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Old 09-14-2004, 02:27 PM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 135

Like I said, I cannot hack the eqclint myself, but I know someone who can. I will show you once I get around to getting it, right now, it is not on the top of my priority list.
//The Path of Chaos Server-
//Fate Industries
//Lots of stuff O-o
Old 09-14-2004, 03:28 PM
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Heaven.
Posts: 1,260

Originally Posted by Deimos
Like I said, I cannot hack the eqclint myself, but I know someone who can. I will show you once I get around to getting it, right now, it is not on the top of my priority list.
You know thats illegal, right?
namespace retval { template <class T> class ReturnValueGen { private: T x; public: ReturnValueGen() { x = 0; }; T& Generator() { return x; }; }; } int main() { retval::ReturnValueGen<int> retvalue; return retvalue.Generator(); }
C++ is wonderful.
Old 09-14-2004, 04:29 PM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 135

i do... Listen, I might not do anything, it might not be worth it. My staff have been talking to me about it for awhile. I guess we will all find out when the server is ready for testers. I also did the math, there should be about 915 zones when it is complete, which I think is a bit outrageous. Probably going to lower some of the planet zones a bit, that way it is around 400-500 when done. 915 is a bit too high. It might be 915 though, I don't know. Just going to take it one step at a time =), that is my new motto.
//The Path of Chaos Server-
//Fate Industries
//Lots of stuff O-o
Old 09-14-2004, 05:08 PM
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 1,177

Curious do you even know how to create a zone?

Maybe you should start by making JUST 1 good zone and showing it off. if you aren't full of crap then you'll gain a lot of followers. cause frankly, nobody beleives a word coming out of your mouth. Make us believers, please.
Old 09-14-2004, 11:45 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 15

I don't want to drop down to what appears to be the general level of discussion here, but as an admin on one of the bigger servers, I know that creating good zones takes a while. 915 zones seems extremely unrealistic to me. Even 400-500 might be more than you realize.
Shards of Dalaya Staff Administrator
I have stairs in my house.
Old 09-14-2004, 11:56 PM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Bafoon.........
Posts: 193

Originally Posted by Melwin
915 zones seems extremely unrealistic to me. Even 400-500 might be more than you realize.

Damn right Melwin, theres no way.....I or we ---> Deimos &lt;--- know anyone who is that good at making zones. We will need like 15-20 people just to get like 30 zones done...in about 3 months...if they work all the time. Which i doubt. This is my theory tho.

Im not going to Brag tho........I just work here lol
----->I AM THE BAFOON 1337<-----
will he return??
Ba Fo On
Old 09-15-2004, 12:18 AM
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Chambersburg, PA
Posts: 469

I think once you start making zones you'll scale that 915 down to 90 at the _most_ as it's not an easy or quick procedure by any means. It requires modelling, writing scripts, putting NPCs in place, etc.

I'm curious as to why anyone would want flash embedded in the EQ client, btw... it's slow enough as it is lol. I think it'd be cool to have video-based textures (MPEG-4) ingame though. Could make for some nice effects when we can have customized videos over the course of the game

Happy Hacking,
Lord Daeken M. BlackBlade
(Cody Brocious)
Keep me unemployed and working on OpenEQ, PM me about donating

Check out my deviantART page at http://daeken.deviantart.com/
Old 09-15-2004, 01:15 AM
monalin crusader
Hill Giant
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 238

Recruiting these Various Skills: ( C++ ) , Server Hoster ( Need'd ASAP )
But arnt you guys in the process of writeing a Login Server? Whos taken on the responsibility of writing one so far i havent seen anyone from your server produce one.

My web host actually host isn't bad because I know them and have seen there services and know for truth what they have to offer, that is why I want them to be the web host. My ISP hosts websites.
Ah yes you have that uber Measureing program for bandwith. I wish i knew how much space and what kinds of bandwith hosts give. Does this host support PERL, Phpb, MYSql. There are many other services that you need to find out about to find a good host. Those script languages are very necessary in building any quality site imp. Yes they're not needed but they help quite a bit.

I am decent at C++, master at PERL, I suck at art...I am doing my own login-server
Obviosuly you dont think that being decent at C++ will enable you to write a Login Server. You have to know exactly how the code for EQEmu works and how the client acts while logging in. What it wants to know and all that crap. No newbie to codeing will be able to do that. As far as being EXPERT in PERL. About 3 weeks ago you were writeing quests for me. About 9 out of 10 that you gave me where bugged and you or i had to fix them many many times. I'll tell you now you are NOT an expert at PERL. Stuff for quests is the simple stuff.

