recently just threw up the good ol server (have to run it from my house >atm< cuz im poor and dont trust very many people)..]
and wanted to let u all know that u can cruise in and say hi whenever im prancing my own lands :p
a bit about the server itsself... its all custom (npcs,spawns,zonelines,items,and almost anything else in the db)...
its about.. like maybe... 3%? maybe 4%? complete ;p
i have about 5 zones fully spawned so far for the starting areas and such...
i have a FAT starting city... which will be all useful and interactive down the line...
i have an awsome little boat system im ready to setup.. those of you on KMRA have seen my work in the zone nro... ya that boring llittle newb zone with snakes and beeltes runnin all over the place, thats all my fault
theres also alot i have yet to even start on what ive finished.. like loot, exp, quests, and all those other tweaks and nuts
anyways.... just a little update on my end..
im also very busy IRL, sometimes ><, so my activities here are limited some days of the week.
please leave some questions/comments and cruise into the tank lands and say whatup if you would like too.
EDIT:: if u get error when logging in, just try a few times and see if iit works..