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Old 06-05-2011, 12:51 PM
Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 435

Wanted to say I just updated my steam install to UF and I really like it.
Thanks for the work put into it to date.
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Old 06-06-2011, 01:44 PM
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The only two issues that remain in UF that I run into is levitate is buggy and inconsistent and bard speed still does not work.

I do not know what the cause of the levitate problem is, but depending on the zone, one of the following will happen:

1. works fine
2. works fine for a while, then suddenly stops working even tho buff is still on (i think it was povalor where i noticed this, but i could be mistaken)
3. never works even tho buff is still on (potimeb consistenly is this way)
4. works for some chars, not for others (potactics has had this problem)

the bard speed problem is figuring out how the focus information is sent to the client. perhaps someone could do a collect of data from live while it's still the free play.
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Old 06-06-2011, 11:28 PM
trevius's Avatar
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From the reports I have had on my server, the UF Levitate works fine in my hub zones, but not in any other zone. I may need to do more testing, but maybe something about the zone settings is causing the effect not to work. I could definitely see the possibility of a field in the OP_NewZone packet structure that prevents levitate effect or something along those lines.
Trevazar/Trevius Owner of: Storm Haven
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Old 06-22-2011, 10:18 PM
Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 965

At character creation, you will always start in the tutorial even with the button unchecked.

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Old 06-27-2011, 03:08 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 22
Default Luclin Weapon graphics

Has anyone been able to get Luclin Weapon grahics to show on UnderFoot client?
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Old 08-18-2011, 05:07 PM
Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 965

Updated the UFMissingFiles wiki page with current information on how to get a live patched client.
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Old 08-22-2011, 11:49 PM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 184

I tried your suggestion, sorvani, and I can get to server select on both my own server as well as the emu server select. However, if I try getting into my own server, or PEQ when I tried the emu login server, I just go to a black screen and it never gets any further. I've grabbed all the missing files as I was running on older versions of the emulator a few years ago and had those files all laying around. My login server window spits out:

[Network] [08.22.11 - 23:45:24] Server list request recieved from client.
[Network] [08.22.11 - 23:45:29] Application packet recieved from client (size 16
[Network] [08.22.11 - 23:45:29] Play recieved from client, server number 1 seque
nce 5.
[Network Trace] [08.22.11 - 23:45:29] User-To-World Response recieved.
[Client] [08.22.11 - 23:45:29] Trying to find client with user id of 2.
[Client] [08.22.11 - 23:45:29] Found client with user id of 2 and account name o
f aostang.
[Client] [08.22.11 - 23:45:29] Found sequence and play of 5 1
[Network Trace] [08.22.11 - 23:45:29] dumping packet of size 20:
0000: 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 | ................
0016: 01 00 00 00 | ....
[Network Trace] [08.22.11 - 23:45:29] Sending play response with following data,
allowed 1, sequence 5, server number 1, message 101
[Network Trace] [08.22.11 - 23:45:29] dumping packet of size 20:
0000: 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 01 65 00 00 00 00 | ...........e....
0016: 01 00 00 00 | ....
[Network Trace] [08.22.11 - 23:45:29] Sending play response for aostang.
[Network Trace] [08.22.11 - 23:45:29] dumping packet of size 20:
0000: 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 01 65 00 00 00 00 | ...........e....
0016: 01 00 00 00 | ....
[Network] [08.22.11 - 23:45:29] Client disconnected from the server, removing cl

My world window spits out:

[Debug] [WORLD__CLIENT] New connection from
[Debug] [NET__IDENT_TRACE] First opcode 0x5d32 did not matc
h expected 0x2792
[Debug] [NET__IDENT_TRACE] Tried patch 6.2_world, and it di
d not match.
[Debug] [NET__IDENT_TRACE] First opcode 0x5d32 did not matc
h expected 0x2ec9
[Debug] [NET__IDENT_TRACE] Tried patch 6.2_zone, and it did
not match.
[Debug] [NET__IDENT_TRACE] First opcode 0x5d32 did not matc
h expected 0x4dd0
[Debug] [NET__IDENT_TRACE] Tried patch Titanium_world, and
it did not match.
[Debug] [NET__IDENT_TRACE] First opcode 0x5d32 did not matc
h expected 0x7213
[Debug] [NET__IDENT_TRACE] Tried patch Titanium_zone, and i
t did not match.
[Debug] [NET__IDENT_TRACE] First opcode 0x5d32 did not matc
h expected 0x6c3c
[Debug] [NET__IDENT_TRACE] Tried patch SoF_world, and it di
d not match.
[Debug] [NET__IDENT_TRACE] First opcode 0x5d32 did not matc
h expected 0x737e
[Debug] [NET__IDENT_TRACE] Tried patch SoF_zone, and it did
not match.
[Debug] [NET__IDENT_TRACE] First opcode 0x5d32 did not matc
h expected 0xff4
[Debug] [NET__IDENT_TRACE] Tried patch SoD_world, and it di
d not match.
[Debug] [NET__IDENT_TRACE] First opcode 0x5d32 did not matc
h expected 0x5a6b
[Debug] [NET__IDENT_TRACE] Tried patch SoD_zone, and it did
not match.
[Debug] [NET__IDENT_TRACE] First opcode 0x5d32 did not matc
h expected 0x13da
[Debug] [NET__IDENT_TRACE] Tried patch Underfoot_world, and
it did not match.
[Debug] [NET__IDENT_TRACE] First opcode 0x5d32 did not matc
h expected 0x4b61
[Debug] [NET__IDENT_TRACE] Tried patch Underfoot_zone, and
it did not match.
[Debug] [NET__IDENTIFY] Unable to identify stream from, no m
atch found.

