I don't think this belongs in Feature Request section - more like in "working with mysql" =P
update peq.npctypes set hp=level*10;
this will set hp of a mob =lev*10 for all mobs in db
you can make it more complex if you wish with soemthing like that:
update peq.npc_types set
hp=level*8+(level-1)*(level-1)/4, ac=(level-1)*(level-1)/5+8,
mindmg=(level/10), maxdmg=(level/2+1),
str=(48+(level*2)),sta=(48+(level*2)),dex=(48+(lev el*2)),agi=(48+(level*2)),
wis=(48+(level*2))+25,_int=(48+(level*2))+25,cha=( 48+(level*2))+25,
mr=level/2, fr=level, cr=level, dr=level, pr=level,
hp_regen_rate=(level/10), mana_regen_rate=(level/5);
this will set hp, ac, resists etc for all all mobs based on the their level