The summoned arrow most likely had a level restriction on it.
Unfortunately, the newer clients (UF+) allow an item to be placed into a slot regardless of this..I think
it has to do with membership levels and equipment staying in place - but, unusable.
You probably saw a yellow background for a split second before the resync action kicked in.
Will it be fixed? Most likely.
It's not high on my list atm due to it needing a complete rework of inventory methods.
I'd really like to 'probe' the client and see if it's possible to disable that 'feature' altogether.
We don't use membership and have no need to allow exceptions to item equip rules.
Any time you get a resync message, you should camp or zone immediately.
I added that code some time ago because the old method simply deleted the items.
The resync does help and there is a chance it will actually work as intended.
But, there is no guarantee and the only sure way to avoid item loss is to force a hard resync.
Uleat of Bertoxxulous
Compilin' Dirty