In zone/command.cpp
Change the command_serverinfo function to comment out those variables:
void command_serverinfo(Client *c, const Seperator *sep)
char intbuffer [sizeof(unsigned long)];
c->Message(0, "Operating system information.");
// c->Message(0, " %s", Ver_name);
// c->Message(0, " Build number: %s", ultoa(Ver_build, intbuffer, 10));
// c->Message(0, " Minor version: %s", ultoa(Ver_min, intbuffer, 10));
// c->Message(0, " Major version: %s", ultoa(Ver_maj, intbuffer, 10));
// c->Message(0, " Platform Id: %s", ultoa(Ver_pid, intbuffer, 10));
I haven't looked into why those variables are undefined, but command_serverinfo is not a crucial function, so commenting out the offending lines for now shouldn't matter.