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Old 05-31-2009, 01:52 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Florida
Posts: 10
Default Vallon Zek / Tallon Zek EverQuest Classic PvP - With Fresh Lemon Scent!

Vallon Zek / Tallon Zek EverQuest Classic PvP

This server has been up now for almost 2 years. After a lot of testing, tweaking, balancing and bug fixes, we have recently relaunched the server with EverQuest Classic only.

Here is what w have to offer:

The Vallon Zek / Tallon Zek Emu Server is a Legit PvP server. You can NOT use any # GM commands to get around game dynamics (such as #zone, or #summonitem).

The server currently offers content from Original EQ, with Ruins of Kunark and Scars of Velious coming soon on a Progression format. There is no Plane of Knowledge or any other content from beyond the Velious expansion. This is simply because we do not want that content on the server.

We have built this server with simplicity in mind. Don't expect a ton of customizations, though there will be some. This server will not be some unholy mutant baby spawned by WoW and Vanguard. We built this server to be EverQuest as we remember it, and we will do our best to keep with this mentality. We don't plan on putting in a PvP points system ( we have tried this before ), creating zones from scratch, or totally rewriting the loot tables. After all, if we have to give you points and gear for killing each other, you'd have more fun playing on a semi-legit bluebie EMU server (god knows there are enough of them out there).

That being said, VZ/TZ is the most Live-Like Classic Server out there today!

Our website is www.pwnedemu.com Take a look and we hope to see you on the server!

The PvP Rules are as follows:
  • You can neither attack, nor be attacked by another player until level 7
  • You can neither attack, nor be attacked by any player that is a member of your Guild
  • You can neither attack, nor be attacked by another player that is 10 levels above or below your current level.
To sum it up: You can attack (and kill) any player that is above level 6, in a different Guild, and +/- 8 levels from you.

The PvP Rewards are as follows:
If you are victorious in PvP, you may:
  • Loot all coin from your slain opponent's corpse.
  • Brag as your victory is announced to the world.

We have reworked many of the zones and loot tables (such as Temple of Cazic-Thule, Nektulos, Lavastorm, Mistmoore etc) back to their original states. This does not mean the every item will be un-nerfed or put back into the game, but many have been.

I've gotten this question more than probably any other, so I'm going to post it here too.

Server Hardware Information:
  • Dual Intel Xeon Quad Core 2.33ghz Processors
  • 12 GB ECC Fully Buffered DDR2 800 RAM
  • SuperMicro X7DWA Serverboard
  • Windows Server 2003 Enterprise
  • 2 x 33.6gb 15,000 rpm SCSI drives in RAID 1 (System)
  • 4 x 33.6gb 10,000 rpm SCSI drives in RAID 5 (Data/Database)
  • Verizon Fiber Optic 20up/20down Dedicated Internet Connection
  • UPS (Backup Battery Power)
  • Database backups throughout the day
  • Angelox Classic Database, with heavy customizations
  • The hardware is dedicated to ONLY hosting this server. This is not with a hosting company (that has 50 customers sharing one tandy desktop), and no one will have to shut it down because Mom said it's time for bed.

Everyone wants to know if leveling is too hard, or if leveling is too easy. Leveling on EQLive can be excrutiating, and even if you're a hardcore old school PvP junkie, you're still not going to destroy anyone at level 7, so XP rates affect everyone. Rather than putting an overall XP modifier on the server, we have set "HotSpot" zones. These zones have increased xp rates, so if you are leveling up in them, you will do so faster than normal. We chose this option for two reasons:

* We don't want the game to be so easy that there's no feeling of accomplishment for leveling up (*cough* World of Warcraft)
* Since the Everquest world is pretty damn big (even when it's capped at Velious), the HotSpot zones should increase the population for these zones, which should increase the likelihood for PvP encounters, and keep things interesting.

*The current HotSpot zones are Dungeons.

