I was trying to add weapons to my NPC's and was unable to use #npcedit Weapon (ID) command without searching in my database for the modelid...
So i created this GM command that returns the Model ID when you search for an item by itemid. For example.
I type #finditemmodel 14383 and it returns
Innoruuk's Curse - IT145.
Very simple.
The searching by item NAME and working as well but MUCH more reliable to search by item id.
I realize this is not a MAJOR improvement or feature but it made my life MUCH MUCH easier.
I did not provide a Diff because nothing is being removed. Just added.
Line 157 I added
void command_finditemmodel(Client *c, const Seperator *sep);
and Command.cpp
Line 446 I added
command_add("finditemmodel", "- #finditemmodel searches for model of an item based on provided item ID", 0, command_finditemmodel) ||
Line 2841 I added
void command_finditemmodel(Client *c, const Seperator *sep)
if(sep->arg[1][0] == 0) {
c->Message(0, "Usage: #finditemmodel [search criteria]");
std::string query;
int id = atoi((const char *)sep->arg[1]);
if (id == 0) // If id evaluates to 0, then search as if user entered a string.
query = StringFormat("SELECT name, idfile FROM items WHERE name LIKE '%%%s%%'", sep->arg[1]);
else // Otherwise, look for just that item id.
query = StringFormat("SELECT name, idfile FROM items WHERE id = %i", id);
auto results = database.QueryDatabase(query);
if (!results.Success()) {
c->Message (0, "Error querying database.");
c->Message (0, query.c_str());
if (results.RowCount() == 0) // No matches found.
c->Message (0, "No matches found for %s.", sep->arg[1]);
// If query runs successfully.
int count = 0;
const int maxrows = 20;
// Process each row returned.
for (auto row = results.begin(); row != results.end(); ++row) {
// Limit to returning maxrows rows.
if (++count > maxrows) {
c->Message (0, "%i modelid's shown. Too many results.", maxrows);
c->Message (0, " %s: %s", row[0], row[1]);
// If we did not hit the maxrows limit.
if (count <= maxrows)
c->Message (0, "Query complete. %i rows shown.", count);