Updates: v1.03d
-- new command added "#bot debug spells <target>" : it will show the 16 spells loaded in the bot spells list.
-- the command "#bot inventory remove <slotID>" should now remove the item from the target bot inventory. This item pops on the client's cursor. This way, he can gives it to an other bot.
If you want to create the npc_spells_entries with the same spells per level as clients, you have to create a new entrie per class into the npc_spells table.
For example: Bot_Druid with an ID that will be autoincremented.
Then, you have to enter the full spell line into the npc_spells_entries table.
In this one, you can see the column :
- id: unique id per entrie
- npc_spells_id: that will be the ID of you Bot_Druid ID (in the npc_spells table)
- spellid: ID of the spell
- type: type of the spell (1= nuke, 2=heal, 4=root, 8=buff, 16=escape, 32=pet, 64=lifetap, 128=snare, 256=dot)
- minlevel and maxlevel: level range where the spell will be casted. (maxlevel can be set to 255 for some spells that are always usefull like resist spells)
- manacost: -1 by default
- recast_delay= -1 by default
- priority: if you plan to make this table so the bot have exactly the same spells as clients with the right levels range, you can set it to 1.
Note that a bot can have a maximum of 16 spells in its spells list. Some casters don't have 16 spells per new spell level range. In this case, you will have to deal with level range so it can learn some of the previous spells.
For example, we have a level 8 mage bot.
In the npc_spells_entries table you have added the level 8-12 mage spells. But it doesn't have 16 spells to learn in this range. Let's say 6 slots are free, you want that you bot can learn some of the lvl4-8 spells to complete thoses free slots. You would have to set a higher maxlevel for thoses spells.
My english seems to suck a lot and I'm sorry about that. I hope that I've explained correctly how it works...