Log on, have fun, and let us know what you think.
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Old 05-31-2009, 01:56 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Florida
Posts: 10


General Rules

1. Anyone selling or auctioning items, characters or accounts for the purpose of monetary gain will be banned and your characters deleted.
2. Also anyone found to have purchased items, characters or accounts through monetary transfer will have their accounts and the acquired items, characters or accounts banned and deleted.
3. Anyone found duplicating items will be banned and characters deleted.
4. Anyone found accepting duplicated items will be dealt with on a individual basis, the items will be deleted from your account. This can result up to a ban from the server. We do research to determine if you knew that the item you received was legitimate or not. And if you lose an item because it was duped, it will not be reimbursed, regardless if you knew the items origin.
5. This server and staff do not benefit from any type of monetary gain nor will the players of this server under any circumstances. These rules have been put in place to protect the staff, server and players.
6. You, the player, are responsible for your own corpse recovery. CRs are one of the many challenges that you will encounter within the world that is EverQuest. If you let your corpse rot/decay, the staff will NOT restore your corpse for you.
7. It is MANDATORY that anyone who plays on this VZ/TZ Server needs to update their spells_us.txt with the file provided on these boards. You must download the new spell file PERIODICALLY for any spell updates or changes. If you do not download this spell file you will be treated the same way as if you are caught hacking or using MQ and similar punishments will be dealt out.
8. The Staff will not change your name, race, or class after you have created your character, so do not ask. Whichever name you choose will be the name you keep until the end of days, so please choose wisely.
9. You are only allowed to 2-box (meaning you can only run 2 accounts at the same time). 3-boxing and 4-boxing and so on, are not permitted. you can have as many accounts as you want to create, but are only allowed to play on two accounts at the same time. Violating this rule will get you banned .
10. Guides and GMs are NOT required to respond to a /tell from a player. sometimes they are working on out of game stuff, or are simply AFK. if you need staff assistance, use /petition (if you log off, make sure to re-petition when you log back in, just in case a staff member tried to reach you while you were offline).

Item Reimbursement

• Items that have been deleted on accident will not be reimbursed.
• Items that were deleted due to insufficient space in inventory will not be reimbursed. Only you are responsible to make sure you have enough space for the items you are about to receive, not the GM's.
• Quests that are not marked completed will not be given item reimbursement if the NPC eats your item on hand in. Quest hand in's that are not verified are "at your own risk". You can ask a GM, or check the message board to see if a Quest is completed and verified.
• Items that were deleted due to server side error will be reimbursed after an investigation by the staff to ensure no fraudulent claims are granted. Please note, it’s not a fast or easy process to review logs for items, and if The Staff learns a player has made a false claim, or that a player has lied about lost items, that player will be banned, end of story.


• New guilds can be created by using /petition and requesting a guild be created.
• Guild leaders are held responsible for the actions of their members and officers. Do not recruit players that you cannot control, or that you know are cheating/hacking/exploiting, because if caught, the entire guild can be punished depending on the incident.


Users from this point forward will be banned permanently if being found using 3rd party programs such as MQ or other software to gain abilities or undesirable effects to the server. There is a ZERO TOLERANCE policy in effect on this.

• Do not attack mobs through walls.
• Do not exploit AE/rain spell targeting, do not rain zonelines.
• Do not crash zones intentionally. we now have ways to log what causes zone crashes. if any players are found intentionally crashing zones they will be banned.
• If you think what you are doing or someone else is doing may be considered an exploit report it right away in a petition.
• Attacking mobs that do not attack back is considered an exploit and can warrant a ban.
• Failure to stop and report exploits can result in account banning and/or deletion.
• If you find a bug/exploit, report it right away. Exploiting something over and over and then deciding to report it later is another offense that can warrant a ban.

PVP Rules

Causing XP Loss:
The Staff strongly supports and encourages the use of PvP by guilds to enact their wishes throughout the world, but only PvP that is within the rule-set of this server. Intentionally causing experience (or a PvE) death to a player, or utilizing and/or manipulating NPCs/Mobs to cause intentional damage and/or death to a player is AGAINST the rules. All players need to know that attacking a raid party while they are engaged on a raid mob is NOT against the rules, however, as soon as a player brings NPCs/Mobs into that PvP encounter they are breaking the rules, and can be banned for such actions.

