Maybe you shouldn't 5 pull with a bot cleric?? I view bots as pick-up group caliber who may have been twinked with a few nice items so they have a few things they can do well. One this they cannot do well is react to what's going on around them with intelligence. This is why I run with a backup healing Shaman, and a Paladin: backup fast heals, or an enchanter for mezes.
In all seriousness, these are the types of things I plan to work on when time permits. One option is to check for multiple incoming mobs, such as the mez code, but I believe that would be a significant resource drain. I'll check into this. Another, which I've discussed in one of the threads is to be able to adjust bots' spell casting frequency by spell type. I.E. Set a bot cleric's nuking to 50%, then use hotkey to 0% if you see too many mobs incoming. This would be more work up front, but wouldn't bog down the server if there were many bot clerics up.