20 years later
There are some ugly things down in these message bases; there are narcissistic ravings from pre-adolescent social misfits.
There are calls for anarchy.
There's satanism, there's racism, there's all the -isms in the book lurking in the words.
But there's hope, too. There's excitement, there's joy, there's every manner of feeling being crammed down into ASCII and posted for the world to find. It's a spectrum of humanity, and this is what I hope you'll find, buried there, among the ruins of an day when Sysops ruled the world.
I wasn't a Big Player in the Turning Points of the last 20 years, but I was a good listener and a good watcher, and I hope that what I do bring to you will both excite and intrigue and make some remember there past.
If you were there, we'll reminisce together.
And if you weren't there, do I have a story to tell you....
yes there time has come and gone...the emu place seems to be the same in some ways. and in other ways... it's totaly the same.