So Far
Thanks I'll do that now..
Got the whole database to compile, went to use SQL ver4..
What made a difference for me was using the Win2000 user name and password for the SQL, solved alot of errors.
The Boot5Zones works fine, the World command gets them and loads them properly with out errors
The 2 errors I'm currently working are as follows:
1 - with the world.exe command I get the following errors.
Error: LoginServer::Connect:Resolving IP address;'Unable to get the host name. Error 1101
2- and with the minilogon program the error is
Couldn't open the MiniLogiAccounts.ini file
So I'm happy with the 4 hr progress, at least it feels as if I'm getting somewhere.
With all the guides so far, the are logical, but is there one mentioning which files we should run, ie as the MDAC 2.6
is this only on the server computer or on all the computers that will be using EQ.
the setup I'm aiming for is a server ( win2000) and 2 winxp box'ss playing the game.
The server doesn't have a firewall and no internet access at all, the whole lan is working....
Well part of my problem might be I've downloaded all the latest of all the files mentioned, not all are mentioned to be used in the different guides