I am in no way so familiar with the table structure that i can change whatever.. hehe..
Oki.. example.. this is from MySEQ :
Muzzrap_Dirtdigger00 70 Warrior Gnome Humanoid Visible 0 75 2226 -1362 -715,75 260,1563
Now.. this will turn in to the 4 lines here :
INSERT INTO npc_types VALUES (190001,'Muzzrap_Dirtdigger00',70,12,1,0,5600,0,0, 0,0,2,0,0,0,0,0,96,191,'',0,65,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2 50,250,25,25,25,25,25,0);
INSERT INTO spawn2 VALUES (210001,210001,'potranquility',2226,-1362,-715,260,600,1,0,0);
INSERT INTO spawnentry VALUES (210001,190001,1);
INSERT INTO spawngroup VALUES (210001,'spawn210001');
And this resulting in the "npc_types" "Error 1136: Column count does... blablabla"
The other 3 lines parse just fine.
So.. any hint what is missing or not in the npc_types?
Btw.. i am using MyraDB atm.
An example of how a similar line looks in that DB is here :
INSERT INTO npc_types VALUES (1,'Aagron',NULL,35,1,1,1,2010,0,3,3,0,0,6,5,0,0,1 ,14,73,'',0,65,1,6,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,250,250,18,18,18, 18,18,0);
Well.. a bone to chew on.. cos i am too much of a n00b to figure that out :P