I have added a new command, #bot healrotations. This can be used to set up healrotations for raid targets, and has quite a few things you can do to tweak how it works to better suit your needs.
You can create a heal rotation, add members, remove members, add and remove targets to heal, set the timer, specify whether you want to use fast heals or not, and then start, stop, and list details about the heal rotation using the following commands:
#bot healrotation help - will show this help.
#bot healrotation create <bot healrotation leader name> <timer> <fasthealson | fasthealsoff> [target]. This will create a heal rotation with the designated leader.
#bot healrotation addmember <bot healrotation leader name> <bot healrotation member name to add>
#bot healrotation removemember <bot healrotation leader name> <bot healrotation member name to remove>
#bot healrotation addtarget <bot healrotation leader name> [bot healrotation target name to add]
#bot healrotation removetarget <bot healrotation leader name> <bot healrotation target name to remove>
#bot healrotation cleartargets <bot healrotation leader name>
#bot healrotation fastheals <bot healrotation leader name> <on | off>
#bot healrotation start <bot healrotation leader name | all>
#bot healrotation stop <bot healrotation leader name | all>
#bot healrotation list <bot healrotation leader name | all>
Rotation Members must be bots.
Rotation Targets can be bots, clients, pets.
Rotation Leaders who die transfer leadership to next in line, so to issue more commands, you would need to use the new leader's name in the command (this is why I added start / stop / list all).
Rotation Targets are targeted in order based on group tank role, then order in the list (if they are in the zone and not dead, etc)
Members must be added by name, targets can be added by name or if targeted (pets were an issue to add by name).
How I use them:
create healrotation, setting leader, timer (seconds between heals), and whether to use fast heals or not (not means it will use complete/percentage heals).
add members
add targets
I have a couple of hotkeys set up, one to create and add all 4 members, and another to start the rotation. I may make another to change some parameters so that the heal rotation will use fast heals (non complete heals) on say a 2 second timer, and then switch to fasthealsoff with a timer of 4 when the raid mob I'm facing has been slowed, etc.
I tried to make it as robust as I could, meaning, if a rotation member died or is camped, the others will bypass that member and go to the next one, effectively eliminating them from the rotation. Targets may die or zone, and will not be targeted until they are revived or rezone (and are within casting distance).
Group Role of tank also factors in, as the rotation members will focus on group tanks, so the following can occur: Main rotation target is group tank in group 1. 2nd target is group tank for group 2. Target 1 dies, and members starting healing target 2. Target 1 is rez'ed (or respawned), but doesn't automatically become the main target again, as they are most likely not ready for it. The members continue to heal target 2 until target 1 is re-added as group tank.
Please let me know if you have any issues with this command, or if there is any changed you would like to see made. I'll see what I can do.