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Old 07-13-2012, 02:24 AM
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[Sidenote: Trevius]

This is speculation, especially since it is so deep in the kernel, but that issue with Inventory::SwapItem may also be playing a part in this.

Inv:SI is coded to return a true or false in the case of a success or failure.

However, the few instances that I've seen in <inventory.cpp> all call it blind...

Even if the memory pointer swap fails, the calling method doesn't have code to process a failed swap, so it just assumes it was successful.
(Added to list...)

I could be WAY off on this, but it's another possible area to consider.
Uleat of Bertoxxulous

Compilin' Dirty
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Old 07-13-2012, 03:29 AM
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(<Bump> on the item swap/casting issue... http://www.eqemulator.org/forums/sho...59&postcount=2)

Do you know if this happens with any spell? Or just with spells with stackable components, per chance?
Uleat of Bertoxxulous

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Old 07-13-2012, 06:46 AM
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Here's a change to my posting about the Inventory::SwapItem function above...

It currently is a void function, but I was thinking that it was a bool instead.

The same idea applies and maybe it needs to be changed to 'bool Inventory::SwapItem' to keep the calling method from processing a success
when the swap actually failed.

Sorry about that... Like I said, my head is a bit off atm.
Uleat of Bertoxxulous

Compilin' Dirty
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Old 07-13-2012, 09:32 AM
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One last question (well, maybe two) for you guru's out there before I head off to bed...

I see that items stored on the cursor beyond slot #30 are in slots beginning at #8001 in the database. This appears to successfully reload since I had
both the slot #30 and #8001 items when I logged back in.

First, I'm not seeing where this extra range is defined anywhere in Item.h, Item.cpp, inventory.h or inventory.cpp. In addition, no checks are made to
this range. These are probably not an issue since we don't want to be trading in this area anyways.

Question 1: What is the maximum range for the additional cursor slots?

Question 2: Where are the bag slots defined for these cursor extra slots??? (see where I'm going?)

If a full bag is loaded to one of the #8001+ slots due to overloading your inventory, when it gets bumped to slot #30, where does the information come
from for the items that used to be in there?

If there are bag slot id ranges for the additional cursor range, I'm still trying to find them somewhere. Otherwise, this is where the loss of items is coming
from on the corpse looting when someone grabs extra stuff for a corpse run. If there are no extra slots, the only thing I can think to do would be to auto-loot
everything but the bags, then calculate how many slots are left to hold bags and cancel the transaction if there aren't enough spaces to safely loot them.

I would like to know the ranges for the extra cursor slots and their bag slots, if they exist.

Uleat of Bertoxxulous

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Old 07-14-2012, 03:10 AM
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This is what I have so far with the extended cursor slots:

- The server will allow creation of up to at least 250 additional items with the range being from #8001 to #8250

- These values can be verified by viewing the player inventory in the database.

- The client (SoF in this case) only recongnizes 36 additional slots and any more than this the client seems to ignore

- Unless you log or zone at this point, you will be CSD bugged if you had any additional items beyond 36.

- Since the server 'bumps' the item positions down, the client is 'reloaded' in the case of logging or zoning.

- I have not found any extended cursor bag slots as of yet..will continue testing.

I'm really not sure if the client is ignoring the extra slots or not. I want to either crash the client or server in an attempt to find the ceiling or to find
those extended bag slots. I don't believe they exist, personally...
Uleat of Bertoxxulous

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Old 07-14-2012, 05:02 AM
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From what I can tell, the server is coded to allow 101 items the be stored on the extended cursor at any given time.

It has a total range of 8001 to 8999 and will reiterate any items found here down to the active range of 8001 to 8101.

I'm having issues verifying whether or not there are extended bag slots on the client due to the server renumbering my entries to the 8001 ~ 8101 range
and not sending my original slot numbers to the client.

I've noticed some system packet commands. Is there one in particular that will allow me to send 'item->to_slot' type commands? Or should I look at
writing a custom script that will do this?

Uleat of Bertoxxulous

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Old 07-14-2012, 09:52 AM
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Can anyone give me pointers on this? I want to send a 'Fake Item' to the client at a specific slot number, but the best I've suceeded in doing is
crashing zone...

(I've already updated command.h and the command_init portions.)

void command_zitemtest(Client *c, const Seperator *sep)
	if (!sep->argnum==2)
		c->Message(0, "Usage: #zitemtest [slot id] [item id]");
	else if (!sep->IsNumber(1) && !sep->IsNumber(2))
			c->Message(0, "Usage: #zitemtest [slot id] [item id]");
	else {
		sint16 slotid = atoi(sep->arg[1]);
		int32 itemid = atoi(sep->arg[2]);
		ItemInst* FakeItem;

		if (!FakeItem) {
			c->Message(0, "Error: Item [%u] is not a valid item number.", itemid);
		if (database.GetItemStatus(itemid) > c->Admin()) {
			c->Message(13, "Error: Insufficient status to summon this item.");

		c->SendItemPacket(slotid, FakeItem, ItemPacketTrade);
I know it's my lack of understanding of item and packet structures, but I can't seem to find a similar method to follow.

