I've not looked through the source, but maybe somebody can tell me the difference in these rules?
RULE_INT(World, MaxClientsPerIP, -1) // Maximum number of clients allowed to connect per IP address if account status is < AddMaxClientsStatus. Default value: -1 (feature disabled)
RULE_INT(World, ExemptMaxClientsStatus, -1) // Exempt accounts from the MaxClientsPerIP and AddMaxClientsStatus rules, if their status is >= this value. Default value: -1 (feature disabled)
RULE_INT(World, AddMaxClientsPerIP, -1) // Maximum number of clients allowed to connect per IP address if account status is < ExemptMaxClientsStatus. Default value: -1 (feature disabled)
RULE_INT(World, AddMaxClientsStatus, -1) // Accounts with status >= this rule will be allowed to use the amount of accounts defined in the AddMaxClientsPerIP. Default value:
Are these just dupes leftover or are both used?