Using a bug/exploit or a "loophole" to gain an advantage is considered exploiting. Exploitation in any form is against our rules, but exploitation with the intent to gain a PvP/PvE advantage (including but not limited to Zone Crashing) is something we have very little mercy for. If you think that something you are doing could be considered an exploit, just ask (before you do it).

No Character Crashing/Raining or AEing Zone Lines:
Don't crash other peoples clients, simple as that. Do NOT AE/Rain the zonelines. If you do this intentionally, you will most definitely be banned.
(To clarify; this does not mean zone lines are "safe" areas, there are no safe areas here. for example; you are not allowed to camp a zoneline and just rain the first random person to pop. Or if your sitting in a place like Plane of Fear camping the zone in spot, and an enemy zones in, you are not allowed to instantly rain him, because crashing clients while they're loading causes much bigger issues than you having to wait a couple seconds to nuke someone, and you will receive a more harsh penalty. We also understand that things can get wild in the heat of the moment; so lets say that two groups are about to PvP, groupA is in DreadLands at the karnor zone in, and groupB is in Karnor at entrance. GroupA zones in, legit PvP begins, and during the fight a couple of groupA start zoning back to DL. Obviously the PvP will continue in DreadLands, and while this is still considered AE/Raining a zone line if your using AE/Rains in the PvP, you will not be punished as severely if the staff rules that it wasn't intentional. Note* Spells like Stun, Mez, and Blind are all acceptable at zonelines because they can not kill a player and crash that player's client while its loading. If you don't understand something feel free to ask a staff member to clarify it, ignorance is not a valid excuse to avoid following these rules.

Re: Bind Camping:
Bind Camping is illegal for ANY reason within any of the City Zones within the world. if you happen to kill a character in a city zone which he happens to be bound in, you may not camp him, or request that he camp and/or leave the zone. You can loot his coin but then you must move on. We do not care how badly you wish to “lock down” Grobb, Neriak, or any other city.
Bind Camping is legal in any zone that is NOT a City zone. If you happen to kill a player in a non-City Zone which he happens to be bound in, you may camp him. You can offer LnS if you wish, but you are also free to bind camp the player.
Bind Camping in City Zones can and will get you banned from the server, so if you're unsure about something simply ask a Staff member, because we are here to help you, the player, have an enjoyable time while playing on this server.
(To clarify some things, you must be killed more than once for it to be considered CAMPING your bind point. Also, being killed at your bind does NOT mean you are now safe from PvP, it just means that same person cannot kill you repeatedly, but other people may stumble upon you. If guilds and/or groups abuse this to try and Bind Camp in a City Zone, everyone involved will receive a minimum 3 day Ban from the server, there will be no more warnings for Bind Camping within City Zones. However on the other side, if a player chooses to Bind himself outside of a City Zone, he is “flagging” himself for Bind Camping, and that player can then be Bind Camped.)

City Zones:
Paineel (only within the actual City!)
Surefall Glade

Our server is a Guild vs. Guild server, and as such a Guild (or alliance of guilds) can be punished for the actions of its members. The basic message here is for guild leaders to keep a leash on some of the more colorful members. We understand that some times a guild leader will honestly not be aware of the situation, and we have tools at our disposal to determine if that's the issue. Lying to a staff member will result in an account ban. Our staff is here to help the community enjoy their time here, please don't waste our time with false claims, or blatant lies.

The General Rule:
Our staff is here to protect the growth of the server. If a staff member tells you to do something, just do it. You have the right to give your perception and opinion of events, but you are not allowed to be disrespectful to our staff. If you have a problem with a member of our staff don’t take it up with them, send me a PM and I will handle it.
If you make a mistake, try and make it right. If you need Staff assistance to help make the situation right, let us know because we are here to help. Remember, taking advantage of a bad situation that you have caused (even if on accident) is just as bad as doing it on purpose in the first place and will be treated as such.

