For people that want both mercs and bots in a new server :
The new peq db daily dumps do not have bots and mercs enabled when you aquire it. Enabling the mercs and merc vendors is a simple two query process, but getting the bots is another matter..To get bots, you will need the old peqdb from svn, and make a few modifications.
Aquire the “old” svn peqdatabase from:
Aquire the daily dump peq database from: the peqbeta_201#-##-##-##:##.tar.gz
Extract peqbeta_201#-##-##-##:##.tar.gz to the same directory that the old peq svn db is in
On windows command prompt, change directory into the peqdb svn folder..ex cd c:\peqdb or wherever you have the svn at.
Run mysql command prompt.. mysql -uroot -p
create database peq;
use peq;
source peqbeta_2013-xx-xx-xx_xx.sql;
source user_tables_2013-xx-xx-xx_xx.sql;
source source_views.sql;
UPDATE `npc_types` SET `class` = 71 WHERE `lastname` LIKE '%Mercenary Liaison%';
DELETE FROM `rule_values` WHERE `rule_name` LIKE '%bot%';
UPDATE `rule_values` SET `rule_value` = 'true' WHERE `rule_name` = 'Mercs:AllowMercs';
drop table commands;
source player_tables/commands.sql;
source load_bots.sql;
You now have a db with bots and mercs both enabled, as well as commented commands table for the newbies (load_bots will fail on old commands table due to missing description column, easier to use old commands with the decsriptions than to modify the bots command sql...)