I think it might be a lot of work but I'm asking if you guys can set a variable for a PvP reward.
Example: (if the ServerType is set to 1)
Add in the variables table a variable named: "PvPreward" (0, 1,2 or 3).
0 = If you get pk'd, noone can loot your corpse.
1 = If you get pk'd, the Pker's group (if grouped) can loot 1 items of your corpse. (including the no-drop)
2 = If you get pk'd, the Pker's group (if grouped) can loot all the items in your corpses.
3 = If you get pk'd, the Pker's group (if grouped) can loot an item that's set in a second variable named 'PvPitem' (wich is the ID of the item you want to see in the corpse of someone you killed).
Just wondering if it's possible
Have fun,