""" 1) #bot spawn - equipped bots are naked until they are grouped. scared the hell out of me, thinking all my bots gear was gone!
2) Mage bot inventory is not saved. I'll go through all the other classes today and let you know if there are more.""""
John> yes, you will only deal (and see their their stuff) with bots if they are grouped or raiding.
As for the mage's inventory, it's working as intended. What happened exactly ? was the bot grouped ?
""" Is it a known issue that when you are grouped with a bot that the corpse vanishes without the chance to loot? """
Topgun1969/Zengez> Are you talking about the bot's corpse or the killed npc's corpse ? because, yes, you can't loot the corpse of your bot.
Now, if you're talking about the killed mob's corpse, this shouldn't happen. I've made a good amount of tests today and didn't notice that. Could you give more info please.
Marie> did