I just basically want to send the client an item packet for the specified slot, without the server being updated, so I can watch client behavior.

Uleat of Bertoxxulous

Compilin' Dirty
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Old 07-14-2012, 03:25 PM
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Look at how
works and see if that helps. It creates an item and sends it to to client.

You might also look at the #peekinv command which might help you narrow down when the server and client disagree on something.
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Old 07-14-2012, 07:48 PM
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Thanks Lerxst! I'll play around with that later this evening and see what becomes of it.

I was trying to use existing functions, but that's probably part of the problem.

Since I can't 'force' my client to pickup a loaded bag and put it on the extended cursor and watch behavior from that, I'm having issues understanding
where the item info for those bag slots is coming from.

I think this may be a whole other issue and, if I can put my finger on it, I'll start another thread specifically for that.

If you have a private/test server and want to see the client cursor limitation, try this:

> create a macro to summon an arrow (#summonitem 8005 1)

> use this macro, say, like 51 times. This will put 1 arrow on your cursor and 50 on the extended.

> Now, find an empty slot and start placing your arrows. In my case, I end up with a stack of 37 arrows (slot #30 plus the 36 extended ones.)

> If your cursor still has items on it, you may be using a different client..will need input from people if they do this with different results.

> Now, zone or relog and voila! You should have 1 arrow on your cursor and 13 on the extended.

> Check this by finding another empty slot and start stacking..the results should be 14 arrows.
Uleat of Bertoxxulous

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Old 07-15-2012, 01:50 AM
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I now have a working #ztestitem command and will do some testing with it. If I find a range that holds extended cursor bag items, I'll start another thread
to elaborate on that.

(I found out that I was not initializing the item instance correctly..thanks again Lerxst for pointing me in a good direction!)

p.s. This test command is not meant for committed server use. It will cause CSDs and is meant for testing only. If anyone would like a copy of it, please
post here and I will diff it. Only one request is needed..no need to fill up the thread with requests.
Uleat of Bertoxxulous

Compilin' Dirty
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Old 07-15-2012, 07:11 AM
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Ok, I think that I've finally resolved my understanding of what's going here... (correct me if I'm wrong.)


- Slot 30 is assigned as the cursor and has a built-in buffer array of x (37 total in the case of my SoF client [0..36].)

- Slots 331 to 340 are assigned to slot 30 [0], but there is no buffer array on these.

- Cursor buffer slots were never meant to hold actual occupied bags..only single items that may have been received in quantities greater than one.

- There are no slot assignments in the range of 8001 to 8999 registered in the client.


- Cursor slot 30 is assigned normally, as well as slots 331 to 340 for bag contents.

- Cursor slot is buffered, and is assigned to the range of 8000 + x [1..101]. Reiteration of the cursor re-enumerates exisiting buffer items.

- Cursor array will reiterate any items between 8001 to 8999 to keep the buffer filled.

- Cursor bags slots are not arrayed, as indicated by the log posted below.

- Any occupied bags forced into the cursor array will override the contents of the cursor bag stored in the server player profile..but not update the client.

That last one is nasty if you loot a corpse with a full inventory. You will lose all items up to the last bag. But since this also created a CSD, you stand a
chance of losing those as well as any other items you interact with afterwards.

Fix? Possible... Depends on what the desired behavior is. We could just not allow occupied bags to be placed in the cursor buffer... Or, a cursor bag array
could be created, but some sort of keeping the array sync'd to the actual bag it belongs in would need to be implemented..as well as a client update
for the cursor bag slots...

This is a postulate, but much comes from the observed behavior of my client interactions.

Here's the log..notice the item in slot 30, depth 37 will not show up on my client until I relog or zone:

