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Old 08-27-2004, 04:15 PM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 104
Default Ornate/Elemental Armor Quest

I'm trying to implement a large number of EQLive quests for a legit, custom content server that still operates off the base zones. Here's the Quest for Elemental / Ornate Armors...just in case anyone wants it =)

#Zone - Plane of Tranquility (203, Potranquility)
#Mob - Bor Wharhammer (Dwarf, Level 60)
#Quest - Ornate/Elemental Armor


	if($text=~ /Hail/i)
		quest::Say("Greetin's t'ye $name!  Isn't the area 'round 'ere so nice 

an' quiet?  Suc a departure form me old days; slaving o'er the forge t'create masterpieces! 

 T'be 'onest, at times I do miss the old forge, but after I created me finest breastplate, it 

seemed as if nothing else I made could ever live up t'it.  So i left me home to'wander the 

land an' see what I could learn o'the world.  I 'ave learned quite a bit from the elders 'ere 'an 

the skilled craftspeople in New Tanaan.  I 'ave even devised a type o'emblem that will 

impart the magic o'tranquility into the user t'create planar armors from pieces o'energy 

fround in the planes.");

	if($text=~ /emblem/i)
		quest::say("Well, the emblems dinnae be easy t'craft but I will gladly 

give ye one fer the price of 500 platinum pieces. They allow a planes traveler with no 

craftin' skills t'create many fine pieces o'planar armor in a special, magical kit I also 'ave 

an' will throw in with the price. The kit acts as a focal point fer the wild magic energy o'the 

Planes. Ye will only be able t'use each emblem an' kit once when ye create the piece, 

'owever I dinnae be goin' anywhere soon! Just venture back when ye need another an' 

dinnae ferget the coin!")

	if($text=~ /planar armors/i)
		quest::say("From me understanding, the very fabric o'the planes is so 

strong out 'ere, it can be found in raw form the deeper ye traverse. Anyone who ventures 

far into the planes finds that they must wear excellent armor t'protect them from the savage 

environment. The very essence of planar energy can be focused into a form that can fit our 

shape. As ye progress deeper into the planes, ye will find many molds an' patterns with 

which t'base a set o'armor. If ye want t'know 'ow t'craft the various types o'armor, I can 

instruct ye about plate, chain, leather an' silk.")

	if($text=~ /chain/i)
		quest::say("Ahhhhh $name! Chain armors, while not as sturdy as 

plate, provide so much more mobility if constructed properly. T'construct a piece o'chain 

armor, ye need t'combine a chain pattern, an emblem, various amounts of ethereal metal 

rings an' use one o'those crafty Tanaan smithin' 'ammers all within a furnace touched by 

Ro. Ethereal metal ring construction is another matter. Ye will need to combine a brick 

o'ethereal energy, an ethereal temper an' a file within a Tanaan forge. I would seek a 

skilled craftsperson t'make the rings fer ye; the emblem will enable ye t'craft the final armor 

piece no matter what yer skill be.");

	if($text=~ /plate/i)
		quest::say("Ahhhhh $name! The fine rigid armor that can stop a shaft 

from piercing yer heart! Too bad it be so cumbersome an' difficult t'move about in. To 

construct a piece o'plate armor, ye need t'combine a plate mold, an emblem, various 

amounts o'sheet metal an' use one o'those crafty Tanaan smithin' 'ammers all within a 

furnace touched by Ro. Ethereal metal sheet construction is another matter. Ye will need 

t'combine two bricks o'ethereal energy, an ethereal temper an' a Tanaan smithin' 'ammer 

within a Tanaan forge. I would seek a skilled craftsperson t'make the metal sheets fer ye; 

the emblem will enable ye t'craft the final armor piece no matter what yer skill be.");

	if($text=~ /silk/i)
		quest::say("'Har! It be quite funny that we be referin' t'silk as armor, fer 

the amount o'protection it provides be miniscule at best. The planar armor made from 

strands o'ether can still be quite useful fer its magical properties, 'owever. Ye will need 

t'take up a Tanaan embroidery needle, a pattern, an emblem an' various amounts o'ether 

silk swatches t'create a piece. Craft it all within a sewing kit boilin' with magical energy");

	if($text=~ /swatches/i)
		quest::say("T'make a swatch, ye need t'combine two strands o'ether 

along with a curing agent in a Tanaan loom. Ye will need t'seek a skilled brew master 

t'make the curing agent fer ye. Just 'ave them create it by using two celestial essences, 

soda an' paeala sap");

	if($text=~ /leather/i)
		quest::say("Leather armor provides little protection due t'the make-up 

o'the materials. We shall do our best, 'owever, t'see ye make a quality piece. T'do so, ye 

must combine a pattern, an emblem, various pieces o'cured ethereal energy an' a Tanaan 

embroidery needle all within a sewing kit boilin' with magical energy. The cured energy 

may be problematic fer an unskilled craftsman, 'owever. Just sew two silk ethereal 

swatches together using a Tanaan embroidery needle within a Tanaan loom. I can just 

imagine yer next question t'be about swatches, aye?");



	if($platinum == 500)
		if($class == Warrior || $class == Paladin || $class == Shadowknight || 

$class == Cleric || $class == Bard || $class == Berserker || $class == Ranger || $class ==

