Personally, it wasn't just the x5 thing.
It's never that simple. So let me throw out a few thoughts on this.
for Item stats, you could be just a simple 2x standard, or 3x, or 4x .. whatever. Watch out for caps though. Like 2H weapon capping early at 255 damage, because the database don't allow numbers higher than that ... or something like that. Or you could go fast trough the progression of armor, like on the EZ server. Basically, the point is to empower your character fast enough that it can solo it's way up, if you want to.
Zarns Barn also added some augmentations that you could buy for a reasonable price that fit in any augmentation slot, and really made a difference. Which means that you could sort of make partial upgrades, as you went along.
They also had the usual buff bot, and teleporters, and custom zones.
Which is always very nice. Sort of makes it a "new" game.
On the other hand, I'd also like to see stuf like you see on the Hidden Forrest server,where for example they added dropped patterns in the zones you hunted in, which you then turn in for items .. rather than just item drops in the zones.
Should also make itemization a bit easier, since everyone can use the patterns.
On a sidenote, when making special NPC's, having hotlinks in the text makes it easier for everyone. And having the NPC whisper you, will cut down on the chat spam for everyone else nearby.
As for Quests, it's a good idea to have a few early quests that rewards commonly needed utilities. Like on the EZ server, the very first quests rewards a pre-nerf Circlet of shadow, with instant clicky Gather Shadows on it. That's a great idea, because it means everyone have access to invis later on, even if they are a warrior and can't cast spells.
This could be expanded upon more. We have seen items that can resurrect people, or summon a Banker, or teleport you home, or convert HP to Mana .. etc. etc. ... But how about a buff-bot akin item ? Have it be a quest chain, so that the first version of it, only have a small "buff package" .. and then higher versions of it have more elaborate ones ? I don't know how difficult it is to make an item cast multiple spells, but alternatively it could summon an NPC like the buffbot that goes away after casting it's buffs.
Well, I'm done rambling for now.