[Sun Jul 15 06:21:44 2012] Logging to 'eqlog.txt' is now *ON*.
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:00 2012] You are out of food.
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] You say, '#peekinv all'
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] Displaying inventory for Meogre...
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] WornSlot: 0, Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] WornSlot: 1, Item: 10007 (Golden Earring)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] WornSlot: 2, Item: 3025 (Large Chain Coif)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] WornSlot: 3, Item: 3026 (Large Iron Mask)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] WornSlot: 4, Item: 10007 (Golden Earring)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] WornSlot: 5, Item: 3027 (Large Chainmail Neckguard)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] WornSlot: 6, Item: 3029 (Large Chainmail Mantle)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] WornSlot: 7, Item: 3032 (Large Iron Armplates)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] WornSlot: 8, Item: 3030 (Large Chainmail Cape)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] WornSlot: 9, Item: 3033 (Large Chainmail Bracelet)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] WornSlot: 10, Item: 3033 (Large Chainmail Bracelet)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] WornSlot: 11, Item: 27180 (Bow)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] WornSlot: 12, Item: 3034 (Large Chainmail Gloves)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] WornSlot: 13, Item: 5006 (Halberd)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] WornSlot: 14, Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] WornSlot: 15, Item: 10008 (Gold Ring)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] WornSlot: 16, Item: 10008 (Gold Ring)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] WornSlot: 17, Item: 3028 (Large Chainmail Coat)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] WornSlot: 18, Item: 3035 (Large Iron Legplates)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] WornSlot: 19, Item: 3036 (Large Iron Boots)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] WornSlot: 20, Item: 3031 (Large Chainmail Belt)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] WornSlot: 21, Item: 8005 (Arrow)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] InvSlot: 22, Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] InvSlot: 23, Item: 17005 (Backpack)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    InvBagSlot: 261 (Slot #23, Bag #0), Item: 13006 (Water Flask)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    InvBagSlot: 262 (Slot #23, Bag #1), Item: 7003 (Spear)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    InvBagSlot: 263 (Slot #23, Bag #2), Item: 13006 (Water Flask)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    InvBagSlot: 264 (Slot #23, Bag #3), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    InvBagSlot: 265 (Slot #23, Bag #4), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    InvBagSlot: 266 (Slot #23, Bag #5), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    InvBagSlot: 267 (Slot #23, Bag #6), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    InvBagSlot: 268 (Slot #23, Bag #7), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    InvBagSlot: 269 (Slot #23, Bag #8), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    InvBagSlot: 270 (Slot #23, Bag #9), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] InvSlot: 24, Item: 17005 (Backpack)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    InvBagSlot: 271 (Slot #24, Bag #0), Item: 26903 (Luclinite)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    InvBagSlot: 272 (Slot #24, Bag #1), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    InvBagSlot: 273 (Slot #24, Bag #2), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    InvBagSlot: 274 (Slot #24, Bag #3), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    InvBagSlot: 275 (Slot #24, Bag #4), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    InvBagSlot: 276 (Slot #24, Bag #5), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    InvBagSlot: 277 (Slot #24, Bag #6), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    InvBagSlot: 278 (Slot #24, Bag #7), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    InvBagSlot: 279 (Slot #24, Bag #8), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    InvBagSlot: 280 (Slot #24, Bag #9), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] InvSlot: 25, Item: 17005 (Backpack)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    InvBagSlot: 281 (Slot #25, Bag #0), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    InvBagSlot: 282 (Slot #25, Bag #1), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    InvBagSlot: 283 (Slot #25, Bag #2), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    InvBagSlot: 284 (Slot #25, Bag #3), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    InvBagSlot: 285 (Slot #25, Bag #4), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    InvBagSlot: 286 (Slot #25, Bag #5), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    InvBagSlot: 287 (Slot #25, Bag #6), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    InvBagSlot: 288 (Slot #25, Bag #7), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    InvBagSlot: 289 (Slot #25, Bag #8), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    InvBagSlot: 290 (Slot #25, Bag #9), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] InvSlot: 26, Item: 17005 (Backpack)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    InvBagSlot: 291 (Slot #26, Bag #0), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    InvBagSlot: 292 (Slot #26, Bag #1), Item: 13006 (Water Flask)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    InvBagSlot: 293 (Slot #26, Bag #2), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    InvBagSlot: 294 (Slot #26, Bag #3), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    InvBagSlot: 295 (Slot #26, Bag #4), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    InvBagSlot: 296 (Slot #26, Bag #5), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    InvBagSlot: 297 (Slot #26, Bag #6), Item: 26903 (Luclinite)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    InvBagSlot: 298 (Slot #26, Bag #7), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    InvBagSlot: 299 (Slot #26, Bag #8), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    InvBagSlot: 300 (Slot #26, Bag #9), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] InvSlot: 27, Item: 17005 (Backpack)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    InvBagSlot: 301 (Slot #27, Bag #0), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    InvBagSlot: 302 (Slot #27, Bag #1), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    InvBagSlot: 303 (Slot #27, Bag #2), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    InvBagSlot: 304 (Slot #27, Bag #3), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    InvBagSlot: 305 (Slot #27, Bag #4), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    InvBagSlot: 306 (Slot #27, Bag #5), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    InvBagSlot: 307 (Slot #27, Bag #6), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    InvBagSlot: 308 (Slot #27, Bag #7), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    InvBagSlot: 309 (Slot #27, Bag #8), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    InvBagSlot: 310 (Slot #27, Bag #9), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] InvSlot: 28, Item: 17005 (Backpack)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    InvBagSlot: 311 (Slot #28, Bag #0), Item: 36592 (Shadowspike Arrow)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    InvBagSlot: 312 (Slot #28, Bag #1), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    InvBagSlot: 313 (Slot #28, Bag #2), Item: 36592 (Shadowspike Arrow)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    InvBagSlot: 314 (Slot #28, Bag #3), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    InvBagSlot: 315 (Slot #28, Bag #4), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    InvBagSlot: 316 (Slot #28, Bag #5), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    InvBagSlot: 317 (Slot #28, Bag #6), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    InvBagSlot: 318 (Slot #28, Bag #7), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    InvBagSlot: 319 (Slot #28, Bag #8), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    InvBagSlot: 320 (Slot #28, Bag #9), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] InvSlot: 29, Item: 8005 (Arrow)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] InvSlot: 9999, Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] CursorSlot: 30, Depth: 0, Item: 