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Old 08-05-2013, 01:40 PM
Drakiyth's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2012
Posts: 549

Originally Posted by Maze_EQ View Post
Hrmmm cant load it using underfoot...sad day. don't even wanna troubleshoot my issues.
Our forums is a good place to help with that.

SERVER FIXES - 08/05/13

Please download and install the 08/05/13 spell/string files.

• All mobs now have a 15 minute spawn timer up from 5.
This was changed so mobs wouldn't pile up so many
corpses in a zone and cause dreadful lag spikes.

• Mobs now have 8 different code levels instead of 4.
• NORMAL ZONES (Designed for Solo up to 1 group now)
• Minion Power Rank (MPR)
• Lieutenant Power Rank (LPR)
• Boss Power Rank (BPR)
• Overlord Power Rank (OPR)

• RAID ZONES (Designed for 2 Groups or more)
• Trooper Power Rank (TPR)
• Champion Power Rank (CPR)
• General Power Rank (GPR)
• Deity Power Rank (DPR)

• Mobs have new drop tables based on their code.
• MPR = 7% - 1 item
• LPR = 14% - 2 items
• BPR = 100% - 4 items
• OPR = 100% - 8 items
• TPR = 7% - 2 items
• CPR = 14% - 4 items
• GPR = 100% - 8 items
• DPR = 100% - 16 items

• Some mobs have had their codes changed.
• All named mobs in lower rank zones are now
bosses/overlords. Some mobs are now lieutenants.

• Increased the chance for path charm items to drop
to 20% up from 10.25% due to the new spawn rates.

• The AOE range of all AoE swarm pet spells is now 30
down from 80 to 100. AoE swarmers will need to get
very close now. This will ultimately save huge on
lag due to not being able to kite an entire zone due
to the risk of dying now or the fact you can't hit
as many mobs spread out.

• Crime Boss Blackmoon now has a 50% chance to drop the
Planar Guide to Sigil epic quest item.

• The Remains needed in Veksar drop 100% of the time now.

• Orc and Goblin invaders (newbie area) have a 50% chance
to drop scorched bones now for the Marshock Scalefist Quest.

• Orc and Goblin invaders have a much higher chance to drop
rugged armor and weapons now and they also drop new path
weapon types like martial swords and pain blades etc.

• Fixed laggy areas in Old Kurns Tower where mobs would
constantly keep buffing themselves.

• Veksar, Fallen, Monkey Rock and Darkblood Tower are all
now considered raids and have the new npc codes.

• Power Rank 1 through 4 zones are now considered normal.

• More normal power rank zones will be coming in the future
for Power Rank 5,6,7,8 and higher so solo/small group
players have more content.
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Old 08-05-2013, 02:09 PM
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Even after all those changes we are still experiencing lag spikes. We are trying to figure out what's causing them so bear with us.
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Old 08-05-2013, 07:25 PM
Fire Beetle
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Posts: 7

Nice update there drak! I had quit playing here about a week ago but if the lag gets fixed i may have to return.
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Old 08-05-2013, 07:51 PM
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We found the issue! Thanks to Akkadius and Lillu for the help!

The items were constantly being checked for who discovered what and with 500+ items on mobs it was causing massive taxing.

Need everybody to log in and stress test the hell out of the server! So far been auto attacking for 10 minutes with no lag at all!
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Old 08-05-2013, 10:01 PM
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We are still experiencing some lag issues but it's not with loot anymore.
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Old 08-08-2013, 04:19 AM
Drakiyth's Avatar
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Please download the latest files 08/07/13 on our launcher or the website.

• Bots have been disabled to see if it fixes lag.

• Players now gain dedication points by purchasing them with VarCredits at the new
Dedication Scroll Vendor. This change was made because players were losing points with
a bug that was happening with the old system. This will let a player buy a few scrolls,
get their points, buy their consumables from the vendor and get on with their day with
no worry of losing them.

• Dedication points are currently not earned anymore by staying online until we get the
system fixed. This fix will come in a few days more than likely.

• NPCs in both normal zones and raid zones have been toned down a bit to balance the game out.
Some zones were far too difficult to handle. This change has mainly reduced spell damage,
healing power, melee damage and hit points. These mobs are still a challenge but aren't
impossible to kill anymore.

• Fixed some bosses in Fallen from spawning unlimited mobs. The mobs now go away when you leave
combat as intended.

• Fixed all the HP on bosses when you engage them. Some bosses were starting with the incorrect
amount of hp. This script is in so players can't just leave combat and fight the boss over and
over again while it never heals up. Bosses will always heal to full when engaged.

• New Heroic Vendor Loot: Mythical Donator: Moozilla's Symbol of Power (Type 8 Aug), Custom
Donator: Moozilla's Chestplate of Destructive Force (Destructive Force AA monk Rank 1)
for 10 seconds, 60 second CD. Allows a player to hit everything around them with their
weapon for a short duration. You too can be a custom donator! Check our options out on
the donation page and get the server loaded with cool stuff!