Respect (Re... spect.... walk.... are you talking to me?!)
Respect to the staff is mandatory for anyone who plays on the server. Players must realize that staff members are normal people like yourselves with actual jobs/lives, and not paid Customer Service Representatives. We are not your therapists or babysitters. We do not want to hear how unfair something is, or how biased/tyrannical/terrible we are. We do not want to hear your armchair dictating of "what needs to be changed next" when you're clueless about our source code. You are always welcome to provide feedback or state your opinion, but must do so in a reasonable and respectful manner. If you disrespect the staff or act like a pain in the ass, you will be banned.
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Old 06-03-2009, 04:33 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 5

You guys have a great large group of folks that play and a wonderful place to relive a close to classic EQ. I would have kept playing if PvP was for me but it isn't for me. I hope you guys continue do well. Grats on the new server hardware!
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Old 06-05-2009, 04:37 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Stranna
Posts: 7

This isnt true:

Re: Bind Camping:
Bind Camping is illegal for ANY reason within any of the City Zones within the world. if you happen to kill a character in a city zone which he happens to be bound in, you may not camp him, or request that he camp and/or leave the zone. You can loot his coin but then you must move on. We do not care how badly you wish to
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Old 06-05-2009, 04:38 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Stranna
Posts: 7
Default cc camping

this is just a joke and if you complain about it on the forum they will BANN YOU

Its 24/7 CC camping INSIDE CITYS at your bind from same peps
They are using tracking mq like hell, YOU CANT HIDE FROM ANY CLASSES
resist hack is another stuff they use

The only thing you cant do is training that is something that will get you banned but everything else is gappening 24/7 what ever they say.

//Someone who just get banned for taking this up, had been cc camped for 2 houers from same person in rivervale and NOTHING Happened
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Old 06-05-2009, 05:11 AM
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Halas
Posts: 42

Originally Posted by konke67 View Post
this is just a joke and if you complain about it on the forum they will BANN YOU

Its 24/7 CC camping INSIDE CITYS at your bind from same peps
They are using tracking mq like hell, YOU CANT HIDE FROM ANY CLASSES
resist hack is another stuff they use

The only thing you cant do is training that is something that will get you banned but everything else is gappening 24/7 what ever they say.

//Someone who just get banned for taking this up, had been cc camped for 2 houers from same person in rivervale and NOTHING Happened
....Resist hacks....really? I am sure he wont listen to me, so does someone else want to explain to this misguided soul that hacking your resists from the client is impossible.

I told him I just wanted to buff up and med upp then logg but he still continue to CC me INSIDE Rivervale.

Is he stupid RL or what is his problem????


I WONT TO LOGG OFF FFS with Fm and buffed
Our CCing at bind (bind camping) rule is so that you dont get chain killed at your bind over and over again. It is not there so that you can sit at your bind for 20 minutes doing what ever the hell you want after dieing without consiquence.

Bring a cup next time champ and try not to spaz out on our staff when you die in a video game.
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Old 06-05-2009, 05:36 AM
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Halas
Posts: 42

And if Trevis deletes the above message, can you please at least address the 'resist hacks' thing, if my above message is fine then go ahead and delete this one. I have a hard time gauging when I am being too dickish on the forums for your taste, so my posts end up in the recycle bin :(

Thanks pal,
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Old 06-05-2009, 09:06 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: florida
Posts: 13

well he asked u to leave , u didnt leave there for u paid the price. Its kinda like rl only, wanna advoid the hassle log off or leave the zone.

And if u know anything Rivervale n Surfall are most popular towns on vtz. Just think while u was here posting that think about bind camping not beening true. You could have zoned out , hide behind a tree n med up.

As for hacking , i highly doubt that. If there are the GM`s will get em. The GMs on vtz are some of the best i seen around , active with there server and always on the watch....shit it looks like they follow fish bait around. We all know about Tyen past......./instant camp in fear

*sigh* dam kids. DEAL WITH IT! ITS PVP NOT PVE!
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Old 06-05-2009, 11:05 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Stranna
Posts: 7

Originally Posted by SatrekVZ View Post
well he asked u to leave , u didnt leave there for u paid the price. Its kinda like rl only, wanna advoid the hassle log off or leave the zone.

