I moved this post over to general support, because it isn't really a feature request, and all of the topics mentioned are not really issues that can be fixed in the EQEmu code. Derision already mentioned the /friends and /ignore list stuff for SoF, but here are answers about the other issues brought up in this thread:
Originally Posted by Childscar
Some zones mob models don't work
This is not really an issue with SoF. It is an issue with the Client itself not having the proper _chr.txt files for certain zones. This can be fixed for most zones by using the batch file we made here:
Each client playing on the server will need to run that to see the appropriate mobs. Also, the server admin can create their own _chr.txt files to distribute that will include the proper models for whatever zone they make them for.
Originally Posted by Childscar
new characters respawn in Freeport instead of their home zone upon their death
This issue is not an issue with SoF, it is an issue with how the server you are playing on is setup. This is all stuff that can be changed on a per-server basis. For example, I have my server set to start all SoF players in Crescent Reach, but you can adjust the rules and have them start in their normal home zones, or whatever.
There are issues that need to be resolved with SoF and the majority of them can be found in these 2 posts:
Secrets of Faydwer - Bug Tracking
SoF Development Tracking