Originally Posted by eski2
I've been trying to develop a solo server and one playtest revealed the problem that relatively minor bosses can deathtouch for 100 000 points of damage. (Yes, that's the exact figure). Now, i can imagine the devs wanted to have the guaranteed drama of death for a player involved in a raid, but playing solo it's an instant wipe, regardless of how many bots you have.
Is it possible to alter the value of the deathtouch to bring it to more the level of a pc shadowknight? If not, i guess the only alternative is to remove access to that spell from the peq db, but i'm not sure how to do that.
Either: delete the spell in spells_new, export the spells to the spellfile, edit the deathtouch spell to have reduced damage, or check npc_spells and npc_spells_entries.
Please check out Navicat, it should help you significantly in editing your database and likely solve the pain of having to post these issues on the forum, also, this was already posted in General Discussion, so don't post the same issue twice, please :p