Shaman || $class == Rogue)

			quest::say("Wonderful! This coin will go towards me fines 

with the Myrist library. They charge quite a bit fer overdue volumes! 'ere be yer emblem an' 

a kit in which ye may craft planar armor. The kit only 'as enough magical energy t'craft one 

piece before the energies expire, be sure ye understand. May the armor ye make with it 

provide ye with much protection.");


		if($class == Monk || $class == Beastlord || $class == Druid || $class 

== Wizard || $class == Enchanter || $class == Magician || $class = Necromancer)

			quest::say("Wonderful! This coin will go towards me fines 

with the Myrist library. They charge quite a bit fer overdue volumes! 'ere be yer emblem an' 

a kit in which ye may craft planar armor. The kit only 'as enough magical energy t'craft one 

piece before the energies expire, be sure ye understand. May the armor ye make with it 

provide ye with much protection.");


		if($class == Warrior)
		if($class == Paladin)

		if($class == Shadowknight)

		if($class == Cleric)

		if($class == Bard)

		if($class == Berserker)

		if($class == Ranger)
		if($class == Rogue)
		if($class == Shaman)

		if($class == Monk)
		if($class == Beastlord)
		if($class == Druid)

		if($class == Enchanter)
		if($class == Magician)

		if($class == Wizard)
		if($class == Necromancer)

Replace all the Words in the summonitem blocks with the item IDS of your items...if you hafta make them and such.

As far as i know there are no bugs in that, but lemme know if you find one =).
Server-OP and host of Lord of the Rings [Legit-Custom] Server
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Old 08-27-2004, 04:32 PM
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Heaven.
Posts: 1,260

The problem with that quest though is that the sewing kit doesnt disappear on combine like it does on live. Personally I'd have it so they just hand the necessary items to the NPC -> and it returns the item. Just a thought.

Nice job on the quest, though =))
namespace retval { template <class T> class ReturnValueGen { private: T x; public: ReturnValueGen() { x = 0; }; T& Generator() { return x; }; }; } int main() { retval::ReturnValueGen<int> retvalue; return retvalue.Generator(); }
C++ is wonderful.
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Old 08-27-2004, 05:41 PM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 104

Okie...Good idea Cisyouc I've written the code (DAMN it took a long time...heh) Anyways here we go...

Full Quest File :

#Zone - Plane of Tranquility (203, Potranquility)
#Mob - Bor Wharhammer (Dwarf, Level 60)
#Quest - Ornate/Elemental Armor


	if($text=~ /Hail/i)
		quest::Say("Greetin's t'ye $name!  Isn't the area 'round 'ere so nice an' quiet?  Suc a departure form me old days; slaving o'er the forge t'create masterpieces!  T'be 'onest, at times I do miss the old forge, but after I created me finest breastplate, it seemed as if nothing else I made could ever live up t'it.  So i left me home to'wander the land an' see what I could learn o'the world.  I 'ave learned quite a bit from the elders 'ere 'an the skilled craftspeople in New Tanaan.  I 'ave even devised a type o'emblem that will impart the magic o'tranquility into the user t'create planar armors from pieces o'energy fround in the planes.");

	if($text=~ /emblem/i)
		quest::say("Well, the emblems dinnae be easy t'craft but I will gladly give ye one fer the price of 500 platinum pieces. They allow a planes traveler with no craftin' skills t'create many fine pieces o'planar armor in a special, magical kit I also 'ave an' will throw in with the price. The kit acts as a focal point fer the wild magic energy o'the Planes. Ye will only be able t'use each emblem an' kit once when ye create the piece, 'owever I dinnae be goin' anywhere soon! Just venture back when ye need another an' dinnae ferget the coin!")

	if($text=~ /planar armors/i)
		quest::say("From me understanding, the very fabric o'the planes is so strong out 'ere, it can be found in raw form the deeper ye traverse. Anyone who ventures far into the planes finds that they must wear excellent armor t'protect them from the savage environment. The very essence of planar energy can be focused into a form that can fit our shape. As ye progress deeper into the planes, ye will find many molds an' patterns with which t'base a set o'armor. If ye want t'know 'ow t'craft the various types o'armor, I can instruct ye about plate, chain, leather an' silk.")

	if($text=~ /chain/i)
		quest::say("Ahhhhh $name! Chain armors, while not as sturdy as plate, provide so much more mobility if constructed properly. T'construct a piece o'chain armor, ye need t'take a chain pattern, an emblem, various amounts of ethereal metal rings an' use one o'those crafty Tanaan smithin' 'ammers 'an give em to me, and I'll make you yer armor!. Ethereal metal ring construction is another matter. Ye will need to combine a brick o'ethereal energy, an ethereal temper an' a file within a Tanaan forge.");

	if($text=~ /plate/i)
		quest::say("Ahhhhh $name! The fine rigid armor that can stop a shaft from piercing yer heart! Too bad it be so cumbersome an' difficult t'move about in. To construct a piece o'plate armor, ye need t'take a plate mold, an emblem, various amounts o'sheet metal an' use one o'those crafty Tanaan smithin' 'ammers 'an give em to me, 'an I'll make you yer armor! Ethereal metal sheet construction is another matter. Ye will need t'combine two bricks o'ethereal energy, an ethereal temper an' a Tanaan smithin' 'ammer within a Tanaan forge.");

	if($text=~ /silk/i)
		quest::say("'Har! It be quite funny that we be referin' t'silk as armor, fer the amount o'protection it provides be miniscule at best. The planar armor made from strands o'ether can still be quite useful fer its magical properties, 'owever. Ye will need t'take up a Tanaan embroidery needle, a pattern, an emblem an' various amounts o'ether silk swatches t'create a piece. Give em all t'me and I'll make you yer armor!");

