Firstly, yes I made sure the qglobals was set to 1 on the npc.
Secondly, after flagging them I repopped, rezoned and reset the server.
Thirdly, yes, I have quest_globals in my database.
What I'm trying to do is write a simple blackjack quest where you can give plat to the npc and have them open a tab for you. But the second I put anything related to a qglobal in the quest it seems to stop working. I've been copying directly off of the wiki page. I tried troubleshooting by taking only the beginning of the quest off. She won't even reply to a hail. Here is the fragment I'm testing on the other dealer in highkeep.
my $cashout = quest::saylink("cash out");
my $play = quest::saylink("play");
my $hit = quest::saylink("hit");
my $stay = quest::saylink("stay");
quest::say("My dialog is working.");
if($text=~/Hail/i && !defined $qglobals{BlackJackTab}){
quest::say("Hello, $name. Are you looking for a rousing game of black jack? Go ahead and give me some platinum to get started and I'll open a tab for you.");
if($text=~/Hail/i && defined $qglobals{BlackJackTab}){
quest::say("Welcome back, $name. Your current balance is $qglobals{"BlackJackTab"} platinum. If you'd like to $cashout please tell me.");
When I hail her with that as the quest she turns to me but won't respond at all. Not even with, "My dialog is working." I put that in when she wasn't responding to see if she'd get that far but she doesn't
However, when I remove all references to qglobals it works.
my $cashout = quest::saylink("cash out");
my $play = quest::saylink("play");
my $hit = quest::saylink("hit");
my $stay = quest::saylink("stay");
quest::say("My dialog is working.");
when this is her quest and I hailer he responds just fine with, "My dialog is working."
What am I missing here?
Knowing me it's probably something painfully obvious.
Thanks, guys. =)