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Quests::Plugins & Mods Completed plugins for public use as well as modifications.

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Old 05-03-2011, 03:45 AM
trevius's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2006
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Default Time Stamp Plugins

These 2 plugins can be handy when you want to do time-related stuff like setting an end time for something that can be recognized server-wide (using qglobals). See the comments in the script for details on using the plugins and what they can do.

Here are the steps to add these plugins to your server:

1. Open notepad, or whatever text editor you prefer.

2. Copy and paste the following code into Notepad:

###Usage: my $EndTime = plugin::GetEndTime("TypeDur", localtime=false);
# Example: GetEndTime("M60");	# Add 60 minutes to the current timestamp and return in unix time
# Example: GetEndTime("H5", 1);	# Add 5 hours to the current timestamp and return in readable local time
# TypeDur is set just like as it is for QGlobals
# S | seconds | "S15" = 15 seconds |
# M | minutes | "M30" = 30 minutes |
# H | hours   | "H12" = 12 hours   |
# D | days    | "D90" = 90 days    |
# Y | years   | "Y5" = 5 years     |
# localtime is an optional field
# If set to 1, it will return a readable date/time stamp, otherwise 0 (default) is unix time

sub GetEndTime {
	# TimeStamp Exmaple: Thu Feb 18 11:52:33 2010
	my @TimeSplit = split(//, $_[0]);
	my $TimeType = $TimeSplit[0];
	my @InDur = split($TimeType, $_[0]);
	my $Duration = $InDur[1];
	my $UseLocal = $_[1];

	my $AddSecs = 0;
	my $AddMins = 0;
	my $AddHours = 0;
	my $AddDays = 0;
	my $AddYears = 0;
	if ($TimeType eq "S" || $TimeType eq "s")
		$AddSecs = $Duration;
	elsif ($TimeType eq "M" || $TimeType eq "m")
		$AddMins = $Duration * 60;
	elsif ($TimeType eq "H" || $TimeType eq "h")
		$AddHours = $Duration * 3600;
	elsif ($TimeType eq "D" || $TimeType eq "d")
		$AddDays = $Duration * 86400;
	elsif ($TimeType eq "Y" || $TimeType eq "y")
		$AddYears = $Duration * 31556926;
	else {
		return 0;
		#plugin::Debug("Type is Wrong");
	my $NewTime = time + $AddSecs + $AddMins + $AddHours + $AddDays + $AddYears;
	if ($UseLocal)
		return localtime($NewTime);
		return $NewTime;

###Usage: my $TimeLeft = plugin::GetTimeLeft(UnixTime, ReturnType=0);
# Example: GetTimeLeft(1285623342);	# Check current time against a Unix Timestamp and return secs/mins/hours/days/years remaining
# Example: GetTimeLeft(1285623342, "H");	# Check current time against a Unix Timestamp and return hours remaining
# Returns 0 if no time is left
# ReturnType is one of the following: S seconds, M minutes, H hours, D days, Y years  

sub GetTimeLeft {

	my $InTime = $_[0];
	my $ReturnType = $_[1];
	my $CurTime = time;
	if ($InTime - $CurTime <= 0)
		#plugin::Debug("Time is up! In Time $InTime, Current Time $CurTime");
		return 0;

	my $TimeDiff = $InTime - $CurTime;
	my $TimeDiffTotal = $TimeDiff;
	my $YearsLeft = 0;
	my $DaysLeft = 0;
	my $HoursLeft = 0;
	my $MinutesLeft = 0;
	my $SecondsLeft = 0;
	# Years
	if ($TimeDiff > 31556926)	
		$YearsLeft = int($TimeDiff / 31556926);
		$TimeDiff -= $YearsLeft * 31556926;
	if ($TimeDiff > 86400)
		$DaysLeft = int($TimeDiff / 86400);
		$TimeDiff -= $DaysLeft * 86400;
	if ($TimeDiff > 3600)
		$HoursLeft = int($TimeDiff / 3600);
		$TimeDiff -= $HoursLeft * 3600;
	if ($TimeDiff > 60)
		$MinutesLeft = int($TimeDiff / 60);
		$TimeDiff -= $MinutesLeft * 60;

	$SecondsLeft = $TimeDiff;
	my $TimeLeft = 0;
	if (!$ReturnType)
		$TimeLeft = "$SecondsLeft Secs, $MinutesLeft Mins, $HoursLeft Hours, $DaysLeft Days, $YearsLeft Years";
		if ($ReturnType eq "S" || $ReturnType eq "s")
			$TimeLeft = $TimeDiffTotal;
		elsif ($ReturnType eq "M" || $ReturnType eq "m")
			$TimeLeft = int($TimeDiffTotal / 60);
		elsif ($ReturnType eq "H" || $ReturnType eq "h")
			$TimeLeft = int($TimeDiffTotal / 3600);
		elsif ($ReturnType eq "D" || $ReturnType eq "d")
			$TimeLeft = int($TimeDiffTotal / 86400);
		elsif ($ReturnType eq "Y" || $ReturnType eq "y")
			$TimeLeft = int($TimeDiffTotal / 31556926);
		else {
			$TimeLeft = 0;
			#plugin::Debug("Type is Wrong");

	return $TimeLeft;
3. Save that file to your server /plugins/ folder and name it "time_tools.pl".

4. Do a #questreload and the new plugin should be ready for use
Trevazar/Trevius Owner of: Storm Haven
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Old 05-13-2011, 11:43 AM
Akkadius's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2009
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Posts: 2,072

Trevius, I have added this plugin to the repository. Thanks for submitting that. Do you have some script examples so that when I post a Plugins usage thread I can incorporate those examples?

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Old 05-13-2011, 10:58 PM
trevius's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: USA
Posts: 5,946

Here is a fairly simple example of using these 2 plugins together:


	if (!$client->EntityVariableExists(15) || plugin::GetTimeLeft($client->GetEntityVariable(15), "S") == 0)
		# Do your spell script here
		# ...
		# Then set the new end time for the recast delay here
		my $EndTime = plugin::GetEndTime("S5");
		$client->SetEntityVariable(15, $EndTime);
		$client->Message(13, "Spell recast time not yet met.");

Basically, in this example, you are just using these plugins to create and enforce a recast delay within an item click script, which otherwise would not have a simple way to set a recast delay on.
Trevazar/Trevius Owner of: Storm Haven
Everquest Emulator FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) - Read It!
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