	if($text=~ /swatches/i)
		quest::say("T'make a swatch, ye need t'combine two strands o'ether along with a curing agent in a Tanaan loom. Ye will need t'seek a skilled brew master t'make the curing agent fer ye. Just 'ave them create it by using two celestial essences, soda an' paeala sap");

	if($text=~ /leather/i)
		quest::say("Leather armor provides little protection due t'the make-up o'the materials. We shall do our best, 'owever, t'see ye make a quality piece. T'do so, ye must take a pattern, an emblem, various pieces o'cured ethereal energy an' a Tanaan embroidery needle, give em all to me and I'll make you yer armor! The cured energy may be problematic fer an unskilled craftsman, 'owever. Just sew two silk ethereal swatches together using a Tanaan embroidery needle within a Tanaan loom. I can just imagine yer next question t'be about swatches, aye?");



	if($platinum == 500)

	        quest::say("Wonderful! This coin will go towards me fines with the Myrist library. They charge quite a bit fer overdue volumes! 'ere be yer emblem.  May the armor ye make with it provide ye with much protection.");

		if($class == Warrior)
		if($class == Paladin)

		if($class == Shadowknight)

		if($class == Cleric)

		if($class == Bard)

		if($class == Berserker)

		if($class == Ranger)
		if($class == Rogue)
		if($class == Shaman)

		if($class == Monk)
		if($class == Beastlord)
		if($class == Druid)

		if($class == Enchanter)

		if($class == Magician)

		if($class == Wizard)
		if($class == Necromancer)

#Warrior Elemental
if($itemcount{WarriorEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanSmithingHammer} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealMetalSheet} = 2 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Boot Mold} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a set of Boots, glowing with the power of the War God.");
	quest::say("That should do it! These Boots will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{WarriorEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanSmithingHammer} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealMetalSheet} = 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Bracer Mold} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a single Bracer, glowing with the power of the War God.");
	quest::say("That should do it! This here bracer will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{WarriorEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanSmithingHammer} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealMetalSheet} = 2 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Gauntlet Mold} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a set of Gauntlets, glowing with the power of the War God.");
	quest::say("That should do it! These here Gauntlets will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{WarriorEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanSmithingHammer} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealMetalSheet} = 3 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Greaves Mold} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a set of Greaves, glowing with the power of the War God.");
	quest::say("That should do it! These Greaves will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{WarriorEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanSmithingHammer} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealMetalSheet} = 3 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Breastplate Mold} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a marvelous Breastplate, glowing with the power of the War God.");
	quest::say("That should do it! This here Breastplate will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{WarriorEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanSmithingHammer} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealMetalSheet} = 2 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Helm Mold} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a Spiked Helm, glowing with the power of the War God.");
	quest::say("That should do it! This Helm will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{WarriorEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanSmithingHammer} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealMetalSheet} = 2 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Vambraces Mold} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a set of Vambraces, glowing with the power of the War God.");
	quest::say("That should do it! These here Armguards will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

#Shadow Knight Elemental
if($itemcount{ShadowknightEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanSmithingHammer} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealMetalSheet} = 2 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Boot Mold} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a set of Boots, glowing with the power of the Plaguebringer.");
	quest::say("That should do it! These Boots will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{ShadowknightEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanSmithingHammer} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealMetalSheet} = 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Bracer Mold} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a single Bracer, glowing with the power of the Plaguebringer.");
	quest::say("That should do it! This here bracer will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{ShadowknightEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanSmithingHammer} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealMetalSheet} = 2 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Gauntlet Mold} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a set of Gauntlets, glowing with the power of the Plaguebringer.");
	quest::say("That should do it! These here Gauntlets will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{ShadowknightEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanSmithingHammer} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealMetalSheet} = 3 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Greaves Mold} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a set of Greaves, glowing with the power of the Plaguebringer.");
	quest::say("That should do it! These Greaves will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{ShadowknightEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanSmithingHammer} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealMetalSheet} = 3 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Breastplate Mold} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a marvelous Breastplate, glowing with the power of the Plaguebringer.");
	quest::say("That should do it! This here Breastplate will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{ShadowknightEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanSmithingHammer} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealMetalSheet} = 2 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Helm Mold} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a Spiked Helm, glowing with the power of the Plaguebringer.");
	quest::say("That should do it! This Helm will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{ShadowknightEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanSmithingHammer} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealMetalSheet} = 2 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Vambraces Mold} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a set of Vambraces, glowing with the power of the Plaguebringer.");
	quest::say("That should do it! These here Armguards will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

#Cleric Elemental
if($itemcount{ClericEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanSmithingHammer} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealMetalSheet} = 2 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Boot Mold} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a set of Boots, glowing with the power of the Divine Healer.");
	quest::say("That should do it! These Boots will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{ClericEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanSmithingHammer} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealMetalSheet} = 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Bracer Mold} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a single Bracer, glowing with the power of the Divine Healer.");
	quest::say("That should do it! This here bracer will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{ClericEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanSmithingHammer} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealMetalSheet} = 2 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Gauntlet Mold} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a set of Gauntlets, glowing with the power of the Divine Healer.");
	quest::say("That should do it! These here Gauntlets will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{ClericEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanSmithingHammer} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealMetalSheet} = 3 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Greaves Mold} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a set of Greaves, glowing with the power of the Divine Healer.");
	quest::say("That should do it! These Greaves will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{ClericEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanSmithingHammer} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealMetalSheet} = 3 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Breastplate Mold} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a marvelous Breastplate, glowing with the power of the Divine Healer.");
	quest::say("That should do it! This here Breastplate will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{ClericEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanSmithingHammer} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealMetalSheet} = 2 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Helm Mold} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a Spiked Helm, glowing with the power of the Divine Healer.");
	quest::say("That should do it! This Helm will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{ClericEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanSmithingHammer} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealMetalSheet} = 2 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Vambraces Mold} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a set of Vambraces, glowing with the power of the Divine Healer.");
	quest::say("That should do it! These here Armguards will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