It looks like an opcode problem, meaning that my client is sending something that either login or world isn't understanding. Maybe the login window is ok, I just have nothing to compare it to. Either way, it would appear that grabbing the 6.5GB straight from Sony does not give you a working client for the emulator currently. I should also note that if I let the client go to the EQLive login, I can get all the way to character select, so it does seem fine for live. Your instructions didn't say to cut off the download at any point, so I let it pull down the full 6.5GB, which was all it had so I appear to be live-patched.

EDIT: I gave a couple other servers a try, including one with "SOD" in the name, and no luck. Same black, frozen screen.
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Old 08-23-2011, 12:13 AM
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 1,742

I think you may have confused the instructions.

You download Underfoot from Steam. You make a copy of it for backup, and you never patch it.

The trial client is just to get the files that are missing in the Underfoot download. You don't ever connect it to the emulator, you just use it as a source for the missing files you need to make your Underfoot version complete.

Then you use the complete Underfoot version to connect to the emulator.
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Old 08-23-2011, 12:16 AM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 184

Originally Posted by lerxst2112 View Post
I think you may have confused the instructions.

You download Underfoot from Steam. You make a copy of it for backup, and you never patch it.

The trial client is just to get the files that are missing in the Underfoot download. You don't ever connect it to the emulator, you just use it as a source for the missing files you need to make your Underfoot version complete.

Then you use the complete Underfoot version to connect to the emulator.
Go here and read the "Updated August 18, 2011" section:


If I am reading it wrong and the Steam client is still needed, there *really* needs to be a note put there stating that, because that section makes it sound like you can simply do what I did and have a working emu client.
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Old 08-23-2011, 01:42 AM
Join Date: Aug 2010
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I'll agree it might be more clear, but the line right above that says "For the missing/corrupt files that can still be gotten from a Live install, you can now get a fully patched to live client by signing up for the 14 day free trial. "
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Old 08-23-2011, 01:49 AM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 184

Originally Posted by lerxst2112 View Post
I'll agree it might be more clear, but the line right above that says "For the missing/corrupt files that can still be gotten from a Live install, you can now get a fully patched to live client by signing up for the 14 day free trial. "
If that one sentence were below the "Update" title instead of above it, it would be much more clear and obvious.
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Old 08-23-2011, 02:09 AM
trevius's Avatar
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Directly from the page/section you linked, the first 3 steps explain it pretty clearly:

These steps were used on August 18, 2011:

1. Locate the Underfoot install. Mine resides in C:\EQ\Everquest_UF\.
2. Make a new folder for the Live install, C:\EQ\Everquest_Live\ is a good location.
3. Copy everything from the Underfoot folder to the Live folder.
It means that you make a copy of your UF folder so you can download the Live files to the new copied folder. You never patch your UF folder, only copy the needed files to it. I added an extra note in bold about not patching, just in case.
Trevazar/Trevius Owner of: Storm Haven
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Old 09-16-2011, 04:56 AM
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With Veil of Alaris launching in 2 months... who wants to bet the steam client is going to be updated again? There's a few things in there I want, and will assist with. Mainly bag sizes.

I'm not sure if they did this yet, but it's very possible they might change bag sizes to a variable size, probably int32 or something similar, based on these patch notes:

- Larger bags can now be found in some House of Thule raid chests. With the inclusion of these new bags, the drop rates of other items in the chests have remained the same or increased slightly.
I can assist with packet collecting if needed. Just trying to gather all the changes that'll happen with VoA. Maybe a new thread is needed >_>
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Old 09-16-2011, 06:07 AM
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If anyone hasn't backed up their steam copy, now is the time to do it.
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Old 09-16-2011, 07:43 AM
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Originally Posted by Secrets View Post
I can assist with packet collecting if needed. Just trying to gather all the changes that'll happen with VoA. Maybe a new thread is needed >_>
Yeah, once VoA development starts, we can get a new thread going for development tracking. I will start one as soon as a new client is available if someone else hasn't already started one. Whoever makes it should have access to edit old posts though, so no normal users, please.

We will most likely see the new client on Steam a few weeks or so before the actual release if they stick to how they have done it in the past couple of years. I am really hoping that we get a complete client this time, like the SoD one. Mainly hoping that it isn't another UF-like client that is missing a bunch of files and takes extra work to make it a good client.

The new bag size stuff is already in as far as I know and was one of the things keeping the current HoT Live client from being fully implemented. So, that will definitely be one of the bigger issues to resolve on the new client. We will probably have a lot of code to touch to get the larger bag sizes implemented. I am not exactly sure how slots will work with the new bag system, since our current slots just go up by 10 per bag. Once we know how they work, we can probably build a slot converter on the encode/decodes like the Titanium to SoD/SoF/UF ones that already exist.
Trevazar/Trevius Owner of: Storm Haven
Everquest Emulator FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) - Read It!
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