17005 (Backpack)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 331 (Slot #30, Bag #0), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 332 (Slot #30, Bag #1), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 333 (Slot #30, Bag #2), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 334 (Slot #30, Bag #3), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 335 (Slot #30, Bag #4), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 336 (Slot #30, Bag #5), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 337 (Slot #30, Bag #6), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 338 (Slot #30, Bag #7), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 339 (Slot #30, Bag #8), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 340 (Slot #30, Bag #9), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] CursorSlot: 30, Depth: 1, Item: 17005 (Backpack)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 331 (Slot #30, Bag #0), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 332 (Slot #30, Bag #1), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 333 (Slot #30, Bag #2), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 334 (Slot #30, Bag #3), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 335 (Slot #30, Bag #4), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 336 (Slot #30, Bag #5), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 337 (Slot #30, Bag #6), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 338 (Slot #30, Bag #7), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 339 (Slot #30, Bag #8), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 340 (Slot #30, Bag #9), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] CursorSlot: 30, Depth: 2, Item: 17005 (Backpack)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 331 (Slot #30, Bag #0), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 332 (Slot #30, Bag #1), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 333 (Slot #30, Bag #2), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 334 (Slot #30, Bag #3), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 335 (Slot #30, Bag #4), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 336 (Slot #30, Bag #5), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 337 (Slot #30, Bag #6), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 338 (Slot #30, Bag #7), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 339 (Slot #30, Bag #8), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 340 (Slot #30, Bag #9), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] CursorSlot: 30, Depth: 3, Item: 17005 (Backpack)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 331 (Slot #30, Bag #0), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 332 (Slot #30, Bag #1), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 333 (Slot #30, Bag #2), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 334 (Slot #30, Bag #3), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 335 (Slot #30, Bag #4), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 336 (Slot #30, Bag #5), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 337 (Slot #30, Bag #6), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 338 (Slot #30, Bag #7), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 339 (Slot #30, Bag #8), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 340 (Slot #30, Bag #9), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] CursorSlot: 30, Depth: 4, Item: 17005 (Backpack)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 331 (Slot #30, Bag #0), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 332 (Slot #30, Bag #1), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 333 (Slot #30, Bag #2), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 334 (Slot #30, Bag #3), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 335 (Slot #30, Bag #4), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 336 (Slot #30, Bag #5), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 337 (Slot #30, Bag #6), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 338 (Slot #30, Bag #7), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 339 (Slot #30, Bag #8), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 340 (Slot #30, Bag #9), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] CursorSlot: 30, Depth: 5, Item: 17005 (Backpack)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 331 (Slot #30, Bag #0), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 332 (Slot #30, Bag #1), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 333 (Slot #30, Bag #2), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 334 (Slot #30, Bag #3), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 335 (Slot #30, Bag #4), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 336 (Slot #30, Bag #5), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 337 (Slot #30, Bag #6), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 338 (Slot #30, Bag #7), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 339 (Slot #30, Bag #8), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 340 (Slot #30, Bag #9), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] CursorSlot: 30, Depth: 6, Item: 17005 (Backpack)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 331 (Slot #30, Bag #0), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 332 (Slot #30, Bag #1), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 333 (Slot #30, Bag #2), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 334 (Slot #30, Bag #3), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 335 (Slot #30, Bag #4), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 336 (Slot #30, Bag #5), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 337 (Slot #30, Bag #6), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 338 (Slot #30, Bag #7), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 339 (Slot #30, Bag #8), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 340 (Slot #30, Bag #9), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] CursorSlot: 30, Depth: 7, Item: 17005 (Backpack)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 331 (Slot #30, Bag #0), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 332 (Slot #30, Bag #1), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 333 (Slot #30, Bag #2), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 334 (Slot #30, Bag #3), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 335 (Slot #30, Bag #4), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 336 (Slot #30, Bag #5), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 337 (Slot #30, Bag #6), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 338 (Slot #30, Bag #7), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 339 (Slot #30, Bag #8), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 340 (Slot #30, Bag #9), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] CursorSlot: 30, Depth: 8, Item: 17005 (Backpack)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 331 (Slot #30, Bag #0), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 332 (Slot #30, Bag #1), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 333 (Slot #30, Bag #2), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 334 (Slot #30, Bag #3), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 335 (Slot #30, Bag #4), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 336 (Slot #30, Bag #5), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 337 (Slot #30, Bag #6), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 338 (Slot #30, Bag #7), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 339 (Slot #30, Bag #8), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 340 (Slot #30, Bag #9), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] CursorSlot: 30, Depth: 9, Item: 17005 (Backpack)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 331 (Slot #30, Bag #0), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 332 (Slot #30, Bag #1), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 333 (Slot #30, Bag #2), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 334 (Slot #30, Bag #3), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 335 (Slot #30, Bag #4), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 336 (Slot #30, Bag #5), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 337 (Slot #30, Bag #6), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 338 (Slot #30, Bag #7), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 339 (Slot #30, Bag #8), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 340 (Slot #30, Bag #9), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] CursorSlot: 30, Depth: 10, Item: 17005 (Backpack)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 331 (Slot #30, Bag #0), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 332 (Slot #30, Bag #1), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 333 (Slot #30, Bag #2), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 334 (Slot #30, Bag #3), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 335 (Slot #30, Bag #4), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 336 (Slot #30, Bag #5), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 337 (Slot #30, Bag #6), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 338 (Slot #30, Bag #7), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 339 (Slot #30, Bag #8), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 340 (Slot #30, Bag #9), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] CursorSlot: 30, Depth: 11, Item: 17005 (Backpack)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 331 (Slot #30, Bag #0), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 332 (Slot #30, Bag #1), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 333 (Slot #30, Bag #2), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 334 (Slot #30, Bag #3), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 335 (Slot #30, Bag #4), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 336 (Slot #30, Bag #5), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 337 (Slot #30, Bag #6), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 338 (Slot #30, Bag #7), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 339 (Slot #30, Bag #8), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 340 (Slot #30, Bag #9), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] CursorSlot: 30, Depth: 12, Item: 17005 (Backpack)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 331 (Slot #30, Bag #0), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 332 (Slot #30, Bag #1), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 333 (Slot #30, Bag #2), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 334 (Slot #30, Bag #3), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 335 (Slot #30, Bag #4), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 336 (Slot #30, Bag #5), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 337 (Slot #30, Bag #6), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 338 (Slot #30, Bag #7), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 339 (Slot #30, Bag #8), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 340 (Slot #30, Bag #9), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] CursorSlot: 30, Depth: 13, Item: 17005 (Backpack)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 331 (Slot #30, Bag #0), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 332 (Slot #30, Bag #1), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 333 (Slot #30, Bag #2), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 334 (Slot #30, Bag #3), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 335 (Slot #30, Bag #4), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 336 (Slot #30, Bag #5), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 337 (Slot #30, Bag #6), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 338 (Slot #30, Bag #7), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 339 (Slot #30, Bag #8), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 340 (Slot #30, Bag #9), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] CursorSlot: 30, Depth: 14, Item: 17005 (Backpack)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 331 (Slot #30, Bag #0), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 332 (Slot #30, Bag #1), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 333 (Slot #30, Bag #2), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 334 (Slot #30, Bag #3), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 335 (Slot #30, Bag #4), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 336 (Slot #30, Bag #5), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 337 (Slot #30, Bag #6), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 338 (Slot #30, Bag #7), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 339 (Slot #30, Bag #8), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 340 (Slot #30, Bag #9), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] CursorSlot: 30, Depth: 15, Item: 17005 (Backpack)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 331 (Slot #30, Bag #0), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 332 (Slot #30, Bag #1), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 333 (Slot #30, Bag #2), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 334 (Slot #30, Bag #3), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 335 (Slot #30, Bag #4), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 336 (Slot #30, Bag #5), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 337 (Slot #30, Bag #6), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 338 (Slot #30, Bag #7), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 339 (Slot #30, Bag #8), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 340 (Slot #30, Bag #9), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] CursorSlot: 30, Depth: 16, Item: 17005 (Backpack)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 331 (Slot #30, Bag #0), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 332 (Slot #30, Bag #1), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 333 (Slot #30, Bag #2), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 334 (Slot #30, Bag #3), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 335 (Slot #30, Bag #4), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 336 (Slot #30, Bag #5), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 337 (Slot #30, Bag #6), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 338 (Slot #30, Bag #7), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 339 (Slot #30, Bag #8), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 340 (Slot #30, Bag #9), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] CursorSlot: 30, Depth: 17, Item: 17005 (Backpack)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 331 (Slot #30, Bag #0), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 332 (Slot #30, Bag #1), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 333 (Slot #30, Bag #2), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 334 (Slot #30, Bag #3), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 335 (Slot #30, Bag #4), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 336 (Slot #30, Bag #5), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 337 (Slot #30, Bag #6), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 338 (Slot #30, Bag #7), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 339 (Slot #30, Bag #8), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 340 (Slot #30, Bag #9), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] CursorSlot: 30, Depth: 18, Item: 17005 (Backpack)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 331 (Slot #30, Bag #0), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 332 (Slot #30, Bag #1), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 333 (Slot #30, Bag #2), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 334 (Slot #30, Bag #3), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 335 (Slot #30, Bag #4), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 336 (Slot #30, Bag #5), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 337 (Slot #30, Bag #6), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 338 (Slot #30, Bag #7), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 339 (Slot #30, Bag #8), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 340 (Slot #30, Bag #9), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] CursorSlot: 30, Depth: 19, Item: 17005 (Backpack)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 331 (Slot #30, Bag #0), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 332 (Slot #30, Bag #1), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 333 (Slot #30, Bag #2), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 334 (Slot #30, Bag #3), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 335 (Slot #30, Bag #4), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 336 (Slot #30, Bag #5), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 337 (Slot #30, Bag #6), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 338 (Slot #30, Bag #7), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 339 (Slot #30, Bag #8), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 340 (Slot #30, Bag #9), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] CursorSlot: 30, Depth: 20, Item: 17005 (Backpack)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 331 (Slot #30, Bag #0), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 332 (Slot #30, Bag #1), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 333 (Slot #30, Bag #2), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 334 (Slot #30, Bag #3), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 335 (Slot #30, Bag #4), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 336 (Slot #30, Bag #5), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 337 (Slot #30, Bag #6), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 338 (Slot #30, Bag #7), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 339 (Slot #30, Bag #8), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 340 (Slot #30, Bag #9), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] CursorSlot: 30, Depth: 21, Item: 17005 (Backpack)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 331 (Slot #30, Bag #0), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 332 (Slot #30, Bag #1), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 333 (Slot #30, Bag #2), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 334 (Slot #30, Bag #3), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 335 (Slot #30, Bag #4), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 336 (Slot #30, Bag #5), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 337 (Slot #30, Bag #6), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 338 (Slot #30, Bag #7), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 339 (Slot #30, Bag #8), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 340 (Slot #30, Bag #9), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] CursorSlot: 30, Depth: 22, Item: 17005 (Backpack)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 331 (Slot #30, Bag #0), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 332 (Slot #30, Bag #1), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 333 (Slot #30, Bag #2), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 334 (Slot #30, Bag #3), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 335 (Slot #30, Bag #4), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 336 (Slot #30, Bag #5), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 337 (Slot #30, Bag #6), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 338 (Slot #30, Bag #7), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 339 (Slot #30, Bag #8), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 340 (Slot #30, Bag #9), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] CursorSlot: 30, Depth: 23, Item: 17005 (Backpack)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 331 (Slot #30, Bag #0), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 332 (Slot #30, Bag #1), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 333 (Slot #30, Bag #2), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 334 (Slot #30, Bag #3), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 335 (Slot #30, Bag #4), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 336 (Slot #30, Bag #5), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 337 (Slot #30, Bag #6), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 338 (Slot #30, Bag #7), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 339 (Slot #30, Bag #8), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 340 (Slot #30, Bag #9), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] CursorSlot: 30, Depth: 24, Item: 17005 (Backpack)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 331 (Slot #30, Bag #0), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 332 (Slot #30, Bag #1), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 333 (Slot #30, Bag #2), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 334 (Slot #30, Bag #3), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 335 (Slot #30, Bag #4), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 336 (Slot #30, Bag #5), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 337 (Slot #30, Bag #6), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 338 (Slot #30, Bag #7), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 339 (Slot #30, Bag #8), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 340 (Slot #30, Bag #9), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] CursorSlot: 30, Depth: 25, Item: 17005 (Backpack)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 331 (Slot #30, Bag #0), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 332 (Slot #30, Bag #1), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 333 (Slot #30, Bag #2), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 334 (Slot #30, Bag #3), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 335 (Slot #30, Bag #4), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 336 (Slot #30, Bag #5), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 337 (Slot #30, Bag #6), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 338 (Slot #30, Bag #7), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 339 (Slot #30, Bag #8), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 340 (Slot #30, Bag #9), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] CursorSlot: 30, Depth: 26, Item: 17005 (Backpack)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 331 (Slot #30, Bag #0), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 332 (Slot #30, Bag #1), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 333 (Slot #30, Bag #2), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 334 (Slot #30, Bag #3), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 335 (Slot #30, Bag #4), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 336 (Slot #30, Bag #5), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 337 (Slot #30, Bag #6), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 338 (Slot #30, Bag #7), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 339 (Slot #30, Bag #8), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 340 (Slot #30, Bag #9), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] CursorSlot: 30, Depth: 27, Item: 17005 (Backpack)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 331 (Slot #30, Bag #0), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 332 (Slot #30, Bag #1), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 333 (Slot #30, Bag #2), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 334 (Slot #30, Bag #3), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 335 (Slot #30, Bag #4), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 336 (Slot #30, Bag #5), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 337 (Slot #30, Bag #6), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 338 (Slot #30, Bag #7), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 339 (Slot #30, Bag #8), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 340 (Slot #30, Bag #9), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] CursorSlot: 30, Depth: 28, Item: 17005 (Backpack)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 331 (Slot #30, Bag #0), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 332 (Slot #30, Bag #1), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 333 (Slot #30, Bag #2), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 334 (Slot #30, Bag #3), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 335 (Slot #30, Bag #4), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 336 (Slot #30, Bag #5), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 337 (Slot #30, Bag #6), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 338 (Slot #30, Bag #7), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 339 (Slot #30, Bag #8), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 340 (Slot #30, Bag #9), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] CursorSlot: 30, Depth: 29, Item: 17005 (Backpack)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 331 (Slot #30, Bag #0), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 332 (Slot #30, Bag #1), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 333 (Slot #30, Bag #2), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 334 (Slot #30, Bag #3), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 335 (Slot #30, Bag #4), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 336 (Slot #30, Bag #5), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 337 (Slot #30, Bag #6), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 338 (Slot #30, Bag #7), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 339 (Slot #30, Bag #8), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 340 (Slot #30, Bag #9), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] CursorSlot: 30, Depth: 30, Item: 17005 (Backpack)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 331 (Slot #30, Bag #0), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 332 (Slot #30, Bag #1), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 333 (Slot #30, Bag #2), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 334 (Slot #30, Bag #3), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 335 (Slot #30, Bag #4), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 336 (Slot #30, Bag #5), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 337 (Slot #30, Bag #6), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 338 (Slot #30, Bag #7), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 339 (Slot #30, Bag #8), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 