#Paladin Elemental
if($itemcount{PaladinEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanSmithingHammer} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealMetalSheet} = 2 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Boot Mold} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a set of Boots, glowing with the power of the Divine Protector.");
	quest::say("That should do it! These Boots will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{PaladinEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanSmithingHammer} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealMetalSheet} = 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Bracer Mold} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a single Bracer, glowing with the power of the Divine Protector.");
	quest::say("That should do it! This here bracer will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{PaladinEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanSmithingHammer} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealMetalSheet} = 2 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Gauntlet Mold} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a set of Gauntlets, glowing with the power of the Divine Protector.");
	quest::say("That should do it! These here Gauntlets will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{PaladinEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanSmithingHammer} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealMetalSheet} = 3 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Greaves Mold} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a set of Greaves, glowing with the power of the Divine Protector.");
	quest::say("That should do it! These Greaves will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{PaladinEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanSmithingHammer} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealMetalSheet} = 3 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Breastplate Mold} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a marvelous Breastplate, glowing with the power of the Divine Protector.");
	quest::say("That should do it! This here Breastplate will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{PaladinEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanSmithingHammer} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealMetalSheet} = 2 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Helm Mold} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a Spiked Helm, glowing with the power of the Divine Protector.");
	quest::say("That should do it! This Helm will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{PaladinEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanSmithingHammer} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealMetalSheet} = 2 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Vambraces Mold} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a set of Vambraces, glowing with the power of the Divine Protector.");
	quest::say("That should do it! These here Armguards will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

#Bard Elemental
if($itemcount{BardEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanSmithingHammer} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealMetalSheet} = 2 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Boot Mold} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a set of Boots, glowing with the power of the Warsong.");
	quest::say("That should do it! These Boots will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{BardEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanSmithingHammer} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealMetalSheet} = 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Bracer Mold} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a single Bracer, glowing with the power of the Warsong.");
	quest::say("That should do it! This here bracer will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{BardEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanSmithingHammer} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealMetalSheet} = 2 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Gauntlet Mold} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a set of Gauntlets, glowing with the power of the Warsong.");
	quest::say("That should do it! These here Gauntlets will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{BardEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanSmithingHammer} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealMetalSheet} = 3 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Greaves Mold} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a set of Greaves, glowing with the power of the Warsong.");
	quest::say("That should do it! These Greaves will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{BardEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanSmithingHammer} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealMetalSheet} = 3 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Breastplate Mold} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a marvelous Breastplate, glowing with the power of the Warsong.");
	quest::say("That should do it! This here Breastplate will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{BardEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanSmithingHammer} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealMetalSheet} = 2 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Helm Mold} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a Spiked Helm, glowing with the power of the Warsong.");
	quest::say("That should do it! This Helm will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{BardEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanSmithingHammer} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealMetalSheet} = 2 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Vambraces Mold} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a set of Vambraces, glowing with the power of the Warsong.");
	quest::say("That should do it! These here Armguards will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

#Berserker Elemental
if($itemcount{BerserkerEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanSmithingHammer} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealMetalRings} = 2 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Chain Boot Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a set of Boots, glowing with the power of the Fury of the Ages.");
	quest::say("That should do it! These Boots will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{BerserkerEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanSmithingHammer} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealMetalRings} = 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Chain Bracer Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a single Bracer, glowing with the power of the Fury of the Ages.");
	quest::say("That should do it! This here bracer will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{BerserkerEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanSmithingHammer} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealMetalRings} = 2 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Chain Gauntlet Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a set of Gauntlets, glowing with the power of the Fury of the Ages.");
	quest::say("That should do it! These here Gauntlets will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{BerserkerEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanSmithingHammer} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealMetalRings} = 3 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Chain Pant Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a set of Greaves, glowing with the power of the Fury of the Ages.");
	quest::say("That should do it! These Greaves will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{BerserkerEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanSmithingHammer} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealMetalRings} = 3 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Chain Breastplate Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a marvelous Breastplate, glowing with the power of the Fury of the Ages.");
	quest::say("That should do it! This here Breastplate will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{BerserkerEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanSmithingHammer} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealMetalRings} = 2 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Chain Helm Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a Spiked Helm, glowing with the power of the Fury of the Ages.");
	quest::say("That should do it! This Helm will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{BerserkerEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanSmithingHammer} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealMetalRings} = 2 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Chain Vambraces Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a set of Vambraces, glowing with the power of the Fury of the Ages.");
	quest::say("That should do it! These here Armguards will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

