That spell is already a command and should have been removed, I just left it out of the 250_bot_spell_update.sql, I updated that file, here's what I added, you can also remove;
DELETE FROM npc_spells_entries where (npc_spells_id >=701 and npc_spells_id <=712) AND spellid=80;
DELETE FROM npc_spells_entries where (npc_spells_id >=701 and npc_spells_id <=712) AND spellid=261;
DELETE FROM npc_spells_entries where (npc_spells_id >=701 and npc_spells_id <=712) AND spellid=255;
DELETE FROM npc_spells_entries where (npc_spells_id >=701 and npc_spells_id <=712) AND spellid=894;
DELETE FROM npc_spells_entries where (npc_spells_id >=701 and npc_spells_id <=712) AND spellid=2739;
DELETE FROM npc_spells_entries where (npc_spells_id >=701 and npc_spells_id <=712) AND spellid=86;
Any spell that's been turned into a #bot command, needs to be removed from the PEQ databases "npc_spells_entries" table.
I think I finally got them all, but if you see a bot auto casting a spell that should be a command, post it and we'll add it to the above list ('#bot list' will tell you what spell should be a command).
A lot of these spells I had pulled out of my own database a long time ago, just because they annoyed me, and I forgot they were still in the PEQ database.