There's also this that I made mostly for development and standing up quick test servers for PEQ
Disclaimer: All of this runs out of one container which does not follow the typical one process per container paradigm. There's a workspace container which runs all of the emulator binaries, compilation etc and then there is the mariadb container
This is not an officially supported branch but it works more than fine for what it was whipped together for
Eventually I will put together a production ready deployment setup, but it is not on my priority list right now, but I'm putting it out there as-is for folks who wish to play with it.
This could probably run a production server just fine, just everything runs in one container
All you need to do to get it all setup is run `make install`
| Welcome to EQEmu Docker!
| usage: make [command]
pull-maps Pulls maps
pull-eqemu-code Pulls eqemu code
pull-eqemu-server-script Pulls
pull-peq-quests Pulls ProjectEQ quests
pull-docker-config Pulls default eqemu_config.json
pull-utility-scripts Pulls utility scripts (start/stop server)
init-build Initialize build
build Build EQEmu server
build-clean Cleans build directory
build-with-cores Build EQEmu server (make build-with-cores <number>)
up Bring up the whole environment
down Down all containers
restart Restart containers
install Install full application
init-server-directories Initializes server directories
init-peq-database Sources fresh PEQ database (Warning: Will over-write existing)
help Show this help.
server-start Start EQEmu Server
server-stop Stop EQEmu Server
bash Bash into workspace
mysql-console Jump into the MySQL container console
chown-eqemu Sets eqemu user ownership over files inside container