340 (Slot #30, Bag #9), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] CursorSlot: 30, Depth: 31, Item: 17005 (Backpack)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 331 (Slot #30, Bag #0), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 332 (Slot #30, Bag #1), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 333 (Slot #30, Bag #2), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 334 (Slot #30, Bag #3), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 335 (Slot #30, Bag #4), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 336 (Slot #30, Bag #5), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 337 (Slot #30, Bag #6), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 338 (Slot #30, Bag #7), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 339 (Slot #30, Bag #8), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 340 (Slot #30, Bag #9), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] CursorSlot: 30, Depth: 32, Item: 17005 (Backpack)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 331 (Slot #30, Bag #0), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 332 (Slot #30, Bag #1), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 333 (Slot #30, Bag #2), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 334 (Slot #30, Bag #3), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 335 (Slot #30, Bag #4), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 336 (Slot #30, Bag #5), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 337 (Slot #30, Bag #6), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 338 (Slot #30, Bag #7), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 339 (Slot #30, Bag #8), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 340 (Slot #30, Bag #9), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] CursorSlot: 30, Depth: 33, Item: 17005 (Backpack)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 331 (Slot #30, Bag #0), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 332 (Slot #30, Bag #1), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 333 (Slot #30, Bag #2), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 334 (Slot #30, Bag #3), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 335 (Slot #30, Bag #4), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 336 (Slot #30, Bag #5), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 337 (Slot #30, Bag #6), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 338 (Slot #30, Bag #7), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 339 (Slot #30, Bag #8), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 340 (Slot #30, Bag #9), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] CursorSlot: 30, Depth: 34, Item: 17005 (Backpack)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 331 (Slot #30, Bag #0), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 332 (Slot #30, Bag #1), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 333 (Slot #30, Bag #2), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 334 (Slot #30, Bag #3), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 335 (Slot #30, Bag #4), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 336 (Slot #30, Bag #5), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 337 (Slot #30, Bag #6), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 338 (Slot #30, Bag #7), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 339 (Slot #30, Bag #8), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 340 (Slot #30, Bag #9), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] CursorSlot: 30, Depth: 35, Item: 17005 (Backpack)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 331 (Slot #30, Bag #0), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 332 (Slot #30, Bag #1), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 333 (Slot #30, Bag #2), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 334 (Slot #30, Bag #3), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 335 (Slot #30, Bag #4), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 336 (Slot #30, Bag #5), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 337 (Slot #30, Bag #6), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 338 (Slot #30, Bag #7), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 339 (Slot #30, Bag #8), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 340 (Slot #30, Bag #9), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] CursorSlot: 30, Depth: 36, Item: 17005 (Backpack)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 331 (Slot #30, Bag #0), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 332 (Slot #30, Bag #1), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 333 (Slot #30, Bag #2), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 334 (Slot #30, Bag #3), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 335 (Slot #30, Bag #4), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 336 (Slot #30, Bag #5), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 337 (Slot #30, Bag #6), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 338 (Slot #30, Bag #7), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 339 (Slot #30, Bag #8), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 340 (Slot #30, Bag #9), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] CursorSlot: 30, Depth: 37, Item: 17005 (Backpack)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 331 (Slot #30, Bag #0), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 332 (Slot #30, Bag #1), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 333 (Slot #30, Bag #2), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 334 (Slot #30, Bag #3), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 335 (Slot #30, Bag #4), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 336 (Slot #30, Bag #5), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 337 (Slot #30, Bag #6), Item: 9991 (Bread Cakes*)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 338 (Slot #30, Bag #7), Item: 9990 (Skin of Milk)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 339 (Slot #30, Bag #8), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012]    CursorBagSlot: 340 (Slot #30, Bag #9), Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] TributeSlot: 400, Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] TributeSlot: 401, Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] TributeSlot: 402, Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] TributeSlot: 403, Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] TributeSlot: 404, Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] BankSlot: 2000, Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] BankSlot: 2001, Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] BankSlot: 2002, Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] BankSlot: 2003, Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] BankSlot: 2004, Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] BankSlot: 2005, Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] BankSlot: 2006, Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] BankSlot: 2007, Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] BankSlot: 2008, Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] BankSlot: 2009, Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] BankSlot: 2010, Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] BankSlot: 2011, Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] BankSlot: 2012, Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] BankSlot: 2013, Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] BankSlot: 2014, Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] BankSlot: 2015, Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] BankSlot: 2016, Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] BankSlot: 2017, Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] BankSlot: 2018, Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] BankSlot: 2019, Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] BankSlot: 2020, Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] BankSlot: 2021, Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] BankSlot: 2022, Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] BankSlot: 2023, Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] ShBankSlot: 2500, Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] ShBankSlot: 2501, Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] TradeSlot: 3000, Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] TradeSlot: 3001, Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] TradeSlot: 3002, Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] TradeSlot: 3003, Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] TradeSlot: 3004, Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] TradeSlot: 3005, Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] TradeSlot: 3006, Item: 0 (null)
[Sun Jul 15 06:22:04 2012] TradeSlot: 3007, Item: 0 (null)

