I'm having some weird issues with my account flagging. I've done the following while setting up my DB:
INSERT INTO variables (varname, value, information) VALUES ('LoginType', 'Minilogin', 'Set this to Minilogin to login using a minilogin server :)');
alter table account add minilogin_ip varchar(32) not null;
Also, I created a new account in the DB with status 250 by doing the following:
insert into account (name,status, minilogin_ip) values('username',250,'');
Here's the issue.... even though when I query the status level it reports my account as status 250, in the game I'm at a much lower access level (I show up as *Apprentice Guide* on /who and cannot use any of the higher level # commands). Neither minilogin, world, or zone are showing any errors. I'm at a loss :( Any help would be useful....