You dont need to uninstall. Just delete the peq database from Navicat, then right click your connection and select create new database, name it peq and CLOSE navicat...
then with a command prompt cd into the peqdatabase and:
mysql -uroot -ppassword
use peq;
source peqdb_rev2294.sql;
source load_player.sql;
source load_bots.sql; (IF USING BOTS)
Open a new Navicat session and open the peq database by double clicking it, all your tables should show up in the main window. right click the peq database and select "Execute sql File" then browse to your emulator source /utils/sql/svn dir and select
click open, you may get an error on this one depending on if you sourced load_bots or not, dont worry about it if you dont need bots.(this needs to be addressed as it is required but bots are not required so may cause confusion) Then proceed to source in the rest of the "required" sqls in the svn directory greater than 2300 (2340, 2361 ..ect ect) At this point you are done with the database, start up your servers and good luck..
If you need to start over again you could also clear the db via the drop_xxx.sql's.
Note: some people claim that navicat does a poor job of importing, myself I do all my importing from within mysql but to each their own.
I create a "New Folder" in svn and copy all the required updates to that folder, ie 2399, 2340 ect ect. then I run this bat file in that directory:
@echo off
set files=*.sql
set output=merged.sql
echo. > %output%
for %%A in (%files%) DO call :MERGE %%A %output%
goto end
if '%1'=='%output%' goto EOF
echo -- %1 >> %2
type %1 >> %2
echo. >> %2
goto EOF
This will create a "merged.sql" of all the files I
manually copied, then I log into mysql via mysql -uroot -ppassword
use peq
source merged.sql;
Done..This way I do not use navicat to import the individual updates one at a time, they all get done in one call.