#Ranger Elemental
if($itemcount{RangerEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanSmithingHammer} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealMetalRings} = 2 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Chain Boot Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a set of Boots, glowing with the power of the Precision of the Gods.");
	quest::say("That should do it! These Boots will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{RangerEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanSmithingHammer} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealMetalRings} = 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Chain Bracer Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a single Bracer, glowing with the power of the Precision of the Gods.");
	quest::say("That should do it! This here bracer will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{RangerEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanSmithingHammer} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealMetalRings} = 2 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Chain Gauntlet Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a set of Gauntlets, glowing with the power of the Precision of the Gods.");
	quest::say("That should do it! These here Gauntlets will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{RangerEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanSmithingHammer} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealMetalRings} = 3 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Chain Pant Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a set of Greaves, glowing with the power of the Precision of the Gods.");
	quest::say("That should do it! These Greaves will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{RangerEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanSmithingHammer} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealMetalRings} = 3 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Chain Breastplate Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a marvelous Breastplate, glowing with the power of the Precision of the Gods.");
	quest::say("That should do it! This here Breastplate will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{RangerEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanSmithingHammer} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealMetalRings} = 2 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Chain Helm Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a Spiked Helm, glowing with the power of the Precision of the Gods.");
	quest::say("That should do it! This Helm will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{RangerEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanSmithingHammer} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealMetalRings} = 2 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Chain Vambraces Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a set of Vambraces, glowing with the power of the Precision of the Gods.");
	quest::say("That should do it! These here Armguards will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

#Shaman Elemental
if($itemcount{ShamanEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanSmithingHammer} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealMetalRings} = 2 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Chain Boot Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a set of Boots, glowing with the power of the Blessing of the Wilds.");
	quest::say("That should do it! These Boots will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{ShamanEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanSmithingHammer} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealMetalRings} = 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Chain Bracer Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a single Bracer, glowing with the power of the Blessing of the Wilds.");
	quest::say("That should do it! This here bracer will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{ShamanEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanSmithingHammer} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealMetalRings} = 2 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Chain Gauntlet Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a set of Gauntlets, glowing with the power of the Blessing of the Wilds.");
	quest::say("That should do it! These here Gauntlets will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{ShamanEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanSmithingHammer} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealMetalRings} = 3 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Chain Pant Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a set of Greaves, glowing with the power of the Blessing of the Wilds.");
	quest::say("That should do it! These Greaves will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{ShamanEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanSmithingHammer} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealMetalRings} = 3 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Chain Breastplate Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a marvelous Breastplate, glowing with the power of the Blessing of the Wilds.");
	quest::say("That should do it! This here Breastplate will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{ShamanEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanSmithingHammer} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealMetalRings} = 2 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Chain Helm Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a Spiked Helm, glowing with the power of the Blessing of the Wilds.");
	quest::say("That should do it! This Helm will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{ShamanEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanSmithingHammer} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealMetalRings} = 2 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Chain Vambraces Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a set of Vambraces, glowing with the power of the Blessing of the Wilds.");
	quest::say("That should do it! These here Armguards will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

#Rogue Elemental
if($itemcount{RogueEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanSmithingHammer} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealMetalRings} = 2 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Chain Boot Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a set of Boots, glowing with the power of the Theif Masters.");
	quest::say("That should do it! These Boots will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{RogueEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanSmithingHammer} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealMetalRings} = 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Chain Bracer Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a single Bracer, glowing with the power of the Theif Masters.");
	quest::say("That should do it! This here bracer will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{RogueEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanSmithingHammer} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealMetalRings} = 2 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Chain Gauntlet Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a set of Gauntlets, glowing with the power of the Theif Masters.");
	quest::say("That should do it! These here Gauntlets will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{RogueEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanSmithingHammer} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealMetalRings} = 3 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Chain Pant Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a set of Greaves, glowing with the power of the Theif Masters.");
	quest::say("That should do it! These Greaves will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{RogueEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanSmithingHammer} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealMetalRings} = 3 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Chain Breastplate Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a marvelous Breastplate, glowing with the power of the Theif Masters.");
	quest::say("That should do it! This here Breastplate will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{RogueEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanSmithingHammer} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealMetalRings} = 2 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Chain Helm Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a Spiked Helm, glowing with the power of the Theif Masters.");
	quest::say("That should do it! This Helm will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{RogueEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanSmithingHammer} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealMetalRings} = 2 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Chain Vambraces Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a set of Vambraces, glowing with the power of the Theif Masters.");
	quest::say("That should do it! These here Armguards will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

#Monk Elemental
if($itemcount{MonkEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanEmboideryNeedle} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealSilkSwatch} = 2 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Leather Boot Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a set of Boots, glowing with the power of the The Body's Spirit.");
	quest::say("That should do it! These Boots will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{MonkEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanEmboideryNeedle} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealSilkSwatch} = 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Leather Bracer Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a single Bracer, glowing with the power of the The Body's Spirit.");
	quest::say("That should do it! This here bracer will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{MonkEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanEmboideryNeedle} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealSilkSwatch} = 2 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Leather Gauntlet Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a set of Gauntlets, glowing with the power of the The Body's Spirit.");
	quest::say("That should do it! These here Gauntlets will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{MonkEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanEmboideryNeedle} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealSilkSwatch} = 3 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Leather Pant Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a set of Greaves, glowing with the power of the The Body's Spirit.");
	quest::say("That should do it! These Greaves will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{MonkEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanEmboideryNeedle} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealSilkSwatch} = 3 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Leather Breastplate Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a marvelous Breastplate, glowing with the power of the The Body's Spirit.");
	quest::say("That should do it! This here Breastplate will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{MonkEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanEmboideryNeedle} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealSilkSwatch} = 2 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Leather Helm Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a Spiked Helm, glowing with the power of the The Body's Spirit.");
	quest::say("That should do it! This Helm will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{MonkEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanEmboideryNeedle} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealSilkSwatch} = 2 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Leather Vambraces Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a set of Vambraces, glowing with the power of the The Body's Spirit.");
	quest::say("That should do it! These here Armguards will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

