To try and redeem myself from my most crummy first post I would like to contribute a small bit of work I did to setup my database to be edited with Django the python web framework. After trying to use some of the other tools that were available I decided to try a hand at pointing a Django app at the database just to see if it was as painless as it claimed. 20 Minutes later I was editing an item.
Linux is my only OS so any tools I use have to be appropriately platform independent. I use linux to play and develop.
I posted this "tutorial" on the wiki at the following address:
Please comment on it. I will be happy to answer questions, and would even be willing to post my code on an svn somewhere and keep it updated. I am using the latest PEQ svn so the code would probably be useful to those that don't want to build it custom for themselves.
Please comment on things that need to be fleshed out and parts where I just totally whizzed by something. I will be expanding on the topic in the future. With the DB setup being so easy there is so much that can be done with the Django views. Servers like The Hidden Forest that have an allah like site included could be made in minutes minus the css and prettying up.
I hope to contribute more soon, and thank everyone for all of their hard work. I am working hard on content for my server. I'm really trying to go outside the box and I'm glad that the project has matured to allow for that. I have been able to do 100% of the things I wanted so far. I must say the Task functionality blew me away. So much potential, and so easy to setup, I am surprised more servers I have played on do not take advantage of this. With the added perl interface you can really get deep with the Tasks. I am really impressed.
If you guys give a decent response I will take the time to maintain an editor with the current PEQ release. If that is the case the only setup involved would be a python interpreter as the built in web server is more than enough to use the admin interface. And more complex tasks can be designed in the views. With a little JS and CSS so much could be done.