I'm working on a plugin to read spells from a table (by class) and report data in a table. Basically I've taken Akkadius' Leaderboards plugin and hacked it up to accomplish this.
sub ShowSpellList {
my $class = $_[0];
$connect = plugin::LoadMysql();
$query = "SELECT
WHERE class = ? ORDER BY level";
$query_handle = $connect->prepare($query);
quest::debug("$DBI::errstr") if $DBI::errstr;
my $Result = "";
while (@row = $query_handle->fetchrow_array()){
my ($spell_name, $spell_class, $spell_level, $spell_expansion, $spell_id) = $query_handle->fetchrow();
quest::debug("Name: $spell_name");
quest::debug("Class $spell_class");
quest::debug("Level $spell_level");
quest::debug("Expansion $spell_expansion");
quest::debug("ID $spell_id");
$Result .= "
<td><c \"#FFFF66\">$count~</td>
<td><c \"#FFFF66\">" . $spell_name . "~</td>
<td><c \"#DF7401\">" . $spell_class . "~ </td>
<td><c \"#00FF00\">" . $spell_level . "~ </td>
<td><c \"#FF0000\">" . $spell_expansion . "~ </td>
<td><c \"#3366FF\">" . $spell_id . "~ </td>
$count = 0;
Spells ~
<th>Spell ID</th>
" . $Result . "
The query works, and the debug messages report things correctly. Just doesn't pop up a window with a table in it.
I don't see anything obvious, but it probably is