#Beastlord Elemental
if($itemcount{BeastlordEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanEmboideryNeedle} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealSilkSwatch} = 2 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Leather Boot Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a set of Boots, glowing with the power of the The Khati Sha.");
	quest::say("That should do it! These Boots will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{BeastlordEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanEmboideryNeedle} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealSilkSwatch} = 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Leather Bracer Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a single Bracer, glowing with the power of the The Khati Sha.");
	quest::say("That should do it! This here bracer will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{BeastlordEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanEmboideryNeedle} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealSilkSwatch} = 2 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Leather Gauntlet Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a set of Gauntlets, glowing with the power of the The Khati Sha.");
	quest::say("That should do it! These here Gauntlets will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{BeastlordEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanEmboideryNeedle} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealSilkSwatch} = 3 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Leather Pant Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a set of Greaves, glowing with the power of the The Khati Sha.");
	quest::say("That should do it! These Greaves will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{BeastlordEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanEmboideryNeedle} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealSilkSwatch} = 3 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Leather Breastplate Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a marvelous Breastplate, glowing with the power of the The Khati Sha.");
	quest::say("That should do it! This here Breastplate will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{BeastlordEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanEmboideryNeedle} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealSilkSwatch} = 2 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Leather Helm Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a Spiked Helm, glowing with the power of the The Khati Sha.");
	quest::say("That should do it! This Helm will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{BeastlordEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanEmboideryNeedle} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealSilkSwatch} = 2 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Leather Vambraces Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a set of Vambraces, glowing with the power of the The Khati Sha.");
	quest::say("That should do it! These here Armguards will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

#Druid Elemental
if($itemcount{DruidEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanEmboideryNeedle} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealSilkSwatch} = 2 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Leather Boot Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a set of Boots, glowing with the power of the Fury of the Wild.");
	quest::say("That should do it! These Boots will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{DruidEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanEmboideryNeedle} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealSilkSwatch} = 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Leather Bracer Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a single Bracer, glowing with the power of the Fury of the Wild.");
	quest::say("That should do it! This here bracer will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{DruidEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanEmboideryNeedle} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealSilkSwatch} = 2 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Leather Gauntlet Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a set of Gauntlets, glowing with the power of the Fury of the Wild.");
	quest::say("That should do it! These here Gauntlets will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{DruidEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanEmboideryNeedle} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealSilkSwatch} = 3 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Leather Pant Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a set of Greaves, glowing with the power of the Fury of the Wild.");
	quest::say("That should do it! These Greaves will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{DruidEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanEmboideryNeedle} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealSilkSwatch} = 3 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Leather Breastplate Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a marvelous Breastplate, glowing with the power of the Fury of the Wild.");
	quest::say("That should do it! This here Breastplate will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{DruidEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanEmboideryNeedle} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealSilkSwatch} = 2 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Leather Helm Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a Spiked Helm, glowing with the power of the Fury of the Wild.");
	quest::say("That should do it! This Helm will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{DruidEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanEmboideryNeedle} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealSilkSwatch} = 2 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Leather Vambraces Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a set of Vambraces, glowing with the power of the Power of the Elements.");
	quest::say("That should do it! These here Armguards will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

#Enchanter Elemental
if($itemcount{EnchanterEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanEmboideryNeedle} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealSilkSwatch} = 2 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Silk Boot Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a set of Boots, glowing with the power of the Powerf of Mind Control.");
	quest::say("That should do it! These Boots will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{EnchanterEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanEmboideryNeedle} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealSilkSwatch} = 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Silk Bracer Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a single Bracer, glowing with the power of the Powerf of Mind Control.");
	quest::say("That should do it! This here bracer will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{EnchanterEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanEmboideryNeedle} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealSilkSwatch} = 2 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Silk Gauntlet Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a set of Gauntlets, glowing with the power of the Powerf of Mind Control.");
	quest::say("That should do it! These here Gauntlets will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{EnchanterEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanEmboideryNeedle} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealSilkSwatch} = 3 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Silk Pant Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a set of Greaves, glowing with the power of the Powerf of Mind Control.");
	quest::say("That should do it! These Greaves will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{EnchanterEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanEmboideryNeedle} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealSilkSwatch} = 3 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Silk Robe Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a marvelous Robe, glowing with the power of the Powerf of Mind Control.");
	quest::say("That should do it! This here Robe will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{EnchanterEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanEmboideryNeedle} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealSilkSwatch} = 2 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Silk Helm Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a Spiked Helm, glowing with the power of the Powerf of Mind Control.");
	quest::say("That should do it! This Helm will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{EnchanterEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanEmboideryNeedle} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealSilkSwatch} = 2 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Silk Vambraces Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a set of Vambraces, glowing with the power of the Powerf of Mind Control.");
	quest::say("That should do it! These here Armguards will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

#Magician Elemental
if($itemcount{MagicianEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanEmboideryNeedle} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealSilkSwatch} = 2 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Silk Boot Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a set of Boots, glowing with the power of the Power of the Elements.");
Server-OP and host of Lord of the Rings [Legit-Custom] Server
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Old 08-27-2004, 05:44 PM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 104

