Quest saylink issues help
In the following quest script, how do I get "join" in saylink to be recognized. The NPC will only respond to the 1st saylink "trust".
if($text=~/hail/i) {
plugin::Whisper("Har $name. Me " . quest::saylink("brothers", 1) . ". must have sent ye.");
elsif($text=~/brothers/i) {
plugin::Whisper("Ye either earned their " . quest::saylink("trust", 1) . " or ye were sent to " . quest::saylink("join", 1) . " me, which is it?");
elsif($text=~/trust/i) {
plugin::Whisper("Ohhhh, Har! I see it now! The " . quest::saylink("glow", 1) . " from the locker draws you in, does it not?");
elsif($text=~/join/i) {
plugin::shout("join me it is then $name!");