I've been thinking about this, and again, I think undead mobs do not flee - it doesn't even make much sense; What is an undead? something that is already dead, but up and around again (living dead). An undead creature has no fear of dieing simply because it's already dead (has no need to flee for that matter).
On the other hand, a living creature will run, because he wants to keep living. Now, I haven't tested all the creatures on EqLive for this, but about 2 years ago, when I really played Eq Live, things like skeletons, did not flee when 'dieing' < I know, "But he's already dead!".
Fear is another subject , I'm referring to mobs that flee when they are loosing the fight. Skeletons can also be feared - so, the question is, dos the ncpspecialattks "flee" apply to fear ? if so, then we do need a new column for running while dieing of special code for undead.
Originally Posted by SourCelery
Not true about the undead part btw... ghouls are considered undead and they flee.
Now, as I remember it, if one of the two is feared, the mob will flee. The rule is: More than one currently in melee combat with you. Also, it does depend on the con for most mobs. Most mobs will run no matter how many there are if they're green to you. One of the exceptions to that rule that I remember from farming is rockhoppers. I'm don't think it matters if the mobs are different factions, but I can't say for sure on that one.