Not needed. Quests are not OP Codes they are perl quests.
Muramite Runes are for Spells, or Combat abilities:
Minor 66
Lesser 67
Muramite 68
Greater 69
Glowing 70 (Normal)
Ancient lvl 70 Ancient (spell line).
(so all the information can be found about zones and spells from the files in EQ directory)
No need for:
GoD - Expidition
Zoning into new zones (Drankins Scar, Bloodfields, Nobles Causeway, WoS, etc.)
So, I should Packet collect:
*The new zones (trials in Proving grounds-Instanced zones).
*Expeditions from Dranik's Scar.
*New AA's as I buy them.
Need someone to - Packet Collect new Guild Tribute Activation
Does the new Raid Management abilities Need to be collected? (Move players(1-12), Raid Invite, Raid Remove, Make Raid Leader, Make Group Leader, remove group leader, Lock Raid, Unlock Raid) - although still buggy on moving a leader of a grp into another group (really messes up if you do that!)