• Undead bodytypes have been acting strange with their older settings so they have been changed
to another type of undead which seems to be working better.

• Champion (shaman) now stacks with Virulent Savage's Shroud of Sickness and other melee buffs.

• Scrivener tome pets now have their own spell list of five 60+ wizard nukes they chain cast on
their enemies. This path's pet does a lot more damage now.

• Witch Doctors no longer have the old Totemic Energy to confuse and crash them. Please forget
and relearn all of your spells if you're a Witch Doctor.

• Removed the MAX value for many bard songs. This allows percussion damage songs and others
to be increased by instrument bonuses that couldn't before.

• Sunbearer's Protector of the Blazing Sun now has the correct duration of 1 hour.

• Some AA powers have been removed completely due to not working or working and being OP in pvp.
• Stalwart Endurance
• Dauntless Perseverance
• Armor of Wisdom I and II
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Old 08-08-2013, 03:44 PM
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The test has been very successful with both bots and the global dedication points script turned off. No reports whatsoever of lag of any kind since the server came back up around 1:00am last night. (close to 12 hours of testing).

The issue is either the bots or the script in the background. Since bots are disabled I have turned the dedication point script back on and ask everybody on here to log into Varlyndria and test it out for lag. If there is none than the culprit for the spikes is the bots and I will be removing them from the server if that's the case. Varlyndria: Ascension is a very big time group server now and a lot of fixes have went through since launch so please give it another shot if you tried it before.

This is actually very good news because we at least found the problem to play on a lag-free server again.

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Old 08-08-2013, 04:32 PM
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Originally Posted by Drakiyth View Post
The test has been very successful with both bots and the global dedication points script turned off. No reports whatsoever of lag of any kind since the server came back up around 1:00am last night. (close to 12 hours of testing).

The issue is either the bots or the script in the background. Since bots are disabled I have turned the dedication point script back on and ask everybody on here to log into Varlyndria and test it out for lag. If there is none than the culprit for the spikes is the bots and I will be removing them from the server if that's the case. Varlyndria: Ascension is a very big time group server now and a lot of fixes have went through since launch so please give it another shot if you tried it before.

This is actually very good news because we at least found the problem to play on a lag-free server again.

I've been telling you it is bots the whole time........... LOL
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Old 08-08-2013, 04:53 PM
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Yeah, you're right Akkadius. LOL

Just turned bots back on and spike central.
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Old 08-08-2013, 05:29 PM
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We have finally found the main source of lag spikes and it was coming from bots. The current build we are on does not support bots very good and it's causing major problems in the database running them. Overall to eliminate the lag and make your experience on the server better we had to axe them. A new buff-bot will be joining the server soon and it will help new players out a bit. We encourage players to group in Varlyndria: Ascension, but don't want solo players feeling left out completely. There are paths that are better for groups and some that are great at soloing just like live EQ. I wish we could of kept them but the source code is a nightmare to fix and honestly the server needs a major turn-around in how it works. Players need to come together more to make this a true mmorpg experience. There will be many changes coming to make a new player's life a lot better and easier to get into the server. Especially now that I can focus on content and not lag issues.
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Old 08-09-2013, 07:50 PM
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• Murkwater Heartfeasters no longer put an endless bleed DoT on you.
• Murkwater Creepers are now normal necromancers and no longer cast the 5 minute SIlence Mouth Rot.

• Bots were removed and cannot be used anymore. They were absolutely 100% the source of all lag spikes
that were occurring. The server is much better now without them. Added the Crystal of Heroes to compensate
for the loss of bots and to help new players out.

• Added a Crystal of Heroes npc in the toskirakk starting area and in all Rift Keeper zone entrances. This npc will
buff players with eight level 70 base class spells to help them on their dangerous quests. This npc only works out of combat.

• Calbrena no longer casts the incorrect spell and crashes players.

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Old 08-10-2013, 02:44 AM
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Please download the latest files 08/09/13

• All BASE bard songs now use the singing skill which is increased with VSES dexterity enhancement.

• All Instruments are just used as strong off-hands now and still give high heroic dex for VSES increases.

• Dexterity Enhancement now increases bard song power by 50% each rank up from 40% each rank.

• The Mystical Artist Epic now has double HP, MP, EP and AC just like a two hander but it's damage is 1 handed.

• Added a new Custom Donator: item from Moozilla to the Heroic Vendor! Thanks for your help Moozilla!

• Moozilla's Mythical Augment can now be removed from your items and placed in new ones.

• Dexterity Enhancement now increases bard song power by 50% each rank up from 40% each rank.

• Deathguard's Bone Spike is now called Bone Spikes and deals 95 base damage to all enemies around them +40000 extra hate. Deathguard is a unique AoE tank by design but much different from Virulent Savages.

