09-01-2003, 01:38 PM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: PA
Posts: 203
Ahh Crap, there went Speedis.org =( !!!
Hello, and welcome to speedis.org.
Want to buy this domain with all that it had?
If you are interested, send me an email if you want to buy the scripts and/or the domainname speedis.org.
The Advance Script cost $50, and with that you also get the Basic version if you feel like you want that too.
I assume everyone have seen the advance version, if not you can mail me at: some@speedis.org and i'll supply you with enough screenshots.
All you need to go to get your own "Advance" running after you've bought it is to have a emailserver running
(if you want users to be able to retieve their passwords if they forgot), an account at a webserver and a account on a mysqlserver.
Due to the last harddrivecrashes, extreme lack of donations (1 million visitors / $52 = $0,000052 per visitor),
i have decided that i can no longer keep up this website. Seeing as i had no banners since i dislike those
very much, i hoped to get support from people, but since i did not, this is not possible any more.
Speedis.org had 1Million+ visitors, 395K+ uploaded basic pictures, 86K+ uploaded Advance pictures,
5798 Advance accounts, a Webdir using over 35 gigabyte of data and was using around 70GigaByte of bandwidth
per day.
Also, speedis.org had around 10k unique visitors per day to the website alone during the weekends, and alittle less during the normal weekdays.
For all people who have emailed and asked why the company cant put in more cash into a new speedis.org server:
This website was not run by any company, it was run by a 19 year old guy from Sweden who did this on his spare time, and i can not put in more
cash into this website since i lose way too much cash on it. Sorry.
The IRC-server, speedis.org email accounts and all hosted websites here will still be up though,
its just the images and uploading on the mainpage that is gone.
Sorry but this decision is final. I can not change my mind about this since it would ruin the server once again,
and since i also do things on that server that i get paid for, it is not possible to keep this website up.
If you want to talk to me or something you can join irc.speedis.org on channel #runescape, otherwise the place
to send hate-emails is: some@speedis.org
And to everyone who has been complaining about speedis.org having downtime even though this was a free server:
Fuck you.
Sucks.....Now i gotta find a new site to use to post pics
This guy was pretty kewl too.. ::sigh::
"I know of no higher fortitude than stubbornness in the face of overwhelming odds." Louis Nizer