I was able to get the luclin models enabled by setting the value of Expansions in the variable table to 255.
Here's the code:
DISCLAIMER: Use at your own risk. This worked for me but I am not sure it will work for everyone. This is the cma clause =) I am not responsible for any damage you may do to your database, server, pc, mind, health, etc.
UPDATE dbname.variables
SET value=255
WHERE varname='Expansions';
This does not give you the zones. You'll need to add those yourself. I had saved the old database and just created a new one for 5.9 so this is the code I used to update. NOTE: The zones are not populated yet. I have not gotten to it so all the new zones are empty.
Disclaimer above still applies.
insert into 59db.zone
(short_name, file_name, long_name,
safe_x, safe_y, safe_z, minium_level,
minium_status, zoneidnumber,
timezone, maxclients, weather,
note, underworld, minclip, maxclip,
fog_minclip, fog_maxclip, fog_blue,
fog_red, fog_green, sky, ztype, zone_exp_multiplier,
walkspeed, time_type)
select short_name, file_name, long_name,
safe_x, safe_y, safe_z, minium_level,
minium_status, zoneidnumber,
timezone, maxclients, weather,
'' as note, underworld, minclip, maxclip,
fog_minclip, fog_maxclip, fog_blue,
fog_red, fog_green, sky, ztype, zone_exp_multiplier,
walkspeed, time_type
from 57db.zone
where zoneidnumber not in (comma seperated list of zoneidnumber's that are already in the 58 classic database)