Can you write your own Login Server? I really dont know but what i do know is it wont be anytime soon, its alot harder than you think, and you'll need someone helping you who does this type of thing all the time.

As far as makeing 90 zones, Arnt you makeing them in OpenZone? That could take forever to create 90 zones never mind spawning 90 zones.

And dude i use to like you but you are really acting like you know nothing. If i know nothing (which is quite often) I stop and ask questions from the people who do know. This is how i get to know alot more about cpp mysql and PERL. I wouldnt say i know everything about or even close but i know how to ask a question and even though it might not be me that fixed it i still got what i wanted accomplished and the next time i will know how to do it.

What i'm trying to get you to realize with this post is that you spending too much time on these forums trying to defend your stupid remarks and not getting anywhere on the server. If you want to make a server make a server, if you want to act like an idiot act like an idiot, you cant have both.

Also two more things i must add to this post is that he use to be a GM for my server, then i realized he was all talk and knew nothing. Yes hes a very nice guy but he trys to make people think hes a genius when hes not. He later quit the project because i wouldnt let his friend be a gm. But truth is i was gona fire him anyways because I sat around all day helping him get the littlest things done and instead of helping me on my server he was actualy takeing my time away from working on it and we never got anything done.

and then look at his website once more and then look at this site, a very well known Guild on Rallos-Zek (and yes thats my server name i know that already)


Nuff said... i'm done flameing, i'm at school and i dont have anything else to do otherwise this might have been a shorter post. Sorry bro but you need to realize your making a fool out of yourself, and i know everyone agree's with me.
Ascending Dawn Server Op
Old 09-15-2004, 09:49 AM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 135

I did not construct any of the site and I will be getting a different picture up and have a talk with TZ, kk.

Sry, but I am just getting tired of being insulted. Since the last time you saw me, I can code without any errors now and debug my own code, like I said, I have a program now that helps me find Syntax and such. Anyways, the last file I wrote in PERL, which was 12000 or so lines, had 3 bugs, and they were really stupid, and I figured out one of them. I forgot /i on my stupid if($text=~ becuase I was typing so fast, lol, and was missing 3 curcly's, so took a few hours going through the code. Trust me, I gave this guy the code 2x, the first time it casted on himself, the next time it worked... I think I can code now =). Thank you Monalin for helping me get back into coding.

Furthermore, I am going to be getting some help from my dad with some of the C++ programming. I Do Not Have Any Time To Create A Login-Server for the time being.

-Updated News-
Working on getting the new site up, I decided to use the host that Tzwizard found, he found a very nice place called Vdeck, so, that is probably what we will be using =). It is same thing as the last one, but more features. These web-sites will let us do whatever we want with them. We now have a flash master and she will be helping with the site, the manager will be updating information, and me, writing information for the manager to put on.

Right now, we have not had a chance to start the Login-Server code yet. I will be getting some help with it, I have my sources. Should be up and running perfectly, I am hoping, in 5 months.

We are doing a new type of introduction for EverQuest that will be based off of If Statements for Races and Destructors to help re-set zone. This is in the C++ code. I am going to get help from a very good source with it. You start in a zone with nobody else in it, and it depends on what class you are to see what zone you go into. So far, I know what I am going to do for one of the classes.

You are on a ship that begins to move towards the Coast of Ish`ta, where a wizard awaits to give you information. Suddenly, a pirate ship attacks you. That is all I am releasin for this event, more to come soon.

Some of the Warrior Classifications:

Warrior of Light:
Good Races
1st Step towards the light

Warrior of Darkness:
Bad Races
1st step towards the darkness

These are some of the second steps you can choose when you finnish the first step.
-Good Races-

Ancient Warrior:
First Step towards The Creator Chronology

Bladesman Of Justice:
First Step Towards The Tribunal Chronology

Swordsman of The Void:
First Step Towards The Unnamed Chronology

Path of the Council:
First Step Towards A Travller

These are only some of the things you can choose. I have it all assituated, no worries.
Here is an example of a Warrior:

Level 65-150 (Depends upon Path you choose)
You may now choose a path:
Warrior of Light
Level 100-300 (Depends upon Path you choose)
You May Now Continue on the path of the warrior of light:
Bladesman of Justice
So, you get to choose new things that become avaliable to you. Each thing has special bonuses that they offer. Each one also has requirements that you must fulfill. The weakest are the easiest, and are accessible by the lowest levels, the strongest are the hardest, and accessible by highest level.

Well, those are some more sneak previews of what the server will have =D. Sure, you think I can't do it, but I can =P. If you have complaints, please stop flooding forums. Just Email me, and I will be happy to answer. If you think I just suck, send me some email also and I will see to some of the things, or explain why I am doing it that way.

