My first EQ character was a human paladin. It was a disaster. Then I tried Troll, and never looked back
Hopefully I'll be bringing some of the magic back to that dingy hole off Innothule we like to call Grobb, starting with the first quest I ever did.
I can't seem to find a way to (cleanly) assess the number of eyeballs handed in as a global number, so every 3rd turn-in, irrespective of the person, gets the reward. Any advice on that appreciated. Instead, at the moment, he just eats the items. Yum.
#Quest Name: A job for Nanrum
#Author: BWStripes
#NPC's Involved: 1
#Items involved: 3
###NPC 1
#Name: Basher Nanrum
#Race 92 (Troll), Texture of 0, Size 0, gender of 0
#Location: -67.0,-7.0,3.1 in Grobb
#Level: 45
#Type: Quest NPC
#Reward: Random between: -
# 10351:Brass Earring
# 10026:Cat's Eye Agate
# 10060:Chunk of metal ore
# 10018:Hematite
# 10006:Silver Earring
# 10017:Turquoise
###Item 1,qty3
#Name: Fire beetle eye
#ID: 10307
#Description: The point of this quest is to hand out random stuff to new trolls. The desired reward was the brass earring - an AC2 ear was good back then.
#The fire beetle eyes are available locally from Sro and the Ferrott - you just needed some wanderlust!
#Quest for Basher Nanrum in Grobb
quest::say("Peh! What am you wanted?! I am Basher Nanrum. You? $name ? Heh, you look for works? Hmm, me tinks you too weakling for [job] me need done. Hmm.. You might do, mebbe.");
quest::say("Me in charge of making torches for basher patrols. But Nanrum is much too mighty for such stupid job and Nanrum get idea. Dem fire bugses in da desert - dem eyes glowed. And dem don't burneded like torches. If $name getted Nanrum three fire beetle eyes me would giveded $name a shiny thingie dat you wanteded. Go ahed, $name , an' get me da eyes.");
if($itemcount{10307} <= 2){
quest::say("Well dat be some of da eyeballses I askeded for. But I you needs ta give me three for da shiny.");
if($itemcount{10307} >= 3){
quest::say("Heh heh. All da eyeballses! I didn't think ya could do it but ya did. Here is da shiny. If you gets more I always have more shinies.");
my $NanrumReward1 = "10351"; #Brass Earring
my $NanrumReward2 = "10026"; #Cat's Eye Agate
my $NanrumReward3 = "10060"; #Chunk of metal ore
my $NanrumReward4 = "10018"; #Hematite
my $NanrumReward5 = "10006"; #Silver Earring
my $NanrumReward6 = "10017"; #Turquoise
my $NanrumReward = quest::ChooseRandom($NanrumReward1, $NanrumReward2, $NanrumReward3, $NanrumReward4, $NanrumReward5, $NanrumReward6);
quest::faction(66,10); #Da Bashers
quest::faction(22,-5); #Broken Skull Clan