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Old 02-07-2013, 07:59 PM
Join Date: May 2011
Location: usa
Posts: 94
Default Is there a list of guides you need to set up a server?

Hi, Im just asking because Im getting no one on any one guide and dont want to mess up anything by going guide to guide digging a deeper and deeper hole for myself by the end of it.

So if setting up a server requires a read over of 2 different guides could ya let me know which two gives the best path to completing this goal?
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Old 02-07-2013, 10:54 PM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: USA
Posts: 133


Most current guide I used. Had to ask questions a long the way, as parts are out of date.
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Old 02-08-2013, 06:29 PM
Join Date: May 2011
Location: usa
Posts: 94
Exclamation Cmake..

So I used Cmake and had no problems with configure and generate. Did I happen to miss any steps in that guide? I go to look for the project and soluations file it says to do for VS 2008 and I fail to find that server file anywhere...am I just downloading the wrong things or dose Cmake replace that part of the guide?

Guide Im using is :


Part / Parts in questions are :

9. Open up the MS Visual C++ 2008 Program that you installed.

Click on "File" and scroll down to "Open" and from that menu "Project/Solution"
The browser will pop up and you will navigate to C: drive to the source folder.
Inside the source folder is trunk folder. Inside that one is EQEmuServer folder.
Click on that folder and inside, one of the files Server.sln (NOT Server71).
Click on Server.sln and click open.(this file will have a number "9" on it)
You should now see the project on a menu (on the left)
On the top menu, click on "Build" and choose "Clean Solutution" from that menu.
At the end of that it should say Build: 5 succeeded 0 failed 0 up-to-date 0 skipped
Now, at the top menu click on Build and scroll down to "Configuration Manager".
You will see a drop-down menu called "Active solution manager" (make sure it is)
Change that drop menu entry to "Release" and click "close".

***WARNING*** There is also another option in there for "ReleaseBots". You would want
that one if your implementing the bot system.

So now, its time to click on the top menu called Build and choose "Build" from that one.
It will start building the server for you. Don't pay any attention to the warnings and
crap that goes up the window, A lot of it doesn't mean anything.
All you have to hope for, is when its done, it will give that same line again:
Build: 5 succeeded 0 failed 0 up-to-date 0 skipped

If the build was successful, (5 succeeded), you DO NOT have to re-do that just because
you have future problems. The rest of the setup is copying files, sourcing your database
and configuring your server. The database and the server are two seperate things.
Your config files will help connect the two when your server is finally up and running.

10. It's time to start copying files from your source folder to the server folder.

***WARNING** - All of the files I am going to list here NEED to be copied over to your
server folder. you will find them all in different sub folders in the source folder.

First go into /source/trunk/EQEmuServer folder. You will see a folder called Build.
This folder was created when you compiled the server apps.It contains 5 files you
need to copy over to your server folder:
Chatserver.exe, eqlaunch.exe, World.exe, Zone.exe and EMuShareMem.dll

Next, In /source/trunk/EQEmuServer/utils folder, copy these to your server folder also;

mail_opcodes.conf, opcodes.conf, patch_6.2.conf, patch_Anniversary.conf,
patch_HoT.conf, patch_SoD.conf, patch_SoF.conf, patch_Titanium.conf, schema.xml
and patch_Underfoot.conf

Next, In /source/trunk/EQEmuServer/utils/defaults folder -

Copy ALL the folders and files inside this folder. EVERYTHING !!!! and put them in your
server folder also.YOU DON'T need the folder called .svn

Thanks for read and replying forhand I know Im asking alot.
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Old 02-08-2013, 08:08 PM
Join Date: May 2009
Location: USA
Posts: 22

Make more threads man, you will only get help if you have more than 3 active threads you are posting in.
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