And if u know anything Rivervale n Surfall are most popular towns on vtz. Just think while u was here posting that think about bind camping not beening true. You could have zoned out , hide behind a tree n med up.

As for hacking , i highly doubt that. If there are the GM`s will get em. The GMs on vtz are some of the best i seen around , active with there server and always on the watch....shit it looks like they follow fish bait around. We all know about Tyen past......./instant camp in fear

*sigh* dam kids. DEAL WITH IT! ITS PVP NOT PVE!
ok soo if someone tell you to leave and you dont do it then its ok to CC someone, is that what FB is doing all the day and think is ok even if GM on server just writed this:
"""""""" Our CCing at bind (bind camping) rule is so that you dont get chain killed at your bind over and over again" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have no problem with getting killed of different players but now we talking about 1 Person...................who cc me for more then 2 houers and every time I sit down he hitted me again to like 5% HP and every time I get more then 50% he started to hit me or kill me again soo if that isnt CC what is it then?????????????????

or did different guild have diff rules on the server????

//litensup HFL Druid
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Old 06-05-2009, 11:16 AM
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Halas
Posts: 42

Originally Posted by konke67 View Post
ok soo if someone tell you to leave and you dont do it then its ok to CC someone, is that what FB is doing all the day and think is ok even if GM on server just writed this:
"""""""" Our CCing at bind (bind camping) rule is so that you dont get chain killed at your bind over and over again" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have no problem with getting killed of different players but now we talking about 1 Person...................who cc me for more then 2 houers and every time I sit down he hitted me again to like 5% HP and every time I get more then 50% he started to hit me or kill me again soo if that isnt CC what is it then?????????????????

or did different guild have diff rules on the server????

//litensup HFL Druid

You wanted to buff and med up before you camped out, if you would have just camped out (with your gear mind you) then there wouldn't be a problem here at all.
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Old 06-05-2009, 11:49 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Stranna
Posts: 7

Originally Posted by VallonTallonZek View Post
You wanted to buff and med up before you camped out, if you would have just camped out (with your gear mind you) then there wouldn't be a problem here at all.
ofc not but thats not the point here, you have rules and as long as you have them people should follow them or?

Last edited by konke67; 06-05-2009 at 07:51 PM.. Reason: wrong message
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Old 06-05-2009, 12:08 PM
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Halas
Posts: 42

Originally Posted by konke67 View Post
ofc not but thats not the point here, you have rules and as long as you have them people should follow them or?
Bind camping would be just killing you no matter what you were doing, that isn't what was going on, we both know this.

You were given the option by your killer, either camp our or leave the zone. You chose neither, and instead spent the time you should have been spending getting your shit and leaving, or camping out...not on trying to buff and med to full. Hes not going to let you do that, because there is nothing in our rules stopping you from just attacking him again once you are all ready.
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Old 06-05-2009, 01:33 PM
Fire Beetle
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Old 06-05-2009, 01:34 PM
Fire Beetle
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Posts: 2

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Old 06-05-2009, 01:44 PM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Stranna
Posts: 7

Bind Camping:
Bind Camping is illegal for ANY reason within any of the City Zones within the world. if you happen to kill a character in a city zone which he happens to be bound in, you may not camp him, or request that he camp and/or leave the zone. You can loot his coin but then you must move on. We do not care how badly you wish to “lock down” Grobb, Neriak, or any other city.[/QUOTE]
************************************************** ************************************************** ************************************
So what is this for Rules then?

If I follow this I can sit on my ass and drink Tea in Rivervale if I like and NO ONE can kill me more then 2-3 times or threath me to leave the zon because they dont like im sitting there.

But like I sad earlier some OLD peps can do what they wont and all newbie like me most accept it or take the shit since rules only afflict newbies not old players/friends to you or???

//litensup HFL Druid

Last edited by konke67; 06-05-2009 at 09:46 PM.. Reason: wrong text
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