill', which was not really well defined. I have changed the name of this field to ItemUse, and identified all the possible values of this field.
Im announcing this in case anybody gets ambitious and wants to take advantage of this new information for whatever.
I have allready implemented:
archery ammo consumption
use of all types of bandages, not just 1
** Item uses
enum ItemUses
ItemUse1HS = 0,
ItemUse2HS = 1,
ItemUsePierce = 2,
ItemUse1HB = 3,
ItemUse2HB = 4,
ItemUseBow = 5,
ItemUseThrowing = 7,
ItemUseShield = 8,
ItemUseArmor = 10,
ItemUseUnknon = 11, //A lot of random crap has this item use.
ItemUseLockPick = 12,
ItemUseFood = 14,
ItemUseDrink = 15,
ItemUseLightSource = 16,
ItemUseStackable = 17, //Not all stackable items are this use...
ItemUseBandage = 18,
ItemUseThrowingv2 = 19,
ItemUseSpell = 20, //spells and tomes
ItemUsePotion = 21,
ItemUseWindInstr = 23,
ItemUseStringInstr = 24,
ItemUseBrassInstr = 25,
ItemUseDrumInstr = 26,
ItemUseArrow = 27,
ItemUseJewlery = 29,
ItemUseKey = 33,
ItemUse2HPierce = 35,
ItemUseFishingPole = 36,
ItemUseFishingBait = 37,
ItemUseAlcohol = 38,
ItemUseCompass = 40,
ItemUsePoison = 42, //might be wrong, but includes poisons
ItemUseHand2Hand = 45,
ItemUseCharm = 52,
ItemUseAugment = 54,