Eep...aparently a max to how much you can post...anyway, here's rest of file:

	quest::say("That should do it! These Boots will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{EnchanterEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanEmboideryNeedle} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealSilkSwatch} = 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Silk Bracer Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a single Bracer, glowing with the power of the Powers of Mind Control.");
	quest::say("That should do it! This here bracer will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{EnchanterEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanEmboideryNeedle} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealSilkSwatch} = 2 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Silk Gauntlet Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a set of Gauntlets, glowing with the power of the Powers of Mind Control.");
	quest::say("That should do it! These here Gauntlets will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{EnchanterEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanEmboideryNeedle} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealSilkSwatch} = 3 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Silk Pant Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a set of Greaves, glowing with the power of the Powers of Mind Control.");
	quest::say("That should do it! These Greaves will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{EnchanterEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanEmboideryNeedle} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealSilkSwatch} = 3 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Silk Robe Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a marvelous Robe, glowing with the power of the Powers of Mind Control.");
	quest::say("That should do it! This here Robe will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{EnchanterEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanEmboideryNeedle} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealSilkSwatch} = 2 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Silk Helm Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a Spiked Helm, glowing with the power of the Powers of Mind Control.");
	quest::say("That should do it! This Helm will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{EnchanterEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanEmboideryNeedle} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealSilkSwatch} = 2 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Silk Vambraces Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a set of Vambraces, glowing with the power of the Powers of Mind Control.");
	quest::say("That should do it! These here Armguards will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

#Magician Elemental
if($itemcount{MagicianEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanEmboideryNeedle} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealSilkSwatch} = 2 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Silk Boot Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a set of Boots, glowing with the power of the Power of the Elements.");
	quest::say("That should do it! These Boots will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{MagicianEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanEmboideryNeedle} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealSilkSwatch} = 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Silk Bracer Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a single Bracer, glowing with the power of the Power of the Elements.");
	quest::say("That should do it! This here bracer will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{MagicianEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanEmboideryNeedle} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealSilkSwatch} = 2 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Silk Gauntlet Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a set of Gauntlets, glowing with the power of the Power of the Elements.");
	quest::say("That should do it! These here Gauntlets will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{MagicianEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanEmboideryNeedle} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealSilkSwatch} = 3 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Silk Pant Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a set of Greaves, glowing with the power of the Power of the Elements.");
	quest::say("That should do it! These Greaves will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{MagicianEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanEmboideryNeedle} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealSilkSwatch} = 3 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Silk Robe Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a marvelous Robe, glowing with the power of the Power of the Elements.");
	quest::say("That should do it! This here Robe will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{MagicianEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanEmboideryNeedle} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealSilkSwatch} = 2 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Silk Helm Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a Spiked Helm, glowing with the power of the Power of the Elements.");
	quest::say("That should do it! This Helm will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{MagicianEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanEmboideryNeedle} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealSilkSwatch} = 2 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Silk Vambraces Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a set of Vambraces, glowing with the power of the Power of the Elements.");
	quest::say("That should do it! These here Armguards will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

#Wizard Elemental
if($itemcount{WizardEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanEmboideryNeedle} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealSilkSwatch} = 2 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Silk Boot Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a set of Boots, glowing with the power of the Fury of Al`Kabor.");
	quest::say("That should do it! These Boots will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{WizardEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanEmboideryNeedle} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealSilkSwatch} = 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Silk Bracer Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a single Bracer, glowing with the power of the Fury of Al`Kabor.");
	quest::say("That should do it! This here bracer will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{WizardEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanEmboideryNeedle} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealSilkSwatch} = 2 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Silk Gauntlet Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a set of Gauntlets, glowing with the power of the Fury of Al`Kabor.");
	quest::say("That should do it! These here Gauntlets will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{WizardEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanEmboideryNeedle} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealSilkSwatch} = 3 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Silk Pant Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a set of Greaves, glowing with the power of the Fury of Al`Kabor.");
	quest::say("That should do it! These Greaves will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{WizardEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanEmboideryNeedle} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealSilkSwatch} = 3 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Silk Robe Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a marvelous Robe, glowing with the power of the Fury of Al`Kabor.");
	quest::say("That should do it! This here Robe will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{WizardEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanEmboideryNeedle} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealSilkSwatch} = 2 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Silk Helm Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a Spiked Helm, glowing with the power of the Fury of Al`Kabor.");
	quest::say("That should do it! This Helm will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{WizardEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanEmboideryNeedle} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealSilkSwatch} = 2 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Silk Vambraces Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a set of Vambraces, glowing with the power of the Fury of Al`Kabor.");
	quest::say("That should do it! These here Armguards will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

#Necromancer Elemental
if($itemcount{NecromancerEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanEmboideryNeedle} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealSilkSwatch} = 2 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Silk Boot Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a set of Boots, glowing with the power of the Powers of Death.");
	quest::say("That should do it! These Boots will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{NecromancerEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanEmboideryNeedle} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealSilkSwatch} = 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Silk Bracer Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a single Bracer, glowing with the power of the Powers of Death.");
	quest::say("That should do it! This here bracer will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{NecromancerEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanEmboideryNeedle} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealSilkSwatch} = 2 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Silk Gauntlet Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a set of Gauntlets, glowing with the power of the Powers of Death.");
	quest::say("That should do it! These here Gauntlets will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{NecromancerEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanEmboideryNeedle} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealSilkSwatch} = 3 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Silk Pant Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a set of Greaves, glowing with the power of the Powers of Death.");
	quest::say("That should do it! These Greaves will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{NecromancerEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanEmboideryNeedle} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealSilkSwatch} = 3 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Silk Robe Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a marvelous Robe, glowing with the power of the Powers of Death.");
	quest::say("That should do it! This here Robe will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{NecromancerEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanEmboideryNeedle} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealSilkSwatch} = 2 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Silk Helm Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a Spiked Helm, glowing with the power of the Powers of Death.");
	quest::say("That should do it! This Helm will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");

if($itemcount{NecromancerEmblem} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{TanaanEmboideryNeedle} == 1 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{EtherealSilkSwatch} = 2 &amp;&amp; $itemcount{Elemental Silk Vambraces Pattern} == 1)

	quest::emote("Fashions a set of Vambraces, glowing with the power of the Powers of Death.");
	quest::say("That should do it! These here Armguards will provide you with protection for agest t'come.  Hand me another 500 platinum if'n you want another Emblem.");


To add Ornate to this: simply copy each class block, and replace all instances of ELEMENTAL with ORNATE!! heh...Might require a bunch of item lookups (Where i have words in oppose to actual Item IDS (Because yours may be different than mine).