Back to working the original CSD issues..again, let me know if I am off-base with this. I need to understand how this works before I can decide what
method needs to be used in a fix for these other issues.
Uleat of Bertoxxulous

Compilin' Dirty
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Old 07-16-2012, 04:46 AM
Uleat's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: North Carolina
Posts: 2,815

I think I found a bug with '#equipitem,' but not sure atm if it's an actual issue..might be exploitable, so no description will be provided.
(Added to list of things to check.)

(Does MQ use #equipitem? If this is how that exploit is being performed, those users aren't gonna be happy...)
Uleat of Bertoxxulous

Compilin' Dirty
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Old 07-16-2012, 07:44 AM
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 1,742

As with all # commands, it is only usable by an account with a status of whatever is set in the commands table. I know of very few servers where it is available to all players. If you had the status to use the command you could certainly use it in a MQ2 macro, but otherwise, no.
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Old 07-16-2012, 09:18 AM
Uleat's Avatar
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Location: North Carolina
Posts: 2,815

kk, thanks! I did add some code to it (and another function) to help alleviate anything from this particular possibility.

I'm nowhere near done and will have to test all of this before I post an alpha patch..but it is coming along.

EDIT: I need a favor from the community... If someone positively knows this, please post it, otherwise:

I need to know what the cursor limits are for each client. For my SoF client, holds 1 visible cursor item and an
additional 36 behind it. Anything after that is ignored. Use the instructions here to determine the limit:


Also, does anyone know if any clients actually hold bag data for those hidden cursor slots? SoF doesn't appear
to because I can't force items beyond the visible bag.

Uleat of Bertoxxulous

Compilin' Dirty
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Old 07-17-2012, 11:23 PM
Uleat's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: North Carolina
Posts: 2,815

Regardless of the problems and issues that I've already described, the more that I dig into this, the more I am finding wrong.

This is not going to be a quick fix and will probably require a rework of many functions.

I've made some progress with what I have so far, like the server catching and deleting 'phantom' client items before they
bug 'real' server items.

Because of the differences in the way that some calling methods use certain functions, the 'swap' actions are being processed
in the wrong portion of code... (i..e., weapons are being treated as stackable items and having their 'charge' removed to become
'zero-charge' items when they are moved.)

I'd be willing to bet that any bugs dealing with the transfer of items can be traced back to what I've found (and am still finding.)

I'm anything but an expert, but I am making some progress..so, any input from you guys will help and is greatly appreciated!
Uleat of Bertoxxulous

Compilin' Dirty
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