Scaling buff times bugged?
Could you guys check if buff scaling thing works right?
I belive originaly they were made so high lev buffs only last a fraction of a time on low level people. However I am experimentign with number of spells and even spells that are set to be low level- like lev 10 - only lasting couple of minutes. Specificly Regeneration only lasts like 3 min
I am not excatly sure what is bugged or is it just coded this way, BUT important thign that there should not be any hard coded scaling down on certain spells or ceratin levels. The scaling down part should be applied based on:
. the min lev at which spell can be cast VS the lev of the person it was cast up on.
So if lev 51 spell is casted on lev 50 person you should loose like mayby 10% duration, but what I see now, is lev 10 spell casted on lev 10 person gets 90% of its duration taken out
On top of that a RULE should be made to COMPLITLY turn off any duration scaling at all