1. Any state of EQ Emu will only provide content up to expansion 9 due to the PEQ, correct?
2. Using a patched RoF2 client on Windows 11, I'm having trouble getting it to remember graphics settings - they don't stick. How do I fix that? (note: I didn't do a full install, I just copied out the install files. Why? I'm not sure)
3. I'm doing this for a friend. I played Asheron's Call. So I don't understand why when I select Dwarves and Crescent Reach it doesn't work. Later expansion?
4. Speaking of expansions, my client says I have 0 out of 0 expansions. Saw someone say that everyone sees that. Is that something I need to fix?
5. Got EQEmu working on Ubuntu 22.04, but the instructions proved challenging (for me). I had to do an apt search for replacements among other things. I'm not a developer/dba, so I'm not going to be able to code fixes (though small SQL queries and scripts are probably fine). What are my chances of stability?
6. I assume there are no mods?
7. Saw a post about modifying the SQL files to make the game solo-friendly. Anyone have a quick link to some helpful instructions beyond what was provided here?
8. I can't seem to find the Discord for EQEmu. I found a Discord URL from 2022, but the link was broken. Anyone have the updated version so I can bother everyone, there?
For anyone willing to reply to this mess of a post, thank you very much in advance!