When using #bot group guard the bots no longer attack with me. I am familiar with this, but would like to change it. I looked at the code and it seems that it calls the mob function that has the bots stop following (SetFollowID (follow = 0)). This works ok as it keeps them from moving, but any ideas on having them keep on my agro usage?
IIRC angelox has a #bot group stay command which is more of what I am looking for.
I'll look more into it when I get the time if no one has any suggestions.
EDIT: NM I found it. Leaving this here though as I will use this thread to post the changes.
Basically in the bot AI it equalizes the followid with helping auto fight
if(!IsEngaged()) {
if(GetFollowID()) {
Ok so here is the fix I am going to use for now.
Feel free to change it to suit your needs. I am sure not everyone wants them assist when guarding, but I see no reason for my bots to just stand there.
In the AI_Process function this is the change (only added one check but placed a large portion of code for clarity of where to look
if(!IsEngaged()) {
if(GetFollowID() || BotOwner) {
if(BotOwner && BotOwner->CastToClient()->AutoAttackEnabled() && BotOwner->GetTarget() &&
BotOwner->GetTarget()->IsNPC() && BotOwner->GetTarget()->GetHateAmount(BotOwner)) {
AddToHateList(BotOwner->GetTarget(), 1);