You're kind of on the wrong thread for support questions regarding database editing, etc.
(a moderator might move this when noticed)
You should get yourself a good text editor (like Notepad++), which is good for creating and
editing all types of files, including quest scripts, configs and, in this case, .sql queries. It's a
totally free download found here:
These two simple examples set all zones as hotzones and all merc merchant's class to 71.
UPDATE zone SET hotzone = 1;
UPDATE npc_types SET class = 71 WHERE lastname LIKE '%Mercenary Liaison';
Putting those in an .sql query file and running it into database, or if your current database
front end can run those queries, then it speeds things up. But you would need to read up
a lot on the basics for sql. Things like this come in handy, like setting spawn info for a
particular type of NPC. There is many more advanced queries that can be done as well.
But we all learn to walk before we run
(By the way, "sql" stands for Structured Query Language)