• Captain Squilox no longer crashes Veksar with his spells.

• All NPC's natural health regeneration has been vastly lowered.

• Windseeker's Flock of Harpies no longer attack mobs 200 feet out. It's now 40 feet like other AoE temp pet spells.

• Erosionist's Create Strange Chemicals now actually works with the Erosionist Charm.

• Wildheart's Wild Growth now actually works with the Wildheart Charm.

• Removed Mend Companion from the AA list. This doesn't work.

• Added beserkers to the Pet Affinity and Pet Discipline AA list. Enjoy Warchiefs!

• The White Lotus path should be able to control their pets now. The name was too long and caused an error. Energy_Manifestation is now just "Manifestation".
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Old 08-11-2013, 10:09 AM
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• Updated all weapon and icon models for Darktide, Blightrune and Deathspire sets.
• Unholy Relics drop 10% of the time now from Generals in Fallen. Up from 5%.

Have a good weekend folks.
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Old 08-11-2013, 06:52 PM
Drakiyth's Avatar
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Posts: 549

NEWS: Varlyndria is starting to build an economy finally! Last time I checked, there were over 150 items being sold in bazaar and a lot of groups forming on the server to tackle content! Varlyndria only allows a max of 3 boxing (with Tier 4) 2 max normal, so you can see with 60+ players online lately that there are a lot of souls here. Not just somebody with 20 characters building up the player numbers. If you're looking for a fresh start in a new world it won't hurt to come check us out! We have many players waiting to group up with you!

Many new zones are on the way to the Rift Keeper, including the new PR5 normal zone (unrest) Which is now taken over by killer corrupted plantlife, as well as custom crafting and even faction grinding for items!
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Old 08-13-2013, 01:08 AM
Drakiyth's Avatar
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Posts: 549

I thought these were important to show here. Many new changes and fixes.

UPDATE 08/12/13

Please download the latest files 08/12/13

• Made an adjustment in the database that will disconnect players completely on all IPs if they go over
the IP limit. The good thing about this, is it will kill the timeouts that are lingering and let you log back in

• There are no longer any locked doors in the city of mist.

• Loot now has a much better chance to actually be chosen to drop when it passes the first check to exist.
The drop rates before were simply not high enough to even let common loot get a chance to show up
sometimes. This was resulting in bosses or even common npcs not dropping items as often as they should.
Heroic and Legendary labeled items are still uncommon/rare.

• The Death's Regret spell is now NONE for resist type. This can be found on the Ring of the Vampire Slayer.

• The Guardian path's Hold the Line ability now only costs 600 Endurance, causes 289 base damage to
all targets and still adds 40,000 threat to all enemies hit by it. The cooldown of this ability is only 15 seconds
now down from 36.

• All healing bonuses that were on paths before have now become wisdom bonuses. This will allow you to
click your VSES and get the REAL bonus which should of stacked before but didn't. For instance: 200
points of improved healing (Diviner) is now +100 Wisdom. 100 wisdom equals out to 250% healing with
VSES Wisdom Enhancement. Overall, this is a buff for all healer paths.

• Vampires no longer get a broken 160% healing bonus but now instead get +80% to their direct damage
spells on their Curse of Vampirism buff. This however has also lowered their chance to crit with spells
to +3% down from +6%.

• Circle of Blood has been removed as it was far too powerful and could keep Vampires alive forever. The
ability is now called Bursting Veins and deals 630 base damage to all enemies around the vampire but
does not drain them. 24 Second CD, 960 mana.

• Earthguards now get a 200% direct spell damage bonus instead of 5% spell crit rate on their Nature's Chosen
Protector buff and the Earthguard's Blast of Rocks spell now costs 640 mana but deals 420 base damage to all
targets around them on an 8 second CD.

• Nightshade's Toxic Compound is now Point Blank AoE and doesn't hurt them any longer.

• Flamecaller's Fireball is now Point Blank AoE and doesn't hurt them any longer.

• Wildhearts now get 160 wisdom instead of the old charisma bonus and a 200% bonus to their pet's damage
up from 160% on their Blessing of the Wilds buff.

• Wildhearts now get a 5% chance to Twincast now for each Rank of Nature's Caress instead of the old broken 40%
improved healing which did not stack with VSES Wisdom Enhancement.

• Thanes now get +200% to their base parry chance instead of +20% which hardly made any difference.

• Thane's Rune of Stone now also gives their group 24% melee mitigation for 12 seconds instead of the old 6000
point rune. 24 second CD, 960 mana cost.

• Thane's Torrent of lightning now has a 20 second CD down from 40 seconds and deals 525 base damage to all
enemies and 40,000 hatred.

• Thane's Thunderclap is now called "Hammer of Thunder" and no longer stuns enemies for 6 seconds but instead
deals 1260 damage to them.

• Soulrager's Healing Spirit now gives 100 wisdom for 6 seconds instead of the broken healing bonus it had before.
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