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Old 10-23-2010, 01:41 PM
Fire Beetle
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Originally Posted by eqemuross View Post
My server is no longer up because I ran it on my cable modem, and the up time was sketchy since I have a room mate that likes to play PS3/Xbox online and as soon as he'd get on I'd have to take the server down. I didn't think it was fair to the playerbase to host a server like that and it wasn't fun developing on a server that would have to come down all the time.
how dare you respond to this whiny bitch with logic and reason, gtfo. This community has no room for level headed, reasonable, developers interested in creating a custom pvp server
Old 10-23-2010, 02:55 PM
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Originally Posted by eqemuross View Post
I'd love to utilize the hosting space Rogean gave to you Secrets,to recreate one of my servers. Either Crucify PvP or Qeynos Vs. Freeport PvP. I know a ton of ex-players would love to play this server, I just need a reliable host so I can develop the server properly.

I know my server would get alot of support and they were both pretty popular for the short time they were up. Please let me know if this is a possibility... EQEMU is dying for a great custom PvP server.
That would not be up to me, and Rogean would probably have to sell you the space.

That being said, if I was involved with development and not player relations, I would be willing to assist you in developing the server, and it would be a possibility that my space would be used.

My only weakness is that I cannot and will not get involved in player relations. I despise them (the players) deeply, because a lot of them are whiny bitches.
I'd let you take in player feedback but I would let you determine what feedback we should implement. My talent is there, I am just lacking direction, and MortalQuest was proof of this.

All being said i'd like to see a custom PvP server. My server was too much for me to handle alone... so if you're the second person I need to give me a bit of guidance, so be it.

Last edited by Secrets; 10-23-2010 at 03:00 PM..
Old 10-23-2010, 04:31 PM
Fire Beetle
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secrets+vile, do it.

Viles server(s) were great but limited based on his connection. Vile knows how to deal with the PVP community and being a PVPer himself knows how to develop a server which would be fun for the best pvpers as well as the worst. He's also very impartial when it comes to players, won't show favorites over someone he just met to someone he's played with on vztz for years.
Old 10-23-2010, 04:37 PM
Fire Beetle
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Man this would rock, I've been waiting for a server like this to come out for a while now.

Hope this happens.
Old 10-23-2010, 05:11 PM
Fire Beetle
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Secrets MQ server was made and the way it is right now is working well for a PvE server with some PvP, there will be changes made that I would like to implement, however this server imo is not to be restricted to a 10 or 15 zone limit...not something the people that we want to play with want either,

This is not guildwars and we dont wnat a server like that, I am working on this server currently to build a community and willnot deal with whining with the changes you want to be made. You dont like it, dont play here, go elsewhere simple as that.

Everyone has their own views on what they like, and now that secrets is not involved from a player relation status and just wants to DEV, we can get this server fixed to fit our vision not some Griefing PvP GankFest from the hackers like we had.
Old 10-23-2010, 05:19 PM
Fire Beetle
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A server with all indifferent mobs is not PVE. It's not even dumbed down PVE, it's just laughable. Sorry to tell you.
Old 10-23-2010, 05:43 PM
Fire Beetle
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Saiko, you're asking that the server be preserved, even though it's now a ghost-town with ~5 people online, when the space could be put to better use for the emu community. This just isn't selfish, it's inefficient.

Anyhow, a Secrets+Vile server would be great. It would easily be the go-to server for custom PvP.
Old 10-23-2010, 06:16 PM
Fire Beetle
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Posts: 27

really...why not let our community grow, why is it your opinion that something we enjoy is taken off and removed entirely just because you want the space for something you feel is better. We are willing to donate for server hosting and development, We are not looking for handouts or to take other servers space like this previous sugggestion was to take ours.

This is the last comment i post on this, we have great small knit community that will grow in time, we dont expect it to compete with another server or to be very large. But we also are not looking to take hijack server hosting space either like what is trying to be done to us
Old 10-23-2010, 06:22 PM
Fire Beetle
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Stop crying! no one is hijacking "Your" space. It isn't yours, be happy he ran it in the first place. If they want to team up with vile they can. He posted the Database for the server. Run it if you want it it's that simple. The community would rather a server with 20 + people then 2 people. It's not what you only want. Your the reason he didn't want to deal with MQ in the first place. Complain so damn much.
Old 10-23-2010, 06:24 PM
Fire Beetle
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bullshit, ive been on server since day 1 and NEVER requested ANY changes so there goes your theory ..SECRETS will back me up on this
Old 10-23-2010, 06:51 PM
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Originally Posted by icon41gimp View Post
How is this a green server?
To answer the OP Question:

Because it's run by an EQEmu developer.

And we don't need to give you a reason.

Other than that, carry on~
EQEmulator Developer / Administrator
Old 10-23-2010, 06:54 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 23

Originally Posted by Schizophrenic.Saiko View Post
bullshit, ive been on server since day 1 and NEVER requested ANY changes so there goes your theory ..SECRETS will back me up on this

This quote proves my point on how you don't listen or read what people write. I never said you requested any changes i said you complain so damn much. He was tired of people complaining so damn much.

Do i have to really quote you on all your complaining on this thread?
Old 10-23-2010, 08:03 PM
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Originally Posted by SolidusSZ View Post
Saiko, you're asking that the server be preserved, even though it's now a ghost-town with ~5 people online, when the space could be put to better use for the emu community. This just isn't selfish, it's inefficient.

Anyhow, a Secrets+Vile server would be great. It would easily be the go-to server for custom PvP.
This post is so full of win.

Also, I am planning to run a Secrets+Vile PVP server. Him and I are in talks about it now. I'd have control over the server box, and he'd have creative design all under his control. I know next to nothing about PVP. I will admit that. Vile has been in the PVP community for much much longer than I have, and he seems like the perfect candidate for a creative developer, I will still be able to code (and all the coding in C++ will likely be done by me, but shared with him)

We're thinking of doing a faction-based PVP server. It's not going to be one of those "we finished it in a day, here it is guys" servers. In fact, we haven't even discussed specifics other than it'll be like Qeynos vs Freeport. So keep your eyes open, a PvP server will come eventually. I will also leave player relations to Vile, he's more than able to recruit GMs and police things by himself (I could care less about that stuff, really, and I think that's also the reason MortalQuest died.)

Some things to note: You won't be able to PvP your own faction this time around with this server. I tweaked the code to make the inter-faction abilities limited. That's already coded.

So to recap for you tl;drers, I won't have creative control over this new project, but I will be doing the coding/sysadmin'ing. Essentially, it's going to be custom EQ PvP.

Hope that gets some of your hopes up.
Old 10-23-2010, 08:13 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 3

This is awesome. Thank you.
Old 10-23-2010, 08:54 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 23

Nice! i like team pvp.

Good luck to both of you.
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