Because I say I know a lot, it seems that a lot of you say that I know nothing. Also my previous history was very sorry, which Monalin confronted me on, and I am meaning, only 2 weeks ago... I have improved since then, you can ask the runner of Fronglo's Server =), as well as the staff.


Just email me for comments, complaints, questions, becoming a staff. I will read each and everything that you guys send and will reply to them, kk. Just don't want you guys to start arguments. This should clear up forms a bit. If you have questions on how I am going to do some of the code, besides the Login-Server, since I am mainly concerned about the website and source for 5.8, then send ask away =). Login-Server will probably not be started on for another month.

Hopefully those will answer and reply to some of the complaints and such that you have said, kk Monalin. Also, I left because I felt bad, and wanted to work with Cleaver. He ended his project, so I joined Fronglo's a bit. While I was working on your server Monalin, is when I got The Path of Chaos idea, and I have been wanting to do my own server with those ideas ever since. Sorry if I am not on as much as I should be to my staff, but school comes first for me, the server is next. On all of my free-time, I am working on code, setting up more projects so that we can get started right away when we finally get a decent voluntary host for server. I am not paying for a nice server host until Beta.

Also, I do not yet have a working compiler for PERL. I have one for C++, so if you guys could maybe help me find one, that would be awesome =). Save a lot of time.

Also, because of how you all acted with alot of the stuff I have said, I am keeping most of the information that will be on the server to myself and the staff on the server. You guys will get sneak previews from now on, kk. All heavy information regarding the server will now be in secret unless you guys send me an email and ask =D. If you truly want to know, you will send emails. I shouldn't have to take my time to tell the public. Anyways, what is wrong with a little surprise, and less people saying I can't do it, lol.
//The Path of Chaos Server-
//Fate Industries
//Lots of stuff O-o
Old 09-15-2004, 09:58 AM
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Chambersburg, PA
Posts: 469

*sighs* Didn't take my advice...

Well, you'll learn eventually, though I think it'll take you failing miserably and being insulted constantly by developers to learn it... I know it did for me :P
Keep me unemployed and working on OpenEQ, PM me about donating

Check out my deviantART page at http://daeken.deviantart.com/
Old 09-15-2004, 11:46 AM
monalin crusader
Hill Giant
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 238

12000 lines?
You do realize that this is around 300pages at size 12 font correct?
And you only made 3 mistakes, DAM dude your good. And then you even foudn those syntax errors how good of you. Gota give you credit.

i dont have a compiler for PERL yet
I'll save you the looking around, You dont need one for perl, Its a script, just like HTML you dont need a compiler it compiles as it runs. Now maybe you can be a MASTER at perl now that you can figure out how ot run your PERL scripts.
Ascending Dawn Server Op
Old 09-15-2004, 12:20 PM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Bafoon.........
Posts: 193

Deimos, i want you to know this. Half of the stuff your talking about prolly wont be done. By the time you finish this server there will prolly be a EQEmu 2 for EverQuest2, i will be playing EQ2 and many others prolly, it comes out in 2 months, if it is ganna take you 5 months for a login server then jeeze i dont wanna imagine what it will take for each class to have thier own little zone... and for you to make about 321135414657816571 planets. I only have a few things to say about this.

1. It may not be done.
2. Noone will wanna play when EQ2 comes out.
3. It prolly wont be done.
4. It will not be done.
5. Noone will want to work on a project that is ganna take about 3 years just to finish. I know i wont.
6. You gatta look at reality and not your dreams
7. That is all.

.........The Greatest Creation :arrow: Bafoon X
----->I AM THE BAFOON 1337<-----
will he return??
Ba Fo On
Old 09-15-2004, 12:22 PM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Bafoon.........
Posts: 193

Originally Posted by Deimos

We are doing a new type of introduction for EverQuest that will be based off of If Statements for Races and Destructors to help re-set zone. This is in the C++ code. I am going to get help from a very good source with it. You start in a zone with nobody else in it, and it depends on what class you are to see what zone you go into. So far, I know what I am going to do for one of the classes.

You are on a ship that begins to move towards the Coast of Ish`ta, where a wizard awaits to give you information. Suddenly, a pirate ship attacks you. That is all I am releasin for this event, more to come soon.

Some of the Warrior Classifications:

Warrior of Light:
Good Races
1st Step towards the light

Warrior of Darkness:
Bad Races
1st step towards the darkness

These are some of the second steps you can choose when you finnish the first step.
-Good Races-

Ancient Warrior:
First Step towards The Creator Chronology

Bladesman Of Justice:
First Step Towards The Tribunal Chronology

Swordsman of The Void:
First Step Towards The Unnamed Chronology

Path of the Council:
First Step Towards A Travller

These are only some of the things you can choose. I have it all assituated, no worries.
Here is an example of a Warrior:

Level 65-150 (Depends upon Path you choose)
You may now choose a path:
Warrior of Light
Level 100-300 (Depends upon Path you choose)
You May Now Continue on the path of the warrior of light:
Bladesman of Justice
So, you get to choose new things that become avaliable to you. Each thing has special bonuses that they offer. Each one also has requirements that you must fulfill. The weakest are the easiest, and are accessible by the lowest levels, the strongest are the hardest, and accessible by highest level.

Well, those are some more sneak previews of what the server will have =D. Sure, you think I can't do it, but I can =P. If you have complaints, please stop flooding forums. Just Email me, and I will be happy to answer. If you think I just suck, send me some email also and I will see to some of the things, or explain why I am doing it that way.

Because I say I know a lot, it seems that a lot of you say that I know nothing. Also my previous history was very sorry, which Monalin confronted me on, and I am meaning, only 2 weeks ago... I have improved since then, you can ask the runner of Fronglo's Server =), as well as the staff.


Just email me for comments, complaints, questions, becoming a staff. I will read each and everything that you guys send and will reply to them, kk. Just don't want you guys to start arguments. This should clear up forms a bit. If you have questions on how I am going to do some of the code, besides the Login-Server, since I am mainly concerned about the website and source for 5.8, then send ask away =). Login-Server will probably not be started on for another month.

Hopefully those will answer and reply to some of the complaints and such that you have said, kk Monalin. Also, I left because I felt bad, and wanted to work with Cleaver. He ended his project, so I joined Fronglo's a bit. While I was working on your server Monalin, is when I got The Path of Chaos idea, and I have been wanting to do my own server with those ideas ever since. Sorry if I am not on as much as I should be to my staff, but school comes first for me, the server is next. On all of my free-time, I am working on code, setting up more projects so that we can get started right away when we finally get a decent voluntary host for server. I am not paying for a nice server host until Beta.

Also, I do not yet have a working compiler for PERL. I have one for C++, so if you guys could maybe help me find one, that would be awesome =). Save a lot of time.

Also, because of how you all acted with alot of the stuff I have said, I am keeping most of the information that will be on the server to myself and the staff on the server. You guys will get sneak previews from now on, kk. All heavy information regarding the server will now be in secret unless you guys send me an email and ask =D. If you truly want to know, you will send emails. I shouldn't have to take my time to tell the public. Anyways, what is wrong with a little surprise, and less people saying I can't do it, lol.
That is what i mean about this.
----->I AM THE BAFOON 1337<-----
will he return??
Ba Fo On
Old 09-15-2004, 01:08 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 583

So, what does your 12000 lines of code, 3 error program do?
Old 09-15-2004, 01:42 PM
Cripp's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: The Shire
Posts: 474

Originally Posted by relorm500
Deimos, i want you to know this. Half of the stuff your talking about prolly wont be done. By the time you finish this server there will prolly be a EQEmu 2 for EverQuest2, i will be playing EQ2 and many others prolly, it comes out in 2 months, if it is ganna take you 5 months for a login server then jeeze i dont wanna imagine what it will take for each class to have thier own little zone... and for you to make about 321135414657816571 planets. I only have a few things to say about this.

1. It may not be done.
2. Noone will wanna play when EQ2 comes out.
3. It prolly wont be done.
4. It will not be done.
5. Noone will want to work on a project that is ganna take about 3 years just to finish. I know i wont.
6. You gatta look at reality and not your dreams
7. That is all.

.........The Greatest Creation :arrow: Bafoon X
i agree with everything here(besides the eq2 shit)..

deimos.. dont waste your time, or be a fool like cleaver. even if you do have "the greatest programmer in the world" *cough*bullshit*cough* this would all be a huge waste of time. why would you want to waste weeks and weeks and months and months for... a game? eq? other people? its all pointless, and you will regret it when you could have been doing something more productive with your life. eqemu is just as addictive as norm eq(developing a server that is, playing..depends), peeps get way into it. I was there for a bit, but snapped out of it

all in all.. ITS NOT WORTH IT... especially if your going to use your own loginserver. eqemu has all the playerbase, not you. so why waste so much time when there is a chance that it wont even be that successful

this applies to everyone, before you make an unbelievably custom server, THINK ABOUT IT>>THINK AHEAD.

hmmmm k im done.
Nug Blazers - ServerOP / founder
^^comming... later!


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