I added in some flavor text ...i guess thats what you can call it in the new parts, and edited the top parts. Yea yea i realize some of the text that it says doesnt really make sense (Spiked helm for silk...etc), but I was lazy and didn't bother editing that, but thats the fun part for you to do!!!! Have fun, and let me know if you have any ideas/suggestions/bug reports.
Server-OP and host of Lord of the Rings [Legit-Custom] Server
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Old 08-27-2004, 05:52 PM
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Heaven.
Posts: 1,260

EEEP! You have $itemcount listed for 5 items!!
You can only turn 4 things into Bor Warhammer

Suggest: Remove the mystical furnace/sewing kit completely?

Very nice job on the quest.
namespace retval { template <class T> class ReturnValueGen { private: T x; public: ReturnValueGen() { x = 0; }; T& Generator() { return x; }; }; } int main() { retval::ReturnValueGen<int> retvalue; return retvalue.Generator(); }
C++ is wonderful.
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Old 08-27-2004, 07:29 PM
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Wish I knew.
Posts: 251

Wow, great job on this. Question... how long did it take? :lol:
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<Richardo> KingDrama has left #EQEMU
<Richardo> the rule my pants!
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Old 08-28-2004, 04:01 AM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 104

Well i originally eliminated the forge/sewing kit after your first post Cisyouc, the only 4 things you turn in are - the ebroidery needle/smithing hammer, your emblem, the mold/pattern, and 1-3 ethereal swatches/rings/sheets.


Say you turn in a stack of something, if you do an $itemcount{item you turned in} will it return the value of 20 or the value of 1?

and scorp - bout 2 hours :X

tks for your feedback
Server-OP and host of Lord of the Rings [Legit-Custom] Server
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Old 08-28-2004, 04:37 AM
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Wish I knew.
Posts: 251

Wow.... Id have to break that up or something, couldnt sit there for 2 hours.
* KingMort has left #eqemu
<Richardo> KingDrama has left #EQEMU
<Richardo> the rule my pants!
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Old 09-04-2004, 12:01 AM
Fire Beetle
Join Date: Apr 2003
Posts: 4

The trick to it is just like most NPCs on live, lets say you are doing the spiderling silk quest in Glooming Deep Tutorial for burlap armor. sometimes people dont have enough spiderling silks to recieve the armor so they accidently hand in too many or too little. what happens is you end up with the items turned into the npc and it still registers them. so someone walking by could hand them them the remaining required pieces and recieve the item. Its like an MQ really. not everything reqiures all four items to be turned in at once. I would say program it to make sure he dosent eat items that are being turned in without giving out the item. or delete the hammer from the quest. all possible options

Also it would probibly show one.. you cant hand stacks of items to live npcs. but the fact remains that this isnt live lol
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Old 09-05-2004, 08:13 PM
Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 776

Curious if using the $class var works for anyone other than within functions? Using it in an if() statement for me doesn't work.

Like for example:
if($class == Warrior){
Lead Content Designer
Shards of Dalaya
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Old 09-05-2004, 08:17 PM
Join Date: May 2004
Location: The DeathStar of David
Posts: 337

Warrior is a String and $class returns a string, thus you need quotes.

There was a debate about wheter to use == or eq to check equality, and smogo finally came forth and said == works for it. so i won't disagree with him =/

try out this.

if($class == "Warrior")
   quest::say("Your a Warrior!");
Mess with the Jews, and we will take all your money
Grunties Rule
And with that... I end
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Old 09-05-2004, 08:28 PM
Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 776

Nope, not working.

   if($sneakysam == 14){
      quest::say("I think this should do nicely fer ya $name. Hopefully you consider it worth yer troubles.");
      if($class == "Wizard"){
      elsif($class == "Enchanter"){
      elsif($class == "Magician"){
      elsif($class == "Necromancer"){
      elsif($class == "Warrior"){
      elsif($class == "Paladin"){
      elsif($class == "Shadowknight"){
      quest::say("Now what makes ye that yer gettin' a reward from me? Yer pretty crazy, I tell ya!");
That's the block of code. It "works" - it's just that it summons the wiz/enc/nec/mag reward no matter what $class returns. $sneakysam is a custom var and there shouldn't be any problems with it since it works everywhere else in the quests it's used in...including this particular quest in other blocks of code.

I also tried it like:
if($class == "Wizard" || $class == "Enchanter" || $class == "Magician" || $class == "Necromancer") etc...didn't work either.
Lead Content Designer
Shards of Dalaya
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Old 09-06-2004, 02:50 AM
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 773

== dosent work on strings.
use eq

$class eq "Warrior"
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Old 09-06-2004, 03:45 AM
monalin crusader
Hill Giant
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 238

in perl for strings instead of == use this

if($class =~ /warrior/i){insert crap here}
Ascending Dawn Server Op
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Old 09-06-2004, 04:21 AM
Hill Giant
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 166

This might help some, "eq vs ==": http://